Twenty Five

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Benjamino De Ricci:

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Benjamino De Ricci:

What is wrong with the world? What is wrong with people? Why would anyone do such a thing? 

All of us stared in shock at the sight we were seeing. Ethan was hovering over our sister  half-naked with his hand rising up her skirt. She lay there sobbing and trembling begging him to stop. 

This sight caused something to snap in Pietro as he'd already stormed over to Ethan and ripped him off our sister. He grabbed him by the neck and punched him over and over again until his face was unrecognizable. A couple of Ethan's friends tried to get inside and help their lifeless friend but were quickly overpowered by Emma and Cameron. Emma took one of them out with one strike which didn't surprise me at all.  

Her dad has trained Theodore and her because he expects one day they are going to join our Mafia except they are both already snippers for us. Pietro hadn't stopped, he looked crazy and Sofia looked terrified yet shocked all at once.

I rushed over to her checking she was alright, "Hey you ok, did he do anything?" I said sitting next to her holding as she sobbed into my shoulder. She reeked of Alcohol but seemed completely sober right now. Antonio sat down on the other side rubbing her back. We didn't say anything just signaled for the others to leave taking past out Ethan with them. They quickly stopped Pietro from doing any more harm and grabbed Ethan dragging him out of the room and shutting the door. 

Sofia continued to sob clinging onto me as if scared I was just going to leave. Pietro had walked out of the bathroom with clean hands and was kneeling on the edge of the bed where we were sitting. 

"H-he tried to, umm." She was trying to tell us what was about to happen but we already knew and I  just shushed her hoping to calm her. 

"What are you doing here Sof?" Pietro asked

"I wanted to get out of the house and Emma said there was a party but I didn't realize this would happen." She said as mascara-contaminated tears were still streaming down her face.

"We need to tell Lorenzo." Antonio announced.

"No, please don't, he'll just get mad and blame me." She begged shocking me with what she just said.

"I agree with Antonio, but Lorenzo would never blame this on you. You just wanted to have fun." I say hugging her tightly.

Antonio stands up and I immediately know what going to happen. 


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