Thirty Three

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Sofia De Ricci:

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Sofia De Ricci:

Just as I woke up I realised the train was coming to a halt. I look out the window looking at the platform seeing San Francisco signs along the sides of the platforms. I pick up my backpack and head for the door along with multiple other passengers. 

I'm fucking tired even though I did spend most of my trip sleeping and still felt like I wanted to go back to sleep. The trip here was 18 hours but by now my brothers should have noticed I've left but hopefully don't know where I am. As I scanned my ticket giving me access to leave the station I immediately walked right over to a Walmart that was across the busy street. I walked down the food aisle picking up a sandwich as well as some Crips. I scan the items at the self-checkout before exiting back onto the main road again. 

I walked down the busy street until I reached a small 2-star hotel perfect. I walk into the reception and see an old-looking lady working at the front desk, for a 2 stared hotel the interior wasn't that bad. I walk up to the desk and she looks up with a smile.

" Hi dear can I help you?" She says looking at me.

"Yeah, I was just wondering how it would be to stay here?" 

"Of course so for just a basic room it's $25 a night and for a more luxurious room it's $35" I nod smiling at her before relining, "Can I get a basic room for 2 weeks?" 

"Yes, dear." She responds while typing on the computer. 

"Cash or card?" She says looking at me with an innocent look.

"Uhh, cash if that's fine." 

"Nope that perfect your total would be $350, that would be without breakfast, which is another $5 a day." She said trying to persuade me.

"No I'm ok thank you," I say pulling $350 in cash out of my pocket.

"Very well, here is your key card would I be able to get a phone number?" The lady asks looking back up from her laptop.

"Oh yeah sure, 0777*******" 

"Thank you, ok that's everything, if you need anything please let me know and your room is on the second floor, room 234!" She says smiling, I return the smile and walk up the stairs carrying my bag with me. Once I reach the second floor I walk down the hallway to the room she said.  I pressed the card against the monitor which made a beeping sound just as I opened it. 

I looked over the room, it was clean but not five stars but it would have to do. I looked through the room making sure there was nothing or no one was hiding. After I checked the room was secure I dumped my clothes into the wardrobe leaving nothing valuable and placing all the loads of cash in my bag as well as my headphones and iPhone.

I grabbed the do not disturb sign and placed it on the outside of my door before shutting the curtains, I grabbed my key card and walked down the stairs to the main road. As I walked out the cold winter weather hit me, as it was already dark I zipped up my coat and started to wander around the streets in search of somewhere to possibly work. 

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