I Love You

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I am definitely confused. I stayed behind so I could make sure everything was good here and I had a fight to do last night. Anyways, the family left yesterday and I was going to leave tonight.

The guards had informed me that Octavia had come here so I got dressed because I was already here and I went into her expecting it to just be her, but no it was mine and Angelos' friends from school and two other unknown men, and three unknown kids. She was right though, I shouldn't be the one asking a bunch of questions because when she does find out about what's going on she is going to be pissed.

I know dad loves Octavia, she is his only daughter but I'm worried about what he is going to do about this marriage alliance. What if he goes through with it, I'll never forgive him. I know I've been kind of a bitch towards Octavia but I don't hate her nor do I dislike her, I love her but I'm just worried.

I've heard rumors about the ruthless Jackson Greyson. Obviously he isn't as ruthless as the unknown Russian Don and the Unknown Greek Don. The American mafia ranks #4 in the underworld so they are right under the Spanish and myself. Gabriel, the Spanish leader is also a friend of ours, he goes to school with us to.

We, the Italian mafia and the American mafia aren't allies but we are not enemies either so I just hope that is enough to around this alliance.



(3 days later)

It's been three days since I went to Romano's to get some of my stuff. I have barely done anything except filling out documents for the mafia, making email or phone calls. Basically I have been doing all of the boring shit while Zel and Olly get to go out and do all the killing just because that Irish scumbag Fione, is obsessed with me. Like that isn't my fault and I definitely shouldn't have to have a boring like because of that shitty human being of a freak.

Right now it's like 4:30am and we all know where I'm at. It's obviously the gym if you haven't figured it out by now. I woke up from a nightmare. Really it was a shitty memory but calling it a nightmare makes me feel a little better about it,, to just pretend, even for a moment that it wasn't a memory but just a really bad dream. I hit the punching bag over and over and the only thing running through my head is all of the names that I was called during my time with the Irish,






Murderer is the one that got my attention though, they made me into a murder. They are the ones who made me kill, they did this to me. I was a monster because of them and I still am a monster because deep down I love it, to see my victims life flash before their eyes before I kill them is so satisfying.

I couldn't watch my capture suffer so I make other bad people suffer. Fione O'Sullivan will suffer though, if it is the last thing I do he will suffer and die the most gruesome, cruel, and despicable death known to man.

After I finished assaulting the punching bag I go back to Evangelos' room. I walk in and quietly go to take a shower. I crack the door so if he wakes up he'll immediately know I'm in the shower. These past few days he's been clingy, he has only left to go to work a few times and everytime he leaves, when he comes back he doesn't want to let me go, literally.

I shave everything and then wash my body with Evangelos' body wash, he said he loves my lavender and vanilla smell but he wants me to smell like him. I thought it was weird at first but whatever, I like the way he smells and if I smell good I don't care.

I here someone walk into the bathroom and I assume it's Evangelos, my assumptions were proved correct when he got in the shower and stood in front of my with his head leaning on my shoulder and his arms around my waist, and he is visibly hard, it looks painful to be honest.

I grab the shampoo and rub it through his hair, rubbing it through his scalp making him groan. I have to lift his head so I can get the rest of his hair without getting shampoo in his eyes. Evangelos grabs the shampoo and does the same to mine, basically we use his body wash and we use my shampoo and conditioner.

After both of our hair is rinsed I grab a cloth and pour body wash on it, he lays his head back down on my shoulder and his arms around my waist while I rub the cloth around on his back. I wash his back then move to his shoulders. I wash his chest and move down to his torso, he groans when I get lower. I decided to be a bitch and move back up and rub the cloth up and down his arms making him glare at me and I stifle a laugh.

Evangelos moves his hands down to caress and grop my ass before he smacks my ass harshly making me gasp. I gently turn us so he's under the water so I can rinse him off, goosebumps forming on my skin from the cold and him turning me on. I can sense him staring at me the entire time I'm rinsing him off and as soon as I'm done I look at him and keep eye contact like we did when we seen each other at the mall or like we did when we met again at the bar and I acted petty because he had disappeared at the mall when I looked away, we maintained eye contact like we have done so many times ever since we first met.

I like him and I know he likes me back but does he love me? Am I capable of being loved? Am I capable of loving someone else who isn't my family? I smile slightly at him and he smiles back and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip. I love how gentle he can be with me at certain times, don't get me wrong I love it when he's rough but there's just something so different and special when he's gentle. I bring my hand up to his face, my fingers moving across his face, feeling all of his features. Like the way his eyebrows slightly arch when I run my thumbs over them or the way his jaw tenses when I run my fingers over his lips.

I love everything about him like the way he unconsciously pouts when I get up while he's sleeping or when were eating he always looks over at me to make sure I'm also eating, the way he always goes to get me clothes, there always his clothes but he always gets me something to wear. I love the way he always looks for my reaction's when Alexander is trying to insult me or when my papa was telling me he was leaving for two weeks. I love everything about him without him even trying.

I think I love him, no- I know I love him and that scares the living hell out of me. What if he doesn't love me back, what if-

My "what ifs" were cut off by Evangelos kissing me, I kiss him back and my hands move down his chest and torso, resting on his hip bones. He moves from my lips leaving hickeys on my neck and onto my chest. Evangelos looks up at me, he looks like he wants to say something but he hesitates, looking beyond nervous.

"What is it baby?" I ask him softly, softening out the creases on his forehead.

Evangelos just stares at me for a minute, maintaining eye contact before he takes a deep breath, "I- I love you and I don't expect you to say it back because I know we haven't been going out that long and then when we did go on a date we were ambushed and then you were forced to meet my family and you kinda hate my uncle. I don't completely understand that situation yet but you are so good with my little cousins and my mother literally already loves you and I think my father does to and Alexander secretly likes you, of course he wouldn't want to boost your ego by admitting it and hurt his ego and when Maxim asked me to stay with you while he was gone and that he liked me I was beyond happy and now I'm ranting because I'm scared when I'm done talking you'll leave and I don't want you to leave," he says, he's talking kind of fast.

I don't know why he would think I would leave, he has seen a side of me many people haven't and I'm sure I love him to. I love my hand to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat and I have a ghost smile on my face. I look him at him, keeping eye contact so he'll understand that everything I say, I mean.

"σ' αγαπώ," I tell him, smiling. (Greek~ I love you) "I have always loved you, I just only now came to terms with it," I state nervously. I wait for him to say something but he doesn't, he just looks at me with this look and I don't know what it is.

Before I could rant out of nervousness, he kisses me and pulls me into a hug. When I moved here with my biologicals, falling in love was the very last thing I would have expected.

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