🥀 S2 CH. Seven; Pygalgia

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You've walked miles... Miles upon miles while Realistic lectured you on everything. Anytime you retorted his words you'd get backhanded by Fatal, and after getting smacked by his iron fists a handful of times you decided to just nod along to the rest of whatever was explained to you.
         You'd rather not have your skull end up as busted as your rib-cage.

"You got all that?"
         Your answer should've been obvious to him, and if it was, then he asked purely to get on your nerves further.
         The immediate answer from you caused Mag to giggle from where she walks alongside Fatal, while Realistic just sighs– though you could have sworn you heard amusement in it. He proceeds to walk ahead of you, leaving you to your thoughts.
         Thoughts that consisted of what you'd find in the city, and who you'll see. As much as you wanted to reunite with the operatives, you know that the ties of friendship with them have worn thin; there's no longer mutual understanding or positive feelings– just neutral distrust.
         Not only that, but would the Union even allow you to return to a normal civilian life? There's just no way that's possible for you– not when the infection is so bad, you'd be a walking time-bomb to civilian life.
         Surely though, they won't just execute you upon first inspection?
         "What's going to happen after I walk into this city...?"
         As you have this thought, Realistic suddenly signals for the group's attention. Up ahead you will soon find the answer to your question.
         A short span of silence falls over the small group as you follow behind them to the top of the final hill; beyond it lies the old [DAWN CAPITOL] in all its glory.
         The city was everything you were expecting it to be.
         Despite no longer being the capitol, it's evident that the [DAWNS] have done their best to keep the city in order. Its towers are still standing tall, and the civilian residences fill in every space.
         Speaking of civilians, these Dawns are all neatly dressed, and no one looks miserable like you're used to. It's all very foreign, and for a moment you feel a prickle of jealousy for those born a Dawn over a Day.
         This jealousy is quickly forgotten though when you feel a hand get placed on your shoulder. You don't do much to hide your flinch as you turn to face Realistic. He removes his hand as he stares at you for a mere second before speaking. "We're counting on you, you know..."
         His cold words are laced with an underlying meaning, one you hate– yet at the same time you rather not question it until it actually makes itself present. You give him a nod, and he turns away from you. "Take care," with this, he returns to Fatal's side.
          You let out a quiet exhale as you turn around towards the city. The Resistance has gotten you right to the borderline, just enough that you can sneak in without the city's military police spotting you.
          Once in far enough you can relax... Only because now you have to trust what Realistic said. Something about the Dawns not minding your presence as long as you obey orders.
          Which proves easier said than done, as you instinctually stick close to the buildings' shadows, steering clear of the Dawns. You avoid eye-contact out of fear that they'll sense something is off with you; so you keep your pace quick as you make it to the small clearing where they put up temporary housing for the Days.
          As the flag of the Union blows below the Dawns' flag, a moment of peace fills you. Looking at it reminds you just how fortunate it is the Union even has an ally that will risk themselves in rescuing your people.
          Your focus falls from the flags and unto the people below. Bittersweet joy and relief washes over you as you gaze longingly at your fellow Days civilians. They all look so battered up and exhausted, not even the babies can cry, nor do the children attempt to play. Every one of them sit in silence as they are tended to by Dawns.
         The operatives are nowhere to be seen, though... Which you suppose is no surprise, they must be with the [SUPREME LEADER]. Most likely coming up with some plan on where to go from here in regards to the Night Coalition.
         You approach the tents, keeping a solemn expression as you walk. A few of the civilians look up at your arrival, some look surprised, while others look... scared? As to why you can't be sure, but you don't blame them.
         Upon entering the first hospital tent, you look up and lock eyes with a blue-eyed nurse. She drops the bloody cloth she was holding into a bag, before making her way over to you.
         "Ah... You're new," she comments once she is stopped in front of you, looking you up and down– "sit down."
         You obey without much hesitation... After all, Realistic did tell you to act as natural as you can. You don't want to raise suspicion amongst anyone.
         She changes into a new pair of sterile gloves, before approaching you. "May I see your ID?" You give her a nod and reach into your pocket and grab your ID– giving it to her. After she verifies it, she hands it back to you.
         "You didn't arrive with the rest?"
         A nervous glint flashes in your eyes, and you can definitely see her make note of the subtle change in your demeanor. "No... I didn't... It's a long story."
         You were scared to say anything, but at your answer she relaxed a bit. Deciding to just move on with the health check instead of interrogating you.
         She begins with your legs, to which your uncomfortable self does its best to resist the urge to kick her off. She moves on to your waist, where she finds the bandages around your chest poking out. Her insistence on checking your broken ribs out is less than pleasant, but you allow her to regardless.
         After that, she moves on to the small cuts on your face, neck, hands... Things are all going smoothly, until she begins rolling up the sleeve of your left arm. The moment you notice that, you grab her wrist to stop her from continuing, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "What is it?"
         You can't bring yourself to answer, instead you just let go of her and look away. The fear of what she'll do when she finds the infection bubbles inside you, yet there's nothing you can do to stop her that'll not make you look more suspicious.
         The nurse huffs a bit before continuing what she was doing. The moment she sees those welts, a soft gasp leaves her mouth; her grip on your arm tightens a bit as she raises it to get a closer look.
            "This isn't good..." She lowers your arm and lifts her gaze to look you in the eyes, she looks like she's about to say something to you, before she abruptly drops your arm and backs away.
