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Sofia De Ricci:

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Sofia De Ricci:

An hour later I'm woken up to Miranda shaking me awake. I look out the window and see a beautiful house surrounded by a forest. It's massive compared to my old house in London. 

Miranda helps me get my suitcase out of the boot and walks up the steps to the glass doors.  She knocks on the door 3 times. 

Suddenly a woman whose probably around 25 flings open the door. She's dressed in dungarees and what looks like paint splatted all over her.  The lady's blond hair has a bit of blue paint spotted around her head. 

Miranda then says, "Hello Miss Anderson, this is Sofia, and Sofia this is Miss Anderson."

Miss Anderson gives me a warm smile and then says, "Come on in dear."

I drag my suitcase into a hall that has been dimly lit. I turn around to face the adults but I'm met with Miss Anderson's arms around my shoulders.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry about what you've had to experience but don't worry all the kids here have been through similar experiences so you're not alone.  Anyway, you are staying in a room with Naomi."

 "Ok," I smile back at her.

"Naomi, come down stair lovely" Miss Anderson yells up the stairs then turns to me, "Right you and I need to have a little chat later but it's nothing to worry about"

Just as Miss Anderson finished speaking a girl who looked my age runs into the room. She had long black braided hair and a crop top and joggers on. 

"Ah Naomi, this is Sofia she going to be your roommate for the night she's 15 so just one year younger, why don't you show her where she's sleeping while I finish some things off with Miranda?"

 Naomi smiles and then says, "C'mon I'll show you our room. Wait Miss Anderson should we take her bag upstairs?"

Miss Anderson replies, "Maybe we should leave her bag downstairs so that it's easier for the morning if she does leave."

"Ok," Naomi looks confused but she grabs my arm dragging me up a large staircase. We walk down a long corridor with many rooms. Some of the doors were open and I could see other kids who look just a bit younger than me. Naomi waves at them but quickly continues walking. 

She then stops at a bathroom, "Ok this is our bathroom and it's just across from our room." 

She turns to the door opposite the bathroom and then opens it to reveal a small room with two beds on each side. One side of the room had been decorated with fake plants and fairy lights while the other side looked dull. 

Naomi sits on her bed then says, "Ok, so Miss Anderson told me to tell you all the rules here so: 

1. No smoking or vaping.

2. No alcohol unless given permission.

3. No going into other people's rooms after lights out.

4. Tell Miss Anderson when you leaving the house and when you'll be back.

5. No guys from outside the home unless given permission.

6. No going into other people room without permission.

7. Breakfast is always at 9-10 on weekends, on school mornings breakfast is at around 5 depending on where your school is. And dinner is at 7 every night so never be late."

"Any questions?" she asks

"Nope all good"

"Wait, I do have a question for you though, Why does Miss Anderson keep saying in case you leave?" Naomi asks. 

"Oh, it's  really confusing, so the police think that my parents weren't actually my parents. They also think that I might have brothers but we are getting my DNA tested to see if that's true. The results come in tomorrow."

"Jeez well at least you might has a chance of having a living family." 

"How did you get here or did you never have parents or?" I ask.

"Oh no I had parents, but they died as sea. They went on a cruise and the ship sank due to some sort of malfunction with the steering. They hit into a rock, kind of like the Titanic." she explains.

"Anyway, what happened with 'parents'?" Naomi asks.

"Oh, so my 'dad' died when I was born in a house fire then my 'mother' died yesterday due to my her boyfriend trying to kill me for taking his car." I answer.

"Wait so you nearly died?" she looked at me as if I was a TV screen. 

"sure I guess"

Our conversation was interrupted when Miss Anderson calls up the stairs saying, "Dinner!"

I can hear footsteps along the corridor. Naomi gets up and starts to join the other kids running down the stairs. 

When we reach the kitchen Miss Anderson is cooking at the stove. There were about 4 other children but I couldn't properly count them as they were all running around to set the table. 

"Robin, do you mind watching the pasta while I talk to our newbie?" Miss Anderson asks a boy probably the same age as Naomi. 

Miss Anderson then leaves the room with me following behind. She sits in the living room that is filled with paintings and art pieces. The couches are covered in paint stains. 

I think she must have an addiction to art. Even the TV looks like a painting or is it just a painting? 

I sat down on the paint-stained couch then Miss Anderson begins, "Sweetie, I just wanted to ask if you're ok. If you need anything please just ask alright? I can help you. I understand if you don't want to talk about it then I'm not going to force you but I'm here for you."

"Yep don't worry Miss Anderson I've accepted it now so I think I'll be fine." I smile at her. 

"Alright well are you hungry I'm sure the pasta is probably cooked by now"

We walk back into the Kitchen and see that they're plating the food. I'm standing next to Naomi but I keep overthinking shit. 

Everything I just told Miss Anderson was complete bullshit I'm fucking terrified and no way am I just going to open up to random women I just met. What happens if the police find out that I murdered Michael. The reason my 'mum' is dead is because I was fucking stupid and stole Michaels's fucking car.  

I walk into the dining room all the kids are sitting at their seats there is only one place left with some food set up. Right next to Miss Anderson. 

Just great. Yeah, I like her but I have a massive feeling she's gonna try and talk to me which I'm really not in the mood for. 

I sit down and everyone starts eating. The food was probably the best that I've had in a while. Throughout dinner, Miss Anderson told me who everyone was and random stuff about their school and shit.  I'd only had 2 mouthfuls and I was full. I push my plate away and I get a weird glace from Miss Anderson.

Dinner was finally over and we all headed to bed. I didn't even bother to change I was so tired.

1184 words.

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