🌾S1 CH. Nine; The Start of an Ending

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Everything happened in a blur.
        For the next ten seconds of your heart-wrenching scenario, you felt like you experienced death.
       Where your body no longer felt like your own, as if your soul was fading to another dimension.
       But only for those ten seconds.

The razor sharp blade of your butterfly knife broke through flesh and the knuckles of Emotionful's fist.
       The crunch and grind of blade against bone melted in your ears, and so did his sudden outburst of swearing as he lifted himself off your body to yank the knife out of his hand.
       Your heart is stunned; while your brain tries desperately to rationalize to your heart that it needs to start beating again– even if it never really stopped.
       Emotionful yells in agony and he finally manages to pull the blade from his hand, before his eyes land on you once more.
       In this moment, you barely catch the flash of movement as Powerless collides into the larger Night; this only slightly imbalances Emotionful, but the small pocket of time it buys you is all you need.
       You force yourself up, and you force yourself to ignore the burning pain in your hip as you jaggedly dash to the balcony.
       Sweaty palms grip the railing as you look over it; the drop probably wouldn't kill you, but you'd definitely break something. Which you cannot risk.
        A crash sounds from behind you, and you swivel your head around to look back into your room.
       Powerless heads straight towards you, and you quickly realize he now runs on all fours as he transforms into a monster like Otherworldly... Just smaller and with less spikes on his body.
       You brace yourself for the inescapable impact as he scoops you into his arms and jumps off the balcony.
       His body slams into the pavemented ground, yet keeps you unschaved by shielding you in his arms.
       As Powerless stumbles to his feet, he helps you onto his back; right as the other three [NIGHTS] jump off of the balcony.
       You assumed before that they didn't get their guns out because that'd alert the City, but now you watch as that reason is thrown away as Dauntless and Merciless pull out their weapons.
       "Stay... low!" Powerless orders as he begins sprinting over the cold ground and towards the shopping district.
       Where he thinks he's going, you can't be sure; all you currently worry about is keeping your head low as bullets start flying past you.
       You hear a bullet pop, indicating it hit its target... That being Powerless.
       The Night sputters a grunt as he nearly trips himself up. You nearly slide off, yet he manages to catch himself; allowing you to reposition while he continues to run.
       How he can just take a bullet to the gut and keep running is beyond you; especially knowing that will not be the case for you if a bullet hits you the same way.
       The gunfire abruptly stops, and everything goes silent around you both minus the thumps of his rapid paced-running.
        In a short time, he reaches a dark alley between two shops; and you quickly recall that right down the street is Unstable's [RESIDENCE]. If you can get Powerless to drop you off nearby, you may be able to get help without risking them killing Powerless.
       "Drop me off by the blimp!" You call to your ride, and you feel his body tense beneath you; despite his fear of getting seen, he incredulously continues towards the light of the street lamps.
        As your destination comes into view, you prickle with excitement... But that feeling doesn't last long.
       A bone-breaking roar echoes off the buildings all around; and you jerk your head down as the the noise booms in your ear canals.
      It just as well causes Powerless to lose his balance, and he takes a nose-dive into the ground– sending you flying off his back and crashing into the ground six feet in front of him.
       "When I told him to drop me off, I most definitely did not mean throw!"
       Ringing fills your ears as the visions of light and shadow blurs in your eyes. Blood trickles from your lips, and the strong taste of iron fills your mouth.
      Drawing in heavy inhales, you groan as you use your right arm to push yourself up.
      You gag pitifully as you spit out a mouthful of blood; trying desperately to spit out the taste, but to no avail, the liquid just keeps oozing out.
       That's when it hits you– you've bitten your tongue, and pretty badly too.
       Seeing as you have nothing to do about it, you shift your blurred focus to see where the Night is.
       "Po-... Powerless?" You ask, your words barely audible, even to your own ears.
        The ground trembles suddenly, the unsteady vibration of heavy steps flows through your body as something big approaches.
        A rumbling growl shakes you to your core; and you feel the grogginess leave you almost instantly as you turn over on your back.
       Looming over you with a mouth drooling its corrupted saliva, is Emotionful.
       His hands and arms now turned into two, long sword-like scythes.
       Underneath his towering form lies Powerless; his body in a slumped and lifeless position.
       You freeze at the sight; the warmth in your body leaves you as stare at the small Night's unmoving self.

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