🌾 S1 CH. One; The Days City

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           Is all you can think as your unsparkling eyes stare down at the [NIGHTS] creature's lifeless corpse.
          Just moments before it was digging through some trash, but before it could see you and even think about charging at you– you shot it twice in the head, ending it quickly.
         Pulling on a pair of thick gloves that reach nearly the entire length of your arm, you begin moving the creature into a body bag. You can't risk it spreading the [NIGHTS DISEASE] further in the city.
         Even if most of the other civilians here thought otherwise (like the disease is already here, why bother limiting the spread?), you still wished to do your best to protect the innocents to the best of your ability.

After sealing the bag shut, you loosen a strand of long rope which hangs off your belt. With this you tie it around the bag, in the area of the monster's neck– now that it's dragging behind you, you must hurry to the nearest dumping site.
        The nearest, that is, being on the other side of the neighborhood you're currently in.
        Realizing this, you let out a series of grumbles as you trudge on.
        You often wonder why you even signed up for this job, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you took it, but the after fact of it still wearies you.

What are you exactly? In a basic sense, you're merely a street cleaner.
        You wander around the neighborhood of your District looking for rowdy civilians, [NIGHT OPERATIVES], and long-gone civilians who've been turned into monsters by the Nights.
        Cleaning up the messes they make so you and the others can better survive amongst these war-times.
         You're the perfect person for this job nevertheless, highly successful in the art of both long range take-outs and close-combat alike.
         Despite all the walking you have to do, you enjoy it. You enjoy striking fear into the hearts of those you meet on the streets, and killing your opponents swiftly.
          But your job is highly dangerous, most "cleaners" don't last more than a couple weeks. The Nights' Disease being the main reason others like you don't make it long, but somehow you've defied the odds, and you've been on the job for almost two years. (You be built differently!)
          A job like this requires highly skilled methods of going about it; strength, quick-wit, steady hands, and a lot of endurance! Considering the fact you walk miles and miles each day, and sometimes bringing nothing to show for it.
          But today you have a [NIGHTS] monster, and a big one, too!
          As it dragged behind you, you realize you may as well drop it off on a friend's doorstep. You're positive that they'll like to get their hands on such a [SPECIMEN]!
         Maybe a cure can be found within this monster...?

Taking a left on the next block instead of heading straight, you begin a new trek towards [OPERATIVE] Benevolent_Day's [RESIDENCE]. The renowned doctor and baker of the Days' Union, and one of your closest friends.
         Even before surpassing everyone's expectations about you, you got to know many of the operatives personally.
        Obviously you struck it off better with some of them rather than all... A few still treat you like garbage, but you can't feel bothered when the others appear to have taken a liking towards you.
          Benevolent_Day included.

As you walk, you keep your eyes peeled for anything off within the neighborhood, and in no time at all, you've reached your friend's [RESIDENCE].
         Raising your dominant hand to ring the doorbell, while your other hand rests on your hip. A voice calls out about being right there, and you wait a few more seconds until you hear clattering on the other side of the door.
         The clicking of the door unlocking is quickly cut off as the door swings open, revealing Benevolent.
         "Oh? Oh! Hey, [Name]!"
         He greets you with a smile, light blue eyes sparkling and white messy bangs hang over his face until he fixes it.
         "Hey, Bene, I got you something," you begin, stepping aside to point at the body bag that laid behind you. "I thought you might want to take a look at it."
         Benevolent stares at the bag, his eyebrows slightly frowning at the sight before shrugging their thoughts away. "Sure, just leave it on the side of the residence, I'll take a look at it later."
         You give him a curious glance, not missing the change in attitude upon seeing the body. But you shake the thought away, Bene probably gets tired trying to find a cure all of the time and not yet exceeding.
         After finding a place to tuck the corpse away, Bene allows you in, saying you need to stay for something to eat and drink after working so hard dragging the monster here. You gladly accept, not one to turn down free food!
         Soon small cakes, soup, and your favorite tea has been placed in front of you. You lick your lips as you first take a sip of tea, before you start slurping your soup.
        Sitting across from you is Benevolent, who previously picked up a newspaper to read until deciding you're much more interesting to look at... and to read.
        "How's work?" The Doctor asks, head resting in his hands whilst you lift your face away from the bowl of warm soup.
        "In all honesty," you begin with a pause, I'm bored, the job's become too predictable," you inform, wiping your mouth with the pink and white napkin given to you.
         A soft chuckle escapes Bene as they look deep into your gaze. "Maybe we should send you on patrol with Unpredictable?"
        You reply to his suggestion by first shaking your head, a nervous wrinkle creasing your forehead. "I'm sure he'd dislike that, he's used to Dynamic and Practical_Day," you tell Benevolent.
        In most instances you preferred the solitude of this job, but if you were to work with someone, Unpredictable is not someone on that list.
        Not that he's overly terrible, he's just like his name states; Unpredictable.
        Several months ago you ran into Dynamic_Day, the very elusive yet friendly Artist.
        Long story short, Unpredictable got angry that Dynamic hung out with you instead of him, ever since then just being near the operative makes you rather nervous.

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