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Benjamino De Ricci:

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Benjamino De Ricci:

"Antonio turn back we can't leave her there!" Pietro yells but Antonio looks toward me and continues driving.

"Man, I agree we can't force her to walk home. Plus Lorenzo will kill us if we turn up without her." Antonio states.

"You guys can chill out we will just drive around the block a couple of times and pick her up." I remember when Lorenzo used to do this to me and it would scare the shit out of me but I learned my lesson trust me. 

"Dude she's fucking drunk god knows what she will do." I must say the further we drive away the more I regret it but I'm fucking suborn and won't give in. 

I turn around to see Pietro going through her school bag, "Mate stop, would you want me searching through your bag." Pietro ignores me and pulls out her phone.

"Shit guys she hadn't got her phone, how the fuck are we supposed to find her if she has wondered off. Seriously Benjamino you have to control your anger." 

"She was pissing me off and she will be fine. She's not stupid." Antonio stays quiet and faces the road but then pipes up, "You know, Lorenzo is going to shoot you when you get home."

"He won't actually do that." I say. 

"Fuck yeah, he would. He's a fucking Mafia Don, he will do anything." Shit ok, I give in we need to turn around. 

"Turn around." I demand and Antonio does. 

"Thank you" Pietro says shocking both Me and Antonio when the fuck does he say thank you.  

We drove back towards her and pulled over in the same place I kicked her out. Shit, she's not here.

We all got out of the car and start looking around and we were all panicked. Shit shit shit.

"Maybe she ran down one of these ally ways?" Antonio says. 

"Right, she can't have gone too far anyway." We all split up walk down serval different streets hoping to find her. Fuck she's not down here I walk back down towards the car and the others had to. None of them had found her. 

We walked further up the street and found another ally way. We all walked down it hoping she had stopped mid-way through instead of heading onto the main street. We would never find her on the main street. 

We all continued walking until Pietro called to us from behind, "Guys wait I found her. She passed out" We ran over to find Sofia leaning against a trash can with vomit dripping down her school shirt.

I carefully picked her up and we all ran over to the car. I hopped into the back seat with Pietro and Sofia on our laps. 

"Antonio drive faster." I scream. Sofia was still passed out on my lap and doesn't seem like she's waking up anytime soon. Shit, I'm so fucked. Lorenzo's gonna kill me. 

"What the fuck are we going to tell him?" Antonio asks. "The truth. It's fine I'll take the blame. It was pretty much my fault."

"Ok, but you have a death wish." Antonio pulled up and parked his car in front of the house and we all ran inside instantly bumping into Alessandro.

"What the fuck happened" He asks taking Sofia from me. "I'm sorry it's my fault but can we just help her first." He nods and walks over to the couch in the living room. 

It's quite useful Alessandro has an obsession with health care except for the fact he does nothing but help people. 

Lorenzo and Matteo walk in speaking Italian but stop as soon as they see Sofia lying on the couch passed out. 

They both rush over pushing Antonio, me, and Pietro out of the way. "Is she alright?" Lorenzo asks Alessandro, "Yeah she's just drunk she'll be fine."

"DRUNK?" Lorenzo screams, "You three have a shit tone of explaining." 

"I'll take her to her room." Matteo nods towards Alessandro as Lorenzo is too busy scowling at us. 

"Sit." he says in the voice that we all know means were fucked. 

"Ok, someone starts explaining, Now!" The two next to me turn and look at me indicating for me to speak.

"Alright, it's kind of my fault. Antonio and I pissed her off  and she locked herself in the car and chugged my secret supply of Vodka." I could tell the more I spoke the more Lorenzo was growing even more angry, but he just nodded for me to continue. 

"And well we were driving home and she start pissing me off so I kind of kicked her out of the car and left without her." His mouth dropped before saying, "Do you not remember she got fucking kidnapped what if that happened again!" We all went quiet.

"Right, you're all grounded for 3 days." Lorenzo said but then Pietro pipes up, "Why the fuck am I being punished I didn't do anything." Lorenzo doesn't ignore him as usual and instead says, "4 days for everyone."

"Dude shut the fuck up." Antonio screams at Pietro. Great I'm fucking grounded.  

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