🌾S1 CH. Five; The Hospital

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By the time you and Placid reached the area of the Pilot's [RESIDENCE], you assume it is around 8PM.
         You take a quick glance upwards at