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Evangelos and I just got dressed and as soon as I threw the towels in the hamper, I ran to his bed and laid on it like a starfish and full the blankets over me, I hear him laughing but I just ignore him, I look up at the time on the alarm clock and see its 6:30 am and I groan, "Can't I just stay home today? I don't want to go and argue with Alexander over a seat," I exclaim. "Nope, sorry baby you have to go," he tells me like a parent would tell their child.

Wait I shouldn't think that, he is literally twenty-four he could be someone's daddy. Nah he's my daddy- eww that just sounds so bad, it sounded okay before I revoiced it in my thoughts I could never say that shit out loud.

"What are you thinking about? You keep having different facial expressions, it's quite funny," he says, making me realize he has laid himself beside me under the blankets. "Nun ya," I tell him smirking knowing I just started something that I shouldn't have.

Instead of responding to my childish comment he just quickly sits up and starts tickling the living shit out of me and I can't stop laughing. I already know my face is so fucking red and it probably looks like I'm crying, I have came to the conclusion or the doubt that he will chase me into the kitchen so I did what any non sane person would do, I ran.

I ran out of the room and was making my way to the kitchen but he caught me in the living room and starting tickling me when I fell on the couch. I have no idea how long we've been here, probably like five minute but it feels like its been an hour. This tickling shit is torture. I hear someone other than myself laughing their ass off, Evangelos and I look up to see Killian and Zelda. I took Evangelos' distraction as an advantage and ran to the dining room to eat before he could catch me again.

I ran into the dining room and quickly took my seat with everyone looked at me weirdly, it's either the hickeys on my neck or me running in here like my pants are on fire. I think they realized when Evangelos came running into the dining room why I was running. Evangelos grabbed a plate and sat beside me I looked at him funny because he isn't sitting at the head of the table, that's where he as the Don sits. "I'm sitting with you," he says as he avoids his families gazes and put my leg over his. We were just casually eating when he stole my bacon.

My loving, precious, beautiful bacon, I turned my head to look at him with a glare before I took one of his maple sausages and he rolled his eyes with a ghost smile on his face. "Ain't no fucking way you'll share your bacon with him but you never, ever, ever share any of your food with me," Zelda said holding her hand to her heart. "I never shared, he stole it" I told her in an obvious tone.

"Yes, he took it without asking but you let him and if anyone else were to try to steal your food especially bacon you would kill them, you love bacon." Oliver said butting into the conversation. I just glare at them before turning back to eat my food. I look at my phone and see it's already 7:05 am and I rush out of my seat and run upstairs.

"What's wrong," Evangelos ran in after me. Did he just run after me? Aw, that's cute but I have to get ready. I'm gonna be late if I don't start getting ready now. I ignore him and rush over to his closet, that's where he put all my clothes that I brought from the Romano's. He follows me before he sits down and watches me get dressed. I notice him get up but I don't really pay attention because I'm to focused on finding jeans to wear. I find a pair of blue holy jeans and put those on with white shoes. I find a black sports bra that I throw on, it kind of pushes up my boobs, it looks hot.

Evangelos come back close to me and chunks a hoodie at me like he did the last time I was getting ready for school while I was with him. I playfully glare at him and get my makeup bag, him following behind me into the bathroom. I look at him with the waterproof foundation in my hand, silently asking him if he wants to do it. Evangelos walks towards me and starts blending the foundation on my back, avoiding my sports bra, while I'm doing my stomach and any major scars that are noticable.

After we're done putting on the foundation I start doing my makeup

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After we're done putting on the foundation I start doing my makeup. Evangelos just sits on the counter and stares at my every move occasionally giving me a color of whatever is like lipstick, or eyeshadow he wants me to use.

 Evangelos just sits on the counter and stares at my every move occasionally giving me a color of whatever is like lipstick, or eyeshadow he wants me to use

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I pack all of my makeup back into its bag and leave it on the bathroom counter. I put on the black hoodie Evangelos gave me that almost reaches my knees, I had to bunch it up around my waist. I look at the time and see its 7:45 am and I already know I'm about to be late but I don't care. I look to see where Evangelos was but he wasn't there and I don't have time to look for him so I'll just have to text him later.

I grab my bag and rush downstairs to see Alexander, River, Zel, and Olly sitting on the couch. "You guys ready?" I ask them, and they start grumbling shit about waiting on me. I just ignore them I'm not in the mood. "We're riding with you, don't ask" Zelda said. I roll my eyes and we're about to leave when Evangelos walks to me and gives me thermos cup with coffee in it and gives me a quick kiss before saying, "σ' αγαπώ," I smile and respond with "σ' αγαπώ," before I walk out of the door with a small smile on my face.
(Greek~ I love you)

"Alexander, you're up front, you're the only one here that won't talk to much," I tell him and I swear I thought he smiled but he hates me so I highly doubt it. 

"You do know what you said right?" River asks me from the back seat. "Yes, I know what I said," I told him confused as to why he's acting this weird. "So did you mean it?" Andy (Alexander) asks me. "Of course I do," I whisper smiling a little bit. "What the fuck are you guys talking about Oliver and I don't know Greek,"Zel exasperated. "Evangelos told Octavia he loved her and she said she loved him back," River told the twins. I refuse to look at them.

"Didn't I always tell you love makes you weak and to not listen to Oliver because he doesn't know what love is?" Zel asks me, I mean she did but it doesn't matter. 

"If loving Evangelos makes me weak then that's it, I'll spend the rest of my life weak." I tell her as we make eye contact in the mirror. I look away from her and look at River, "I don't know why you recorded that conversation but I swear to satan show anyone and I'll kill you, I can't have you ruining my ruthless reputation. I didn't earn that from having emotions," I tell him sternly. River just slightly nods his head and stops recording. That little shit just got my threat on recording too, I might as well kill him now.

We get to school five minutes before the bell rings so it is 7:55 am and of course there still had to be people in the parking lot. We get out of the car and everyone looks at us, people start whispering when they see Alexander and River get out with us. Andy and I are glaring at everyone while the other three are just having a conversation or better yet an argument with each other about some stupid shit about candy.

This is about to be a long ass day. 

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