Chapter 14

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I found Pietro in his room and asked if we could talk. 

"Do you actually wanna go up to the roof it's nice up there and more private?" I said and he nodded you never knew who was listening nearby.

In his mind, all he could think about was the fact that he was going to get rejected. He was praying that he could somehow possess Wanda's abilities for a while just to see what was going on inside my head.

"Don't be so scared" I said and he laughed nervously continuing to fidget with his hands.

We sat on the edge of the building dangling our legs off and I turned to look at him.

"So I guess I should start by saying I like you too," I said relief flashed over his eyes and a smile appeared.

I put my hand over his holding it to help give him some more reassurance, I know if I was in his position I would have considered running away 

"I'm sorry I just had to take a minute and figure my feelings out, you already know it's hard for me being the daughter of Tony Stark" I continued 

"Even after the whole Blake thing I vowed to myself that I wouldn't have any boy trouble and it's only been a day since we figured that whole situation out," I said and he nodded.

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes and then he started leaning in and I followed suit. He grabbed my face in his hands and we kissed.

Not to be cliché but it genuinely felt like electricity was running through our bodies. I moved my body closer to his and grabbed the front of his shirt using my other hand to run through his hair.

We pulled away eventually to breathe and I laughed at the pink lip gloss spread around on his face, I used my thumb to wipe it off as he continued staring at me. 

"What do you say we keep this a secret for now?" I asked hoping he didn't get offended or anything but instead, he nodded 

"yeah that might be the best thing for now," he said.

We stared off into the city in silence, I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat in a blissful silence enjoying each other's company. 

A text from my phone distracted me.

"Oh fuck" I said getting up as I read the text from my mother reminding me not to be late 

"I have dinner with my parents tonight and I completely forgot I have to go," I said standing up quickly 

"Be careful" Pietro warned pulling me away from the edge. 

"I'll have you down in a matter of seconds," he said and before I even had a chance to blink we were both in my room. 

"Little warning next time please," I said as I smoothed down my hair

"See you later princess," he said as he walked away and my face instantly formed a smile after hearing the pet name.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was already half-five. 

I quickly retouched my hair after Pietro had managed to mess it up and then put a little more makeup on I put some more lip gloss on and powdered my face again.

The most dreaded part was trying to find an outfit. I only had ten minutes so I didn't have a lot of time to be picky with what I chose.

I settled on some black leather pants with a white top that had feathery sleeves at the end and some heels to tie it all together.

I settled on some black leather pants with a white top that had feathery sleeves at the end and some heels to tie it all together

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I met my mum and dad outside and we all drove down to the restaurant together.

We got seated quickly because of how regularly we came to this place and ordered our regulars.

The chances of us being papped here weren't high, this place was tight on security because of how many celebrities visited it on the regular.

"So how was it," my mum asked vaguely and I smiled at her as my dad looked between us confused. 

"Perfect" I replied replaying the moment with Pietro in my head.

"How was what and what is going on," my dad said feeling left out 

"nothing just something she wanted advice on," my mum said winking at me. 

"I wanna know" my dad argued like a child.

"How about I show you a little picture mum," I said as I pulled my phone out 

My dad looked at me disapprovingly he was practically shooting daggers at me as I scrolled through my phone to find the picture of my dad passed out on the couch after his party.

My mum gasped and hit my dad's arm giving him an earful. 

A message on my phone caught my attention and I saw Pietro's name across my screen.

P - hope I didn't distract you too much and you made it to dinner on time  :)

Y - don't you worry about distracting me 

"What are you smiling at," my dad asked suspiciously and I turned my phone off putting it down. 

"some pictures of you," I said and he kept quiet for the rest of dinner. 

We all made regular conversation and enjoyed our food, we hadn't had dinner just the three of us in a long time.

All I could think about was going back to the tower and seeing Pietro.

We ended dinner and decided to go get some ice cream and go for a short walk through central park before making our way home.

I shivered as the cold air nipped at my skin, I stupidly decided not to bring a jacket. It was something I had done often and always regretted. 

My dad took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders and I smiled at him. My mum pulled me in closer to herself and the three of us continued our short walk.

I guess in a way the Blake situation had some positive effects, it managed to bring my small family back together and made me realise that I could find myself liking someone again. 


it happened 🫦

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it happened 🫦

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