Chapter 58

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Sure enough, my little dad knows his son best.

Jiang Zixuan unexpectedly ushered in a second division.

He thought he had a cold, so he didn't take it seriously, thinking that he would just lie down and get up and take two cold medicines, but the more he lay down, the worse it became, and after a while his whole body started to feel hot.

Jiang Zixuan is usually in good health and rarely gets sick, even less so when he can't stand it like this. He also realized that something was wrong, so he went downstairs to take two pills, but he was told that this was the second time. differentiation.

It's too difficult for him. After learning the fact that he likes Shangyue, he immediately ushered in the second division. It's so miserable that a pig is not as miserable as him.

Jiang Zixuan was lying on the bed humming, his body was hot for waves, as if being washed by waves, every time he got hot, something was changing, slowly he felt like he was a different person, with the The wind and waves kept drifting.

Secondary differentiation means that the second gender is about to change, and Jiang Zixuan's original Alpha status will become Omega or Beta. It doesn't matter which Jiang family it is, I'm just afraid that Jiang Zixuan won't be able to accept it. After all, after getting used to a sudden change of identity, it won't be able to adapt mentally for a while.

And after the differentiation, it will usher in the estrus period, it must not be too uncomfortable.

Jiang Junshan contacted Dr. Ji, and Dr. Ji was quite surprised. Generally, the secondary differentiation is rarely as late as Jiang Zixuan. But if there is no accident, just stay at home, and there is no better countermeasure when you come to the hospital, so you have to stick to it.

Everyone was awake, and the auntie was also busy in the kitchen cooking sugar water for Jiang Zixuan to drink. The second split of the young master of the Jiang family was a big deal, and the whole family was very worried.

Jiang Li stood guard outside the door for a while, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard no movement inside, then remembered to check the news, but Feng Ting still didn't reply. Jiang Li glanced at the time, it was just after eleven o'clock, at this time the court should have finished filming.


Today's troubles were really one after another, Jiang Li didn't have time to think, and waited for a while with his dad and dad, and gradually smelled a faint scent of flowers.

The hearts of the three tightened, and it seemed that the result of the second differentiation was a foregone conclusion.

Alpha secondary differentiation will mostly differentiate into Omega, only a few will differentiate into Beta. Jiang Zixuan did not accidentally differentiate into an omega, but this floral scent, if they smelled it right, it should be peach blossom, right?

The house was sprayed with a barrier agent, and the smell was not that strong. They thought the smell was so weak, but they realized they were wrong when they opened Jiang Zixuan's room. The overwhelming peach blossom fragrance in the room was so strong that they almost drove them back the moment they opened the door. .

Jiang Zixuan was lying on the bed, his whole body was flushed, he knew someone was coming in, but he couldn't even lift his eyelids, he was really too tired after experiencing a differentiation.

But he couldn't smell what he smelled like, his sense of smell was temporarily numb, and he couldn't smell anything.

After all, I drank some hot sugar water to feel better, but I still had no strength, and I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed.

Everyone will not bother him, close the door and let him rest. After the differentiation is completed, the body will slowly recover, and there should be nothing wrong today.

The three of them went out and were about to go back to their room, but they heard from their aunt that there were guests outside. I don't know who will come at this time. Jiang Zixuan has just completed his separation, and the house is full of Omega pheromones. It is really not the time to welcome guests.

But since the person came, he couldn't ignore it. He was thinking about how to send him away, but when he opened the door, he saw Shang Yue with an eager face.

After Jiang Zixuan left today, Shang Yue didn't have the mood to continue working, and he thought a lot in a mess. Thinking of Jiang Zixuan's angry appearance, and feeling that he shouldn't provoke him so much, the young master is used to being arrogant, maybe it would be easier for him to accept another way?

But at the same time, I felt that I shouldn't be soft-hearted, and that I should take action when it was time to do so, and haggling would only delay more things. If he didn't speak, when would he be able to wait for the other party to speak with a young master like Jiang Zixuan?

But after much deliberation, he was still uneasy, and as soon as he got home to rest, he hurriedly took the key and went out, heading straight to Jiang's house.

Standing outside Jiang's house finally felt a little more at ease. I don't know why, but I always feel that something will happen, and it will be better to be closer to Jiang Zixuan. But he was also worried that Jiang Zixuan would see him if he stayed too long. The young master who wanted to save face lost his temper and waited for a while before leaving.

As a result, when the car was started, the whole body trembled. The scent of peach blossoms, which was so weak that it could not be ignored, drifted over from the direction of Jiang's house. It seemed nothing special to others, but it penetrated into his body seamlessly, causing waves of trembling.

Since his differentiation, he has never been bewitched by any pheromone, except for this one now.

Shang Yue trembled, endured and endured, he didn't know what happened, but he was sure that the smell definitely belonged to Jiang Zixuan, only Jiang Zixuan could make him so moved.

He had a terrible thought in his mind.

This peach blossom-flavored pheromone is definitely not Alpha, it is an Omega floral fragrance, but if it comes from Jiang Zixuan, it means—"Bang bang.

" Shang Yue knocked on the door directly.

His heart was pounding, his throat was dry, if he was not rational, he would have gone straight to Jiang Zixuan's bedroom at this time, "Hello."

