223 None of Your Business Street

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Papa, Mama, Evangelos, and I just arrived at the restaurant we're having lunch at. The twins, Alexander, and River need to hurry the fuck up. I don't know how much more awkwardness I can take with papa staring Evangelos down. Thanks a lot Zelda.

"So" papa said out of no where, staring now at Evangelos and me. Evangelos and I sat up front and during the entire car ride I was kind of nervous about papa talking to Evangelos, so maybe I was playing with his rings the entire time.

When we parked he has put his black snake ring on my thumb and it was still a little to big. Why does his fingers have to be so big.

I turned around to ask papa if we're having a private or public lunch, he knows I don't like being in public much.

Papa said we were having a private one which I was relieved. I hadn't noticed Evangelos had gotten out of the car until he had opened my door.
I smiled and thanked him while getting out. Evangelos held my hand and from there us, mama, and papa made our way inside to get a table while waiting for the others.

"How's the mafia?" papa asked, I was confused for a moment because he knows everything I do. I looked up and he was looking at Evangelos.

"Everything is going good besides the fucking Irish keep bombing my shipments and burned down my house not long ago, I'm at my penthouse right now, waiting for it to be rebuilt or just a new place." Evangelos spoke. I think he got aggravated talking about the Irish.

After the Irish was mentioned, papa and mama looked at me like I was supposed to break down or something. They always walked on eggshells around me when that topic was brought up.

"Don't look at me, i'm fine." I spoke with annoyance and papa was about to respond when the doors were busted open.

"Your favorite people are here!" Oliver yelled making mama yell at him about how he needs to use his inside voice. It's a little hypocritical because she was yelling at him.

Anyway, we all was sitting down, mama and papa talking to Alexander, River and the twins in hushed whispers.

I was just sitting here playing with the rings on Evangelos's fingers, taking them off, trying them on and when they didn't fit I put them back on his finger.

He laughed when I kept the one that did fit me, it was black and had three emerald green stones going around it. He didn't object to me keeping it so I kept it.

When he laughed it got the attention of everyone else, but I hadn't noticed because I was to busy trying to find a ring that fit perfectly. Obviously none of them did.

"Mini demon" papa said, making me turn my head to look at him with a smirk. I like that name. "Yes papa?" I said.
I wonder what he's going to say about me and Evangelos.

"I see you moved countries and found a man, a mafia don at that?" mama said with a smirk. This women is going to get me killed.

"Mama, we don't talk about such things at the dinner table." I raise my eyebrows and look at papa, trying to get her to take the fucking hint.
"Papa, I already know what your going to say but he isn't like Blake." I said to papa, staring him directly in the eyes.

"I was just going to tell you to make sure this is what you want because when this gets out he will know about it." Papa said seriously.

"He needs to come out of hiding anyway." I said thoughtfully.

I forgot Alexander, Elliot and River were there until Elliot spoke "who is he?"
I looked away from him and said "Fione O'Sullivan." I think I said it a little to coldly.

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