Chapter 11

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My parents were waiting in my dad's office when I walked in with Wanda and Pietro.

"I thought this was a family meeting," my mum said looking between the three of us and I shook my head.

After telling Pietro and Wanda they spent the rest of their day consoling me and getting me ready to see my parents

"what's going on," my dad asked and the tears welled back up into my eyes.

"I fucked up," I said and I handed my phone to my mum and dad.

They began looking through the messages 

"don't open the pictures" I warned and my mum nodded they probably put it together themselves after all they knew who Blake was.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I don't know how I let this happen I know this is going to be bad and I don't know how to fix it," I said.

Wanda rubbed a comforting hand over my shoulder as I spoke. 

Upon studying my parent's faces I knew they were pissed.

"What exactly are the pictures," my mum asked and I swallowed hard

"he took them," I said 

"they're pictures of her and him at intimate times he took them without her knowledge," Wanda said 

"don't you dare apologise," my dad said and I looked at him a little surprised 

"This is not your fault" he continued 

"That's right what he's doing is illegal," my mum said as she walked over and pulled me into a hug

"in fact, I'm going to go kill him," my dad said as he began putting on his iron man suit.

"No, you are not," my mum said backing him down 

"nobody gets to get away with blackmailing my baby girl," my dad said and I felt so guilty for everything I said earlier.

"she's my daughter and I will do everything it takes to protect her even if it means killing some stupid guy" he continued 

I got up and went to him immediately pulling him into a hug. I broke down in his arms and he immediately comforted me stroking my hair.

"you can go talk to him though," my mum said

"I'm gonna go too," I said and they both gave me 'Are you sure looks' 

"I need to tell him to his face that he can't fuck with me," I said 

"I'm going as well," Pietro said and I'd almost forgotten they were in the room with us.

"Not without me," Wanda said 

My dad drove all of us to his apartment. I was surprised I still remembered his address. 

"How are we playing this," I asked as my dad parked the car

"How about I go in first, he'll think I've given in to him," I said answering my question myself.

"We're going to be right behind you," Pietro said. 

I took a deep breath and got out of the car making my way up the stairs and to his apartment. 

Memories flood into my mind, the first day I visited his place, the last day, the day I realised he was a piece of shit and finally the break-up that happened out in this hallway. 

I knocked on the door and announced my arrival.

The door swung open to a smug-looking Blake.

He stood there staring at me with hazel eyes, the same fluffy brown hair and tan skin.

"Made the right choice he said" as he grabbed my hand pulling me into his apartment.

Just as he was closing the door a foot stopped him.

"Not so fast," my dad said appearing behind me and opening the door wide open. Wanda and Pietro were trailing slowly behind.

"The fuck" he said staring between the four of us. The last thing he probably expected was for me to tell my dad.

"I'm going to give you a chance to redeem yourself" my dad started I could tell he was pissed because his jaw was clenched so tight I thought it would snap.

"Bring me your phone and delete the pictures," he said and Blake shook his head no.

"Why would I do that," he said mockingly 

My dad gave him a dirty look before putting on his Ironman arm thruster.

"This is why," he said aiming it at him.

Blake threw his hands in the air backing up. He then proceeded to take out his phone and hand it to me.

I went into his gallery and deleted the pictures and then went to his recently deleted and deleted them from there as well.

"Do you have them anywhere else?" my dad asked and Blake shook his head quickly.

"he's lying," Wanda said and he looked at her eyes wide open, he didn't know she could read minds.

"He has them saved on his laptop as well," she said and he looked at her like she was a witch.

"where is it," Pietro asked and Blake remained silent.

"You leave me no choice," Pietro said and in a matter of seconds, he searched his whole apartment making sure to turn it upside down.

Blake's face was full of fear after seeing Pietro's ability. 

He had severely underestimated the support I was going to receive.

Pietro handed me the laptop and I unlocked it. He still had our anniversary as the password. 

"idiot" I mumbled as I typed it in.

I went and deleted the pictures and then threw the laptop on the floor stepping on it. Making sure the screen cracked in the process.

"Don't ever fuck with me again" I said giving him a dirty look.

"Oh and Blake," my dad said making him look up at him 

"fuck you," he said before punching him square in the face making him lose balance and fall.

He got up and blood was pouring from his nose but he didn't speak it honestly suited him better to just shut up and take it.

All four of us left the apartment and after making it into the hallway I grabbed my dad and pulled him into a long hug. 

"I love you so much," I said and he hugged me back "I love you too kid" 

We all made our way back down to the car and my dad drove us all home.

I made sure to thank Wanda and Pietro continuously for helping me out. 


pull through tony 😶‍🌫️

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