🌾S1 CH. Eleven; The End..?

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// A Month Later //


The kid sticks his tongue out at you and scrambles off around the corner.
      You spin around once you realize the little brat stole your room key.
      "You're dead, kid!" You snap as you take off after him.
      Dimly lit halls unfold in front of you as you run after the specimen known as, [TERROR]. An on brand name for him as he thoroughly enjoys terrorizing you, and he's a kid.
      The hall opens up into the main lobby. A room much brighter than the rest of the asylum.
      You skid to a stop when you see Terror dash to hide behind Assistant.
      "Ugh," you grumble as you begin approaching the two– avoiding eye contact with Assistant as you go.
      "That big meanie tried spanking me!" Terror cries to the Assistant whilst pointing in your direction.
      "You deserve more than a spanking!" You scold, practically shoving Assistant out of the way to grab Terror's wrist.
      You snatch your key away, which only causes the boy to bawl more.
      "Oh, shut up! Go be rude to someone else," you tell him, making an ugly face at him.
      You hear Assistant giggle from the sidelines; you're in the process of shooting him a glare, instead you jump back when you see [SPECIMEN] Despair standing next to them.
      Terror instantly stops crying to run up to them.
      "[Name]'s being a bully again," he tattles whilst wrapping his arms around the taller specimen's left leg.
      Despair is the last specimen you wish to be near, so you take a step back; turning to run when you just as quickly crash into Benevolent.
      "Ow!" You hiss as you raise a hand to touch your now stinging nose, behind you you can hear Terror and Assistant laughing at you.
      "What have I said about running within the [ASYLUM]?"
      His question instantly shuts the two up, especially Assistant, since it's his duty to make sure no one is running around.
      "Terror stole my keys!" and "[Name] doesn't ever play with me!" were both shouted in unison.
      Bene sighs. "I didn't ask for an explanation."
     The Doctor turns to face you– he doesn't make any other movement for the next few seconds, until finally he takes your hand in his and begins leading you away.
     "Ewww, hand holding-" you hear Terror say in disgust before you also hear Assistant smack them upside the head.
     You snicker– you wanted to lean against Bene and make a face at the boy over your shoulder to further creep him out; but uh, you quickly decide not to push your luck with the operative.

He takes you down the stairs, finally letting go of your hand.
     "Is something the matter?" You question as you trail closely behind.
     Benevolent doesn't say anything until you both reach the bottom of the stairwell, where it opens up into a huge room that has an elevator. You spot an interesting black briefcase on the table in the middle of the room.
     "I'm going back to the [CITY]," he finally replies as he walks to said table. "I am needed at the hospital for a couple days."
     This is our chance.
     "Oh, okay," you nod, feigning disappointment.
     Bene picks up the briefcase, and glances down at his wristwatch.
     "I'm leaving Assistant in charge, but you are to help him when needed," he declares as he walks to the elevator. He presses a button to bring the cramped box upwards.
     "I'll make sure things are unchanged once you get back."
     He gives you a grateful nod as the elevator doors loudly open. "I trust you'll keep things in check."
     The Doctor steps into the box, and waves a farewelling hand.
     In exchange, you give him a sweet smile and a single swish of your hand.
     "You better not try anything. I will find you if you do, darling..."
     The doors close, and yet his final words to you give rise to the little bumps on your arms.
     Just you wait, dArliNg.
      He's gone... He is gone, right?
      You run to a nearby window to peer down to the front yard– where The Doctor has just left the front doors and is walking down the path.
      He suddenly stops, and you feel a shiver run down your spine as he turns around to look up– up at the window you're currently watching him from.
     He's daring me.
     Benevolent then waves up at you, before turning again and continuing on his way.
     He knows, doesn't he?
     But that doesn't matter; you're going to escape... And you're doing so with Trauma.

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