Meanest Child Showing Affection

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*Evangelos pov*

Octavia is talking about all the people who know she is the Russian mafia Donna. I can't help but just sit here, staring at her.

From all the staring we do I'm sure we know every feature the other has.
While she was talking she looked so deep in thought. Sitting here watching her, I realize we barely know each other.

I want to have more moments like these and when she leaves in the morning I don't know when I will get to see her again.

I should probably ask her for her number or something. I'm sure she'll stay in contact with Killian, they haven't seen each other in years.

Before I even think about it the words fell out of my mouth "Go on a date with me" I looked at her seriously. She just looked at me for a moment I was nervous she was gonna say no. After a moment of thinking she speaks "Yes, of course, I will"

I was relieved at first that she said yes then excited. I gave her a big smile. "Thank you, αγάπη" I speak to her softly. (greek translation- love)

What is this girl doing to me? Before I met her, there was nothing soft about me. I was cold to everyone. I wasn't as cold to my family but I didn't let them into my personal life. Mom still makes me come over every Sunday night for dinner.

"Any time, любовь" she responded while laying her head on my shoulder. (Russian translation- love)

I realize we're still in the bath when Octavia shivers. I get out and dry myself off before getting her out and dried off. I pick her tired body up and sit her on the bed. I give her another pair of boxers and a black t-shirt.

I dress her and lay her down on the bed, covering her up. I'm about to leave when she grabs my hand. "where are you going?" she asks tiredly. "I'm going get a glass of water, do you want me to get you some?" I answer her. She slowly shakes her head no. I give her a quick kiss before I make my way out of the room. I close my door and start walking to the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen I hear Oliver and Zelda on the phone with Maxim. It's like 3:00 am, what's so important that even Maxim is up?

It's rude I know but I eavesdrop on their conversation.
"what were you talking about earlier with Tavi?" I hear Oliver ask worriedly. I'm curious too I just don't want to ask her and make her uncomfortable.
"Your sister- " Maxim cuts himself off and sighs before he starts again "Your sister is an alcoholic" I'm surprised hearing this but a small part of me isn't. I saw how much she drank the other night and she didn't even black out. Obviously, she's done it before, she didn't even look fazed.

I'm broken out of my thought when I hear Maxim speak again "She agreed to go to rehab when she was 11. She only stayed for a month and a half because she didn't want to leave you two alone for too long. I told you she had a mission and she couldn't stay in contact just to be safe."

The twins looked broken, maybe even guilty for not noticing.

I thought I heard enough so I made it look like I was just now getting to the kitchen. Both of the twins' heads snapped towards me and they glared and started speaking, "Papa, would you like to speak to Evangelos Stavros" Zelda said with a smirk setting her phone up where all 3 of us are visible. I gulped before speaking "Mr. Antonov, It's been some time" I said while scratching the back of my neck. "Yes Stavros, it has. Now do you wanna explain why my kids are at your place?"
I looked at the twins, not knowing what to say until I saw Zelda's smirk. I start shaking my head quickly with wide eyes but she didn't listen.

"Papa, I believe that Tavia went home with Mr.Stavros and you know me, good with my surroundings and all, both Tavia and Mr. Stavros have hickeys on their necks and they have been really cozy with each other. Tavia even opened up to him. I think that's saying something, don't you papa?"
Zelda states cockily while smirking. Oliver smacks her on the back of the head, his eyes showing fear.

I again scratch the back of my head getting ready to go back to my room where Octavia is sleeping but Maxim started speaking,
"Mr.Stavros, would you please explain why not only my kids are in your home but my meanest child is showing affection towards you?"

I didn't know what to say so I said whatever came to mind first,
"Well Mr. Antonov she was very drunk last night so I brought her to my place and she met her long-lost friend which is my best friend and second in command." I don't know if I'm scared of him, usually, I wouldn't be but I care about Octavia and I know she cares about what he thinks.

Mr.Antonov looked confused before he spoke "Elliot?" he questioned but I was surprised but answered nevertheless "Yes, how'd you know?" I didn't expect him to respond but he did, "When I first brought the kids home and she found out I was Don, she made me try to find him. It was a lost cause though because we didn't know his full name," he said sadly before I could say anything all he said is "We'll talk Wednesday" I looked at the twins in shock and confusion, they just shrugged and started telling him goodnight.
I took this opportunity to go back up to Octavia before I heard Zelda yell "Quit making so much fucking noise it's disturbing to my innocent ears" at that last statement I heard Oliver scoff but I just kept walking.

When I walk in I see Octavia looking disturbed in her sleep. I take off my shirt and just leave on my grey sweatpants before I slide in beside her.

As soon as I was laid down she attached herself to me, her arm over my waist and her legs tangled into mine.

I didn't mind though I love her touch and how she reacts to my presence even in her sleep. I wrap my arms around her and start falling asleep thinking about what Maxim meant about seeing me Wednesday.

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