Chapter 5

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By the time we got home, it was dark outside.

We took all of our bags up to my room and dumped them on the floor.

I jumped onto my bed lying down as the twins stood in my room.

"How about we have a fashion show" I suggested and watched as Wanda's face lit up and Pietro frowned.

"You guys already spent ages picking clothes out we don't need to try them on now" he argued.

"How about you just sit on the bed quietly and Wanda and I will try them on," I said 

"Come on I've always wanted to do something like this," she said and Pietro sighed before nodding.

"Ok, you first," I said pushing Wanda into my bathroom with a few bags of clothes. 

I sat next to Pietro and was about to break the ice and speak to him when my phone started ringing.

I picked it up seeing it was Peter.

"Hey Pete what's up" 

"Hey I was just calling to see what you were doing," he asked

"I'm a little busy right now can I call you later," I asked as Wanda walked out in a dress we had bought.

"yeah sure," he said 

"ok love you bye," I said hanging up.

"oh my gosh you look beautiful" I gushed as she did a little twirl. 

The happiness on her face was so radiant and I couldn't help but feel bad about why a teenage girl would be so excited to do a silly little fashion show, it was probably something she dreamed of doing as a child but her childhood was stolen from her by Hydra.

"ok my turn," I said grabbing a different dress Wanda gave me.

I went into the bathroom closed the door and quickly put the dress on. 

it was a beautiful short summer dress that had some pretty flowers on it.

I walked out of the bathroom following in Wanda's footsteps and doing a little twirl.

"how do I look," I asked 

"beautiful" Wanda complimented

"you look wow-" Pietro stated but Wanda cut him off

"you know I can read your mind and right now I'm seeing stuff I do not want to be seeing," she said disgustedly

I laughed but couldn't help but blush in the process.

we continued trying on clothes and talking about our lives. I was trying to catch them up on my life, explaining what I did for work, what I studied and anything else I could think of.

They kept it very superficial which was valid, they also didn't have a lot to say which I respected. Eventually, Wanda said she felt tired and said goodnight. She grabbed her stuff and left my room.

I watched as Pietro got up as well.

"You don't have to go as well," I said and he hesitated before sitting back down 

"don't worry I won't do anything to you" I joked leaning back on my bed frame

"no, it's not that, it's just it's easier for Wanda to trust people" he started 

"with her abilities, she can easily tell people's intentions so it's easier for her to just accept people, with Hydra she knew whenever we met someone what they truly wanted" 

"It was a blessing and a curse" he finished 

"no it's ok I understand, trust is something that represents a fragile balance between understanding who people are and what they want for you" I started.

"Trust me, I'd know" I laughed and he nodded edging me to continue.

"see with my dad being who he is I always have to assume anyone who tries to get close to me wants something, I'm nineteen years old and have had a total of like three true friends and two serious relationships" I continued. 

He gave me an almost sorry look. 

"My dad he's just so protective in that sense, he never found the time to bond or get to know me on a 'deeper' level we've always had a superficial relationship with the addition of him being overprotective with everything I do, I just feel a failure to thrive only because I feel like there's nothing I could do that would be good for him" I finished, I took a long breath and regret speaking for so long now.

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. 

"Hey, it's ok you don't need to feel embarrassed, you can talk to me" he started 

"From what I know you've had a childhood of just bottling up your feelings, you deserve to feel like you can share" he comforted.

"my problems are nothing compared to what you and Wanda went through," I said sitting up in my bed, I felt like id moved about twenty different times in the last five minutes.

"what Wanda and I went through was different, we volunteered out of spite," he said shamefully

"that doesn't mean you deserved it, it was manipulation and exploitation," I said 

"it was hard though, we both went through so much because of a stupid mistake" he admitted 

"Now look both of us have shared feelings," he said laughing and I laughed with him still a little embarrassed.

"I think I should go to bed as well it's very late," he said getting up 

"right rest up we have a stark party tomorrow," I said and he looked at me confused

"oh no one got around to telling you yet, my dad will use any opportunity to throw an extravagant party and this time its to introduce the recruits, I'm surprised those recruits don't know about it yet though"

"all you need to know is my dad throws some good parties, they usually end with quite a few drunk people and sometimes a few injuries as well but they are always a good time, I'm lucky I even get to join considering how hidden away my parents like to keep me" I finished making sure to display disgust towards the end.

"sounds interesting, to say the least," he said before walking out and calling out goodnight. 

I groaned looking at the mess in my room with shopping bags and scattered clothes. I called Peter and put him on speaker before beginning to clean up and get ready for bed, tomorrow was going to be a long night.


feelings 🫶🏼 and late post today because i just spent FOUR HOURS at the salon 😴

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feelings 🫶🏼 and late post today because i just spent FOUR HOURS at the salon 😴

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