Shang Yue took a deep breath: "Zixuan——"

Li Subai and Jiang Junshan still have some impressions of him, isn't this the blind date sent to their Jiang Li by the system? They remembered that the two of them were over, what were they going to do when they suddenly came to the door?

It was Jiang Li who spoke first, "Are you looking for Zixuan?"

Shang Yue lifted his spirits and nodded, "I smell a scent of flowers outside, is it from Zixuan?"

Jiang Li was a little surprised, "You Can you smell it outside?"

Shang Yue didn't care about anything else and said eagerly, "Ask me first if I belong to Zixuan?"

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Junshan and Li Subai, and the two fathers also met their eyes. The youngest son had just split up, and they were not ready to tell others, and they had to take Jiang Zixuan's mood into account and prepare the child psychologically. It would not be good to tell outsiders at this time.

When they were hesitating, Jiang Zixuan's weak voice suddenly came from the room, "Why is there no one?" Then there was another exclamation, and before they could react, Shang Yue had already heard the sound and rushed over. Hug Jiang Zixuan who fell down the steps.

Jiang Zixuan's body was extremely soft, and there was no strength left after disintegrating. At this moment, he was leaning limply on Shang Yue's body, as if he had no bones.

He just felt that he was falling into a solid chest, holding him without shaking at all, and he felt very safe, and he couldn't help sniffing, the uneasiness caused by the differentiation gradually calmed down, and it didn't feel so uncomfortable.

But who?

Not like dad, not like little dad, not like his brother, first of all, the smell is not. He sniffed it, and then sniffed it again, only to find that it smelled good, and it was all over the top.

On the other hand, Shang Yue's heart was pounding. The newly differentiated Omega didn't know how to control his pheromones, and he didn't know how attractive his pheromones were to him. His nasal cavity was filled with the sweet fragrance of peach blossoms. The more he smelled the more Addictive, only by clenching the palm of your hand can you control yourself.

The little pig in his arms was still sniffing left and right, for fear that he might not be able to do anything because he had too much patience.

Shang Yue smiled helplessly, his eyes were full of pampering, and he stretched out his hands to hug him tighter, and said to Jiang Zixuan: "No hurry, you can smell it whenever you want." Jiang Zixuan's mind was very

dull at this time, and said "Thank you."

Shang Yue chuckled, and the three people beside him couldn't stand it any longer, and Li Su said, "Zixuan has a guest."

Jiang Zixuan was still lying on Shang Yue's body, and he patted his body slowly when he heard the words , looked up in a daze, and after a while slowly widened his eyes, "Shang Yue?!"

Shang Yue came uninvited, and he was expecting his reaction, eyes full of tenderness and said: "It's me. "

Jiang Zixuan didn't know that he was already an Omega, and his first reaction was that he liked Shangyue now. Consciousness will be a little bit slower, but not blushing. He backed up blushing and almost tripped over the steps. When he came back to his senses, he was hugged by Shang Yue again.


Jiang Zixuan was completely awake, extremely shy, struggling to leave Shang Yue's embrace, but he was hugged firmly by Shang Yue. His legs were weak, Shang Yue hugged him like a chicken, and hung him up with a single sweep.

"What are you doing!" Jiang Zixuan lost his bravado for a while, and called softly, like a spoiled child.

Shang Yue ignored him, and respectfully said to the two fathers: "I'm sorry, I'll take Zixuan back to the room first."

Li Subai and Jiang Junshan looked at each other in confusion, you looked at me and I looked at you, and they both looked at Jiang Leave. They haven't reacted yet, what is this guy doing here? Why are you suddenly touching their little baby? ?

Shang Yue's actions were too fast and too self-confident, so that they didn't know how to react for a while, and when they reacted, their son had already been carried away.

Jiang Li coughed, "Shang Yue chased after Zixuan before." Li

Su Baijiang Junshan: "Huh?"

Li Su Bai couldn't figure it out, "Isn't he your blind date?"

Jiang Li said: "It's true that he is my blind date, but Shang Yue seemed to like Zixuan when he was in school, but now he doesn't know what to do."

Jiang Junshan slapped his thigh while listening, "No, we have to stop him!"

Upstairs, Shang Yue Yue kicked the door shut, and there were only the two of them left in the room full of peach blossom-flavored pheromones.

Jiang Zixuan couldn't bear it anymore, the carp was about to come down, but he didn't expect that Shang Yue couldn't hold him back at all, Shang Yue hugged him, with a faint smile in his eyes: "What do you want to do?" "I'm asking you, right?

" !" Jiang Zixuan was about to cry, it was too difficult for him, even if he split into an Omega for the second time, he was forced to come by Shang Yue, why didn't he just force him into bed!

As soon as he finished "speaking", Shang Yue really put him on the bed, put his hands on his ears, trapped him, and his voice flowed into his ears numbly, as if electrified: "You don't know what I want to do Is it?"

The lingering breath fell on his skin, Jiang Zixuan's whole body was numb, his face was so red that he couldn't even breathe smoothly. But he didn't dare to move. At this time, Shang Yue was full of aura that could not be resisted, trapping him tightly within his sphere of influence, not allowing him to escape.

No one is allowed to rob him.

It is very likely that in the next second, he really becomes Shang Yue's property completely, and all Shang Yue needs to do is to bite him on the back of the neck and inject his pheromone into his body.

He is his.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zixuan trembled all over.

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