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Sofia De Ricci:

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Sofia De Ricci:

I roll over to turn my alarm clock only to realize I've set it to the wrong time. It's 5 in the fucking morning. 

Well, I'm now up so what is the point in going back to sleep?  I drag myself out of bed only to fall onto the couch feeling too lazy to get up. I push myself off the strangely comfy couch and head to my clothes that had been scattered on the floor due to the lack of time to unpack yesterday. 

I grabbed the only pair of flared jeans I own and a basic tank top I bought the other day at Primark. I make sure to zip up my hoodie to cover any bruises or scars that seemed to be healing nicely. I grabbed my makeup bag and headed to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and applying my basic makeup and concealer over my neck. I head towards the door. 

As I grab the handle to my door on my way out I hear another door slam. I push open the door slightly to see whoever was making such a racket at 5 am. 

Who on earth is awake at this time? Oh, wait, me.

I look further out the door to see the twins walking down the corridor. I consider following them as I pretty much have nothing else to do. I tip-toe down the hall making sure I'm not spotted. They're speaking in Italian and heading straight for the elevator. I'm too far away to understand anything they are saying.

After they enter the elevator I wait to see what floor they go to. I stop myself from pressing the down button as I realize they went to level -3. 

How come they get to go down there but I don't? I stand staring at the elevator for another 3 minutes arguing with myself whether I should continue following them or not.

I decide it's best if I don't, Lorenzo seemed like he would literally murder me if I did but I can't take my mind off what's down there. I continue down the corridor towards the stairs to the foyer. I've managed not to get myself lost this time. Instead of heading towards to dining room, I continue my half-completed adventure. Yesterday I only explored the upstairs of the house now I'm curious what's downstairs.. 

I was walking around a random corridor. It seems that they have a lot of security as everywhere I go I see men in all-black suits walking around and giving me nods every time I walk past. I give each of them a small smile but they never return the gesture. 

I push open the first door in this corridor only to reveal a massive library.

Holy shit. I take a small staircase downwards onto the main floor of the library. The bookcases were all a bright white colour, stretching to the ceiling, and had silver lining along the edges. The ladders leading up to them were made of dark oak and placed on wheels to have access to other books. There was a Grand piano in the center of the library and multiple seating areas. 

I walk around searching for a book I haven't read yet. I grab about 5 different books from the romance section and place myself in a small corner of the library. I spend the next hour and a half taking my mind off everything and getting lost in the different books. 

By the time I finished the second book, I checked the time. Shit, it was 7, didn't Lorenzo say we were leaving at 7. 

I placed the finished books back on the shelf and grabbed the unread one and started jogging back to my room. 

Once I arrived at my room without getting lost I dumped them on my bed and quickly brush my hair before sprinting back to the foyer. 

When I arrived all 6 of them were waiting for me. Lorenzo turned around and headed straight out the double door with everyone following behind. All the boys go into separate cars while I stood there looking like a lost puppy.

Lorenzo called out from the driver seat of his car, "Come on Sofia you've already made us late enough now get in." 

I immediately open the passenger door to the red Ferrari he was driving. He didn't speak for the entire drive which I was fine with as the silence left me to admire the amazing car I only thought I could only ever dream about but now I'm sitting in one. 

It's weird how one second I'm in a house with abusive broke parents to living with 6 jerk billionaire brothers.

After the 15-minute drive, we had driven a small distance outside the city and were pulling into what I thought was a castle when it was my new school. In front of us were 3 other luxurious cars each pulling into the empty car park. Lorenzo drove his car right in the middle and just left it there. He turned the engine off and headed to the other boys who has already parked their cars and were all standing by the front door. 

I close the car door behind me trying to not damage the expensive paint. I walk up towards them as they start to open the door. No one spoke they all must have been as tired as I was but the twins looked exhausted. Hmm suits them right for getting up at 5 am. 

Lorenzo starts speaking with the receptionist who is giving him flirty looks but he just keeps a straight face. I notice out of the corner of my eye the twins snicker about something again. 

Lorenzo walks back to us and gives me a warm smile. "Mrs Kingsley wants to meet you in her office in a minute alright."

I just nod when suddenly Benjamino interrupts, "Why do we have to be here then if it's just her talking to the head." 

Before Lorenzo can reply women not much older than Lorenzo walks out. She has her red hair done up in a claw clip and was wearing a cheap tacky suit. She shook Lorenzo's hand and turned towards me and gave me a warm smile. 

"Why don't you follow me love? Don't worry we'll only be around 5 mins." She says giving me a toothy grin. 

I followed the woman into a Victorian-styled office completely different from Lorenzo's but matched the school aesthetic very well. She sat on the other side of the oak desk and nodded towards one of the brown leather chains for me to sit in. 

She introduced herself as Mrs. Kingsly and then started ranting on about the school rules and dress code but by that point, I had completely zoned out not listening to a word she said. 

Mrs. Kingsly then placed a uniform on the table, "This is your uniform, you must wear it anytime you are on premises. PE kit will be given to you on your first day and I'm sure your brothers can give you a tour around the school, but anyway, do you have any questions?"

I try to look as if I had been listening and reply in the politest manner I possibly could, "No, I fully understand thank you." 

She gave me another toothy grin and took out her hand for me to shake it. Not wanting to be rude I shake her hand and then pick up the uniform. I'll try it on when I get back to the house. 

I walk out the door to see Mateo and Pietro sleeping on each other, Lorenzo and Alessandro talking in Italian to each other while to twins were arm wrestling. I look up at the clock on the wall to check the time. Bro, she said it would take 5 mins she just gave me a 30-minute lecture.

Before Mrs Kingsly could have the chance to say goodbye to all the boys they were already out the door. I don't blame them. I apologise for my brother's behavior and thank Mrs. Kingsly before darting out the door towards the red Ferrari that was currently driving out of the parking lot.

Did he seriously leave me behind? Dickhead. I turn around to see the twins leaning on a black Bugatti. "C'mon Lorenzo said you have to drive with us." Benjamino yells across the parking lot.

I reluctantly walked over before asking, "Why though?"

"Lorenzo says we have to at least try getting along." Antonio says getting into the passenger seat of the car. Great I'm stuck with these assholes.

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