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Sitting on his couch, a cup of coffee in hand, Gran Torino turned the TV on, and switched to the local news channel. A picture of hero you, flashed on screen grabbing his attention. A newsman quickly replaced it.

"Last night at the Hero Charts announcements a certain unnamed hero stole the show. Seconds after All Might was once again named the Number 1 a new rank appeared on board, 0. What was even more shocking was the face next to it, a face you might recognize."

A picture of you once again appeared, taking up a corner of the news report.

The man continued. "A few months ago, she captured the attention of Japan, as our country's most wanted vigilante, or so we thought. This speculation was proven untrue when the Hero Commision released information that this unnamed hero had a license."

"Now I'm sure you must be wondering, what is the 0 hero, and why does it exist? Well, we've had no official statements from the Hero Commision after reaching out to them several times, they have scheduled a press meeting later tonight. You can watch it right on this channel at 5 pm. Until then, here's a short clip of the unnamed hero's speech last night, and it's not very pleasant."

Video from last night appeared on screen, you were standing on stage, microphone in hand. "I'm hoping that this is enough proof that I'm not-"

"Oh god, please turn that off."

The voice that came from behind Gran Torino quickly snatched the TV remote from his side and immediately pressed the off button.

You threw the remote back onto the couch and walked into the kitchen. Stupid news report, and stupid you for not having a filter when you needed it most. Remembering the events from last night was already painful enough but waking up to that news report did not make you happy.

Gran Torino scowled. "You didn't need to turn it all the way off." He grumbled. "Could've just changed the channel."

He jumped off the couch and walked over to the kitchen table. Putting his cup of coffee on the table he climbed onto the chair.

Still grumbling, you rifled through Gran Torino's fridge; taking out the necessary ingredients to make breakfast. You put them on the counter and started looking for a pan.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night," you spoke.

Gran Torino was your legal guardian.

After finding you, an abandoned child on the streets, he took you in. And Gran Torino being Gran Torino raised you into a hero.

Years of combat training and agility courses later you became the youngest pro hero in Japan. Well, not that anyone knew.

See, since you were so young it was his idea to keep your face a secret from the public. Growing up as a pro hero was hard enough, he didn't want you being stalked by the press. He wanted your life to be as normal as possible.

Gran Torino snorted. "After that disaster of a public debut yesterday, I couldn't let you stay home alone." He remarked his tone amused.

You winced before shooting him a playful glare. Gran Torin wasn't the most loving parent growing up, but he was always supportive. Even after you had moved out last year. You were 16 now and happy to be back.

After last night, you knew that the press would come knocking at your door. They didn't know your hero identity, (no one did expect for Gran Torino and a few others.) Your neighborhood was where the unnamed hero made the most appearances, and you didn't feel like being bothered by the press early in the morning. You were secretly scared that they would recognize your voice, after that disastrous speech of yours yesterday.

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