            She grabs the walkie-talkie off her belt and lifts it to her mouth. "H01, this is Nurse Liu, I have a patient who needs immediate medical attention from The [DOCTOR]..."
            The moment that last word leaves her mouth, your blood runs cold. She continues talking, yet you don't hear anything she says as you shakily get to your feet. "Be- H-he's... No, no, no...!"
            "Civilian, sit down!"
            It's too late to obey her now, for you're already running out of the tent, past the other civilians, and towards the streets of the city. Nothing within you could bring you to stop now.
            The noises of the world around you melt into one loud pounding within your head, and you dare not look back. All you can think about is the fact that he's here... Here and alive. All at once, the entire plan that Realistic had laid out for you is thrown away; "there's no way I can do this now!"
            Your panicked running slows as heavy gasps of air leave your aching lungs, and when you look back you realize you've barely made it away from that tent.
            The nurse points a few Dawn city guards your way. "Apprehend that Day, they're [INFECTED]!"
            Next thing you know, you're being hunted by armed soldiers, and civilians who've overheard the nurse turn to you in fear. Some run, others begin pelting you with rocks.
           You force yourself to run faster as you weave through the streets and crowds. Escaping momentarily into an alleyway and stopping; panting as your wild eyes scan the area for a way out.
           Stomping steps from behind you cause you to spin around to find guns drawn and aimed at you, the guards slowly approaching you.
           "Get on the ground!"
           Their shouts go ignored as you back against the wall of a building. You had nothing on you to save you, and also no willingness to listen. Both defiance and fear in your eyes as they close in on you.
            Once backed against the wall, the lead guard approaches you. You can see the reluctance in his eyes to use his weapon on you– nevertheless, he raises his rifle; and you brace yourself by closing your eyes.
            It's not a second later before a loud shot echoes off the walls of the alley, causing you to flinch as the noise rings in your ears. A part of you thought it was the guard's gun, but when you feel no impact of getting hit, your eyes open just in time to watch the guard's decapitated body fall to the ground.
            The other three all turn their weapons away from you and unto the bigger threat; who you also see when you turn to look to the roof above with wide eyes. A glee filled grin gazes down at you– one you instantly recognize from the night you lost everything.
            The [NIGHT] jumps into the alleyway next, raising his duel revolvers towards the small group of guards, he wastes no time swiftly silencing them like he did the first– leaving alone you with the blood crazy maniac.
           "D-Dauntless...!" You gasp when he turns to you; he wraps his arm around you and crushes you under the weight of his arm, leaving you no room to struggle against him.
           "Hush, liebe," he whispers to you as he turns his focus back to the roof. You scrunch your face up in a scowl as you stare at him, half wishing you grabbed one of the guards' guns before getting snatched.
            He jumps to the balcony that hangs overhead before swinging back to the roof.
            The skies that are now filled with choppers, so many that you realize that Dauntless hasn't come alone– in fact, it didn't take you long to figure out which Night organized this attack...
           "That damn weed can't leave me alone!"
            The perpetual smirk on Dauntless' face grows larger as he points his guns upwards and opens fire, carefully pecking off each pilot.
            His aim is insane, and you hate the fact that you feel impressed by the enemy you swore to get revenge on– but here you are, watching him gun down the Dawns without a word or even an attempt to get away.
            As the last chopper falls to the side, it hits a building, causing it to erupt into flames. A pit forms in your stomach as you watch chaos ensue around– "this is all because of me."
           It wouldn't take long until back-up is called, and not wanting to get trapped, Dauntless turns around and jumps to the next roof. He gazes over the edge of it, when he does, soldiers' bullets fly up in an attempt to hit him; all of which are futile. He takes a few steps back, before dashing forward and jumping off– he angles his body so it absorbs the majority of the impact, while keeping you shielded from both the fall and the bullets.
          Dauntless tightens his grip on you as he gets up, barely flinching as bullets are pelted into his flesh. This is when you realize the dark cloud forming around the two of you, it covers you both completely, blocking out the light. You feel tendrils snake around your body, before hearing the Night shooting again from the safety of this cloak of darkness.
          As the sound of bullets fade, so does his cloud, and you find yourself back in his arms as he runs around the corner and down the block, sticking close to the shadows of the buildings to avoid detection from the Dawns in the air.
          You hear a series of explosions go off behind the two of you, yet you're unable to look back due to the tight hold. Again, everything is melting together and leaving you feeling confused more than anything. How is it that your missions always come to a crashing disaster?
          You're shaken from your thoughts when you feel a heavy weight collide into Dauntless, you're dropped on the sandy ground with a soft thump.
         "Ugh..." You hold a hand to your head as you look over to Dauntless, who is getting up to face a second Night.
          "You could've made me crush our target!" He yells, balling his fists as he tries his best to contain his fury.
          The other familiar Night just rolls his eyes and looks over at you, a freaky smile growing on his face as he stares at you. He walks over, and once close enough you notice he's absolutely soaked in blood.
          You scoot back as he grows closer. "M-Merciless..."
          "This is the thing the boss thinks is valuable?" He asks once in front of you, reaching a clawed hand towards your trembling frame.
          Dauntless stomps over and grabs you before Merciless can touch you, throwing you over his shoulder and continuing on towards the city outskirts. "Yes, they are."
         The second Night follows close behind the two of you, his amber eyes never leaving yours. You stare right back at him; both sizing each other up.
         After a moment he smiles, seemingly understanding the hatred held in your gaze– the look alone amuses him. It makes your blood boil that he can brush you off like that. If only you had your weapon right now...

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