𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐

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You could blink and the sun is on it's way to vanishing and the dusk greets you as the both of you were led astray in eachother's enclosure. Kyotani's hands felt warm as he caresses your back. You both had no awareness of your intertwined hearts as you didn't want to admit your true feelings towards him. But the feeling that you both have combined makes you feel confident that Kyotani may like you back too. The very embrace you were held captive in was like being thrown into the ocean, drowning in the other's arms. But you both weren't dating. What does this really mean for you both? It's almost as if you planted a spell within the food you created and put Kyotani into your control, except you couldn't do such a thing. Two intertwining hearts should never have a betraying or too lusting heart within because if one felt only love but the other only felt lust, conflict could arise like bread in an oven. You looked up at Kyotani who tried to hide his face with his hood in which you pushed it away so you could see his scowling face in which you thought was just a shield to defend himself from "weakness" but that shield was transparent to you. Your doe eyes had a knack for staring aimlessly but so innocently, so you focused into the yellow-brownish liquor of his captivating eyes. You could see a soft light behind his irises, perhaps it was his true intentions and feelings. It's funny how a light hides behind the dark surroundings around his weary eyes. You gave him a reassuring look implying that you was far from someone who'd slam down a gavel by judgement. Kyotani felt the tingling sense of nervousness but couldn't be too reluctant to let you comfort him so endearingly. You reach out to his face which was surprisingly soft and looked after. Nobody really understands the beauty somebody can own. Kyotani was a misunderstood individual with others judging him because of his brashness. You were the key to his lock. And you were the only one who will ever know him inside-out. Like a sea clam. Dangerous on the outside, but a pure pearl seated inside.

The water that drops from the sky decided to hibernate and settle from their misery and skies become serene once again. Kyotani wanted to take you somewhere out in the open but still quite private from the rest of the world. So he breaks the silence that felt like had been going on for millenniums.

Kyotani: "Hey, the rain's stopped. Can I take you somewhere? I feel like going outside."

Y/N: "Where do you plan to take me?"

Kyotani: "You'll see."

Y/N: "Damn- alright surprise boy~" you said trying to tease him

Kyotani: ("They're acting naughty but it's cute behaviour. They might want to watch their mouth before I kiss them.") He proclaimed to himself quite surely.

The both of you left the house and took a promenade to a place slightly outside the neighbourhood you lived in. The moon was making it's grand entrance to the face of Earth by the time you reached halfway to where Kyotani was guiding you to. You even held hands along the way even if Kyotani felt slightly embarrassed to do so. Again the clasping of the hands was just like home, a warm welcome if you will. You both tread across the puddles left by Neptune's tears from above. The reflections of the night sky ripple as you lightly step through them, whereas Kyotani wasn't stepping as carefully but still stayed fairly calm, maybe it was because of your presence? There was this flower field across the path, vastly empty, perfect for the both of you.

Kyotani: "We're here. This is not the highlight of it but look at the view of the town and the moon above."

Kyotani let a slight smile loose and it was absolutely of purity. What he'd been hiding for ages made your heart throb like a swollen infection. The moonlight gave his face a glowing touch to it. You could see his eyes ever so clearly now, it was a gorgeous sight indeed.

Y/N: "The town and the moon looks beautiful, I really needed to see this, thank you Kyo!"

Kyotani let another smile slip out the hatch. It looked like he wanted to genuinely smile with his teeth but something seems to be bothering him.

Kyotani: "Can I ask you a question?"

Y/N: "Oh of course you can! Ask away"

Kyotani: "..."

The silence grew slightly, kind of like a flower trying to bloom.

Kyotani: "Would you become a cook just like your mother? I think you'd be such an amazing cook. I could help you but I'm not really a cook.."

Y/N: "To be honest, you have really gave me the drive to take this little talent of mine further. And I think you wouldn't be too bad at cooking either. We could cook together perhaps? I think that would be a nice experience."

Kyotani felt his face flush with that same shade of red from beforehand, except it was identifiable in the moonlight, he covered his face with his hand for a moment.

Kyotani: "Oh um- that would be nice." He said with a rather awkward tone

You weren't too satisfied with Kyotani's short responses, and since your patience was growing thin you acted on impulse and made a move. You walked towards Kyotani and wrapped your arms around his upper waist, shocking him and causing his heart to skip a beat. He pulled you closer within his space, you was on his planet and it's ozone was relatively warm. He rested his chin onto your head, emphasising his care for you; it felt like utter bliss being encircled within him constantly. You couldn't cope with the "we're really good friends act" and you was substantially tempted to lean in and kiss him. You momentarily took a deep breath and projected your arms and hands towards his face. You held him in your hands for a couple of seconds before you smooshed your face against his, kissing him. Kyotani thought he was drugged that very second. It felt euphoric as your mouths connected so softly. He couldn't resist the temptations to kiss you more. It was ecstasy. You draw away breathless as if all the trees and plants were eradicated with little to no oxygen except from a tiny flower remaining.

Kyotani: (With a soft whisper) "I've always wanted to do that with you~"

Y/N: "I have longed to kiss you, for a long, long time"

With smitten smiles they hold eachother delicately once more. The moon shone brighter than it ever did before and the flowers were overflowing with joy and vitality.

Kyotani: "Well? Are we official?" He said with hope and curiosity

He looked at you with a smile he'd never normally pull. It was a sight for sore eyes. You take a deep breath and look into those enticing, attractive eyes you have always been allured to.  He was the icing to your cake and the stars to your night sky.

Y/N: "If that's your wish.. Then you're wish is my command~"

They kissed with dulcet passion twice more. Your hands were trembling in excitement now that you both were officially together. May you be full of life together.

Kyotani: "I love you~ Y/N"

Y/N: "I love you too Kyo~"

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ☺︎

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