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The evening in the pub turned out boring. For a few hours I only sat on a chair while Max was having fun with his friends. Except Charles. He was leaning against a wall, looking into his phone. And I was looking at him. Again. After our little moment when I arrived, I couldn't stop thinking about the things which maybe would have happened if Max didnt come. In my fantasies, he would have kissed me slowly while his hand was lying at my waist. The other hand would have been stroking my cheeks. And my hands would have been in his hair, pulling him against me, begging for more.

I let out another heavy sigh at the thoughts of a possible ending of our little thing in the hallway and got up from the chair. Sitting here with Charles is getting dangerous for me right now because I can't promise anything if I continue sitting here and looking at him. At his hands... GOSH ELAYNE STOP. I shook my head to get these thoughts out of it and started walking. On my way outside the pub I had to walk past Charles and for one last time he looked at me. And what I saw in his eyes got me gasping. His sparkling green eyes were not sparkling anymore. They were sad like there was something going on in his head. And somehow my heart painfully pulled together at the look of it. So I stopped as I was standing right infront of him. I looked at him. Our sexual tension was gone. Now there was only an understanding between us because I honestly was able to understand him. Just because I have seen this look a couple of times when I looked in the mirror. I have seen this look in my own eyes and sometimes I still see it.

When I saw Charles' sad eyes, one thought came to my mind. I reached for Charles' hand and pulled him out of the pub with me. He followed me without any caveat and as we were standing outside, I turned back to him. "Give me your keys." I say not even ashamed of the fact, I am asking a formula one driver for his car keys. "Elayne..." he whispers agonizingly while looking down on the floor. "No, Charles. I won't let you alone right now because I know this look in your eyes. I have seen it multiple times and I know the only thing which can help you now is to think of something different. So please, give me your keys." He paused and took a deep breath before handing his keys to me. Inside my head, I was giggling because I have been successful. Yeah, sometimes my younger self is still showing...
I let Charles go in front of me as we walked to his car. And I couldn't help myself but gasp when I saw it. "THAT IS YOUR CAR?!" I almost scream while looking extremely shocked at the boy in front of me. The boy who was now laughing. Like hell. "CHARLES, DON'T LAUGH AT ME. I AM BEING SERIOUS." I continued screaming but it made Charles laugh even more. And seeing him, laughing like it has been a while since he has done it, made me laugh with him. We were laughing so hard that our tummies hurt after a while and we were forced to get in the car.
"Yeah, love. That's my car. It was personalized by Ferrari for me." Charles said after a while we were in the car and I looked over to him. He was looking outside the window. Slowly breathing and looking like there was again something going on in his mind. What was bothering him all the time? This was only one of the questions I already asked myself about this guy. Even though I didn't want to do that. But what in my life is going according to plan?

We drove through the streets of Monaco, seeing some trees and people going for a walk before I directed the car into a parking lot. This was the moment where Charles looked up. "Elayne...what are we doing here?"He whispered tiredly and I gave him a little smile while answering: "You will see, Leclerc." I took the keys and pulled myself out of the car with Charles following me. I ran around the car, now standing next to him and suddenly all feelings were back. The attention from hours before somehow came back but I tried not to pay attention to her. I was here for Charles. Not for myself.

Going for a walk at the Larvotto Beach turned out to be a good idea. Charles and I were just walking around, calming down at the sound of the ocean. Usually I am not the type of person to help people which I don't know that long. But Charles was special. And I helped him because I wanted to. Not because he asked me for it.
I was sitting in the sand while watching him standing at the ocean. Charles was doing this stone game where you have to throw the stones in the water in a special kind of way. My eyes were wandering over his back, his curly hair and the outfit he was wearing. A blue jeans, a white shirt and a comfy jacket. There is nothing you can do wrong with that, so well done, Charles.
While he was standing there, looking at the ocean, I got some things on my mind as well. I was thinking about my life. How it went and how it's now. The good moments but also the bad moments. But I was especially thinking about my dad. How I needed to be thankful for the things he has done for me but I never was, just because my life would have been a little different now if he hadn't held me back. I was not allowed to do anything because he was so scared to lose me. Even my job is an example for that because I only got it so my dad could control my life a little bit more.
Some noises of steps got me out of my thoughts and as I looked up I saw that Charles was now standing next to me, while looking down on me. "Are you okay?" he asks tiredly and I nod slowly. "Are you okay as well?" I asked him back but he was not nodding at all.
I reached for his hand and pulled her into mine as a Sign that he can continue if he wants to. Charles let out a heavy sigh before starting to talk. "Charlotte and I broke up a while ago. We both ended it in a good way. But over the weekend she has been in my apartment, picking up some stuff without telling me. I don't really care about this but the thing that bothers me the most is that she left the key. It bothers me because I never thought it would be necessary." A tear was running down his cheek as he finished his speech. I raised my other hand, pulling this tear away with my thumb.
"Charles, listen to me. It's okay. You don't have to feel bad about being sad. You've been together for 3 years. That's a long time." I say, trying to make it a little easier for him. He nodded, looking to the ocean again. I follow his look and I've never felt more alive. Sitting here with Charles even though I tried to avoid him, somehow feels right at the moment. But I know that as soon as I am at home, I will try the opposite again. After this night, I need to build my walls up again. Saving me from everything that might hurt me. But for now, I will just enjoy the company of Charles. Because it's the only one I will get in the next few weeks.

𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒  - 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now