Chapter 8

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"what took so long," I asked once Pietro got into the car. 

I turned my phone off giving him all my attention.

"It takes time to look this good," he said as he flexed a little.

"ok, I'm too hungover for this," I said as I put my sunglasses back on after taking them off to scroll on my phone.

"why are you putting those on," he asked and I shrugged 

"I was trying to adjust to the light but now I'm fine seeing how long you took," I said putting my glasses back in the glove box.

"leave them off, your eyes are pretty you should show them off," he said flirting effortlessly 

"thank you but right now I look like a train wreck," I said starting the car to distract myself from the obvious butterflies I felt in my stomach.

"Now let's go before Wanda wakes up and we aren't back with a latte," I said as I began driving.

We drove with the radio on. I tried my best to push my music taste on Pietro, Peter never liked my taste.

I sang along to a couple of songs which Pietro also liked I had managed to put him on to Taylor Swift, Chase Atlantic and theweeknd. 

I made sure to emphasise that I didn't mess around with my music taste.

"Drive through or do you want to sit in," I asked

"How about we sit in," he said and I parked my car.

I took the glasses out of the glove box and put them on putting my hood up in the process.

"Hopefully I won't get recognised," I said and Pietro laughed.

"Don't laugh once you and Wanda start your proper training and get your press conference you guys will also be getting recognised just as much" I said and he frowned.

"Pros and cons baby," I said as I got out of the car.

We walked into the Starbucks and since it was a Thursday morning ish it was practically empty.

"Hi could I please get a venti iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso," I said and looked at Pietro to order

"I'll get the same thing I think," he said unsurely.

"The names y/n," I said as I paid.

"Omg y/n like y/n stark," the barista said and I swallowed the urge to sigh, I forgot to use a fake name.

"yes," I said smiling, she asked for a picture and I agreed on the terms that she waited until we left before posting it which she thankfully agreed to.

Pietro grabbed our drinks and we sat towards the back at a table next to the window.

I put my hood down and took my glasses off realising it probably looked a bit odd indoors.

We drank our drinks chatting away happily and then made sure to get a latte for Wanda before getting home. 

Upon getting home I was met with my dad and a very angry expression on his face.

"what the hell do you think you're doing" my dad yelled before I even got a chance to put my keys down.

"what is going on," Pietro asked pushing me to the side a little. I knew my dad would never hurt me but seeing Pietro do that ticked him off just that bit more.

"Don't interfere" he said backing Pietro up harshly.

"hey hey hey" what's going on I said jumping in between Pietro and my dad, this time I backed my dad up.

"Explain this," he said shoving his phone in my face.

I looked at his phone to see a news article, there was a picture of Pietro and me in Starbucks this morning and it happened to be a shot of when Pietro was wiping coffee off my face.

The headline to the article was even worse it read something along the lines of "y/n stark daughter of Ironman cosying up to a new mystery man"

"You of all people should know how the media twist stuff," I said astonished that my dad of all people would believe stuff like this.

"It's not that, I believe you and know you wouldn't be stupid enough to do that in public it's the fact that I continuously tell you to be careful and stuff like this still happens," he said tugging at his hair in frustration.

"You can't possibly blame me for this it's not my fault everywhere I go I'm followed" I yelled annoyed at this point.

I glanced at Pietro and saw there was no way he wanted to be here. 

He was awkwardly glancing between my dad and me. To be fair he was half the reason we were in this issue.

"Oh so we're yelling now are we I hope you know you've lived a much better life than half the children out there you've had everything handed to you" he yelled back and tears were threatening to spill from my eyes.

It was a stupid idea to start with the yelling because I knew every time that it'd somehow make me end up crying.

"I didn't ask for this, I also didn't ask for you as my dad" I continued matching his tone. That was probably a bit too harsh and the minute the words left my mouth I regret it.

"All I ask you is to be careful and you can't follow simple instructions," he said I could see the hurt in his eyes from my last statement and it was killing me.

"I'm sick of this," I said as tears slowly spilt from my eyes.

"Fuck you and fuck this," I said as I left to go to my room just wanting this to be over we seemed to have this fight too often.

Pietro followed close behind me as my dad yelled at me, something along the lines of "Don't walk away from me"

I obviously retaliated with "Don't talk to me ever again" 

I got to my room and shut the door harshly just as Pietro slipped in. 

"I want to be alone please," I said and Pietro nodded before walking out. 

He's probably never witnessed something as petty as that before.

I wiped the tears off my face and took a couple of deep breaths I already knew I looked a mess.

I lay down in my bed and just decided to take a nap I was too exhausted to do anything else.


drama but is this the worst of it 🤷🏽‍♀️

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drama but is this the worst of it 🤷🏽‍♀️

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