Ignored Them For a Reason

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I hate lying to her but I feel like we have to for now, I called Octavia yesterday and it has now been five days since I've been gone, I have nine days before Octavia starts looking into this matter and if she figures it out, she'll be pissed and even more pissed that I didn't tell her. 

"What do we have?" I ask as I sit down in the meeting room. The only people in the meeting room right now are Lorenzo, Henry and me. It's late so mostly everyone is asleep. 

"We have nothing as of now," Henry says sighing. "If they are basically best friends then what is the harm in letting this happen?" Lorenzo asks, "I really hope that was a joke Mr. Romano." I state emotionlessly.

"And if I was being serious?" he asks, "Then you will leave here, along with your sons. We have no alliance so if you are not here to help end this contract then you will leave, no discussion." Henry said in a cold tone, I knew I liked him. 

"But if we did let this contract work then we would have an alliance." Lorenzo told Henry, so I stepped in, "Maybe but if you force this contract, our alliance will be over and these kids aren't just irrelevant things, their people to." I argued with Lorenzo. I will not allow this, I will not allow him to treat Octavia this way, not after everything she's been through.

"She's my daughter, I will do what needs to be done," Lorenzo says standing up, making Henry and I jump up to, "No you do not get to use that card! I raised her. I taught her how to care and love, she doesn't do it much because of people like you. Why do you think she doesn't trust your family? You haven't showed her that you deserve it. I taught her how to use her strength and emotions to be a good person, yes she still kills people but at least the people she kills aren't innocent people. The Irish turned her into a monster Lorenzo, they Graysons, the twins, my wife, and I helped her turn into something more than a monster, she's special and I will not let you ruin this for her!" I yelled at Lorenzo, on the brink of lashing out and killing him. 

I need to control my anger before I kill him and cause a war. "I will not let someone who is basically a daughter to me, be forced to marry my son, her best friend, her brother. I will not force her to do anything she doesn't want to do," Henry says calmly but you can see the rage in his eyes. 

It's two against one as of right now, Lorenzo can't do anything. I wonder if Octavia ignored them for a reason, did they do something or did she have a gut feeling or did she just want to ignore them? 

I know the Irish Don is trying to force Octavias hand in marriage but that doesn't mean that she has to marry Jackson to make the Irish Don back off. Fione O'Sullivan is obsessed with her he will never back off, even if he has to kill Jackson in order to get to her. 


It's been a week since that whole thing with Lorenzo, no one else knows what Lorenzo said but he isn't trying to find an answer, he wants this to happen. I don't think It's for Octavias sake, he keeps claiming he loves her and maybe in his own twisted way he does but I can't let him do this to her. 

I left September 20th, Octavia said she won't try to figure anything out until my two weeks are up. Right now it's September 29th which means I have until October 4th before she finds out everything.

It also means we have until October 4th that Jackson finds out, I know as soon as she finds out she'll tell him. They really are best friends, when they were younger you would mistaken them as a couple but their just extremely protective of each other, Jackson more than Octavia because he says and I quote, 'It's not because I'm the guy in this friendship, It's because I'm exactly four years older than you,' I always thought that was funny. 

Octavia is dating someone a lot older than her, her best friend who she won't really admit is her best friend is older than her, the only people around her that's her age is the twins. Thinking about them makes me want to call them so that is what I'm going to do. I go to my guest room at Henry's mansion, my wife is already in here so I just sit on the bed with her and call them, the phone rings a few time before it's answered, "Hello," a small, timid voice says confusing me and Ana a bit, the camera moves and shows Liam. "Where's Octavia darling?" my wife asks him softly.

"She's sleeping, it's boring," he groans while my wife and I laugh, she is known to be quite boring sometimes. Liam is rambling about how he wanted to watch a movie with her but he was told not to wake her up so he is sitting beside her while waiting for her to wake up, he moves the phone to let us see a sleeping Octavia and a big ass hickey on her neck. 

Mine and my wife's eyes widen, I don't think we were meant to see that. I'm not even going to comment. My wife and I just give Liam big smiles so he can see were happy to see her. Before he can continue talking you can tell someone opened the door by the light that shined into the room, "Liam who are you talking to, I told you not to wake her up," I hear Evangelos tell Liam sternly.

"I did not wake her up, I'm talking to her dad, if anyone was gonna wake her up it would have been him cause he called her phone," Liam said matter of factly, is it just me or is the kid trying to make me feel guilty?

"You're changing the subject, go downstairs with the twins until she wakes up," Evangelos tells him. Liam walks out of the door with the phone making my wife stifle a laugh as we can see Evangelos raise an eyebrow at him and walk behind him. 

Once the kid reaches the living room I can already hear the twins fighting, "Liam can you give Zelda the phone please?" I ask him nicely, he grumbles something about everyone trying to take Via from him, even her phone. Evangelos really wasn't lying when he told us Liam was trying to take her from him. 

"Here is Via's phone Godzella," Liam told Zelda laughing. Did he actually just combine Godzilla and Zelda together? Oh my satan, she's about to be pissed. 

"Who did you hear that name from babes?" Zelda asked the kid sweetly, "Via, isn't it cool?" Liam asked cutely, ha little does he know he just got Via a death wish. I see Evangelos in the background laughing his ass off. 

"Zelda where's Oliver?" I ask because during this whole fiasco I haven't seen him not once or heard him. I immediately knew what happened when I heard a scream then another girly ass scream, unfortunately the second scream belongs to Oliver.

"What the hell did he do to Octavia now?"

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