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Out of nowhere, Jackson shows up, "What'd I miss? You have the killing spree look on your face. Oh my god," he mumbles before yelling," We haven't had our duo killing spree in almost a year! How could you deprive me of such a dream?" he dramatized and traumatized some of the bios.

"Papa, it really has almost been a year since me and Jack Bear went on our rampage killing spree. You should let me go and Henry, my guy you should let Jack come with me," I ask them looking sad. They turn around and start whispering while me and Jack are fighting with each other. I had to jump off Evangelos' back so he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. It's about to get really fun.

Both, Jackson and I pull our knives out of our combat books and waistband. We always did use the same place to keep weapons. Jackson and I are circling each other, seeing who will throw the knife first. I always do and I guess today is no different.

The knife I threw landed in his thigh, we don't want to hurt each other it's just this is really fun. "You throw like a girl," I taunt him, I want to make him mad. His knife landed in my thigh but I barely feel it. It only feels like little sparks of electricity, that actually kind of tickles.

I had started laughing cause it really did tickle. Jackson and I noticed they were done talking and we need to go back over there before he just tells us no.

Jackson and I put on the smile of sweet children while everyone around us looks horrified. I forgot we still have the knives in our thighs.

We both sigh knowing we definitely aren't going today, they both put their hands out, they always forget they're covered in blood, and it's funny.

Jackson and I smirk cause this is the fun part of getting in trouble. As Jack and I have a tradition I lift up my thigh with the knife, "May I?" Jack asked in a really posh accent. I only nodded my head. He pulled it out and put it in his dad's hands grinning like a little kid.

I give no reaction besides smiling at Henry cause he was the one to get my blood. I'm dark and twisted. Anyway, I don't ask and I never have. I walk over to him and rip my blade out of his thigh. I glare at him and he asks me what the problem causes every time I have an excuse for being mad about something.

"Oh I don't know Jack I'm just mad you got your blood on my blade, you know how much I love my knives," I glare at him and smile.

I lay the blade down in Henry's hand and give him a big grin. I walk towards Jack and we do our handshake. We used to be two peas in a pod, always together. I don't know what happened but I'm glad we can still be like this.

"Was you not ju- just mad?" one of my biological brothers asks me but I don't know how to respond. Because yes I am annoyed I got my blade dirty but it wasn't his fault.

Instead, Jack answers for me, "Every time we see each other and haven't seen each other in a while we do that and go on our rampage killing spree," we start grinning just thinking about it. They all still look at us like we're crazy.

"Papa, Henry can you please explain to these men that what we're doing is normal!" Jack and I say the same thing, we give each other the stink eye before Henry talks, "It's not normal, I'm sorry to have to tell you this at such a young age he holds his chest, that's how we know he's playing.

"Oh, father you wound me, "Jackson fake falls with his hand on his forehead. It was truly funny until he actually fell and I caught him at the expense of losing blood circulation in my hand. Homeboys for real broke my wrist. I put my hand up and flop it around some, it is broken.

"Jackson," I say very sweetly and nicely making everyone look at us in curiosity because I'm mean, "You know your my best friend right and I would never actually kill you right?" I ask real sweetly. He just laughs nervously backing away.

I stand, he stands, he backs up, I move forward, he tries to bolt but I tackled him to the ground and we wrestled a bit this I made sure I hurt his wrist enough to wear it isn't broken but very swollen. He yells out in pain while I get my medical kit out of my bag. Yes, I carry a small one around with me for emergencies.

I sit down beside Evangelos, I guess he didn't like that very much and moved me to sit sideways on his lap. I just smile and he takes all the medical stuff and starts wrapping my wrist. I just take the time to look over his face and his features. When we first met we were always staring at one another. "Σ'αγαπώ," I say, not caring who heard. I'm sure no one understands. Evangelos has a small grin on his face and says it back.

We've been outside this entire time, like running around being animals. Im sure some went in but I don't Evangelos' group did. He kisses my cheek bringing me out of my thoughts, looking at him I smile but I was honestly exhausted. "You look like you were in your thoughts," he says softly. Like he doesn't care who hears or sees. This is one of the qualities I love about him. I smile brightly and text Jackson if he has ice cream and if we should totally go inside to eat it all. I made sure Evangelos saw my messages so he could decide if he wanted to go with us or not. He nodded his head making me smile sweetly.

"You should let me take a look at your wrist," Clayton, one of my biological brothers says. "I'm good, it doesn't hurt," I tell him trying to make this clear. Jake stands up abruptly to take the attention off me, he knows I hate it. "I think Octavia and her man are going to come with me so we can have a movie night. No humans shall enter my room," Jack says kind of calm until the end of it, yeah that was almost enough to scare me. I just smirk at him.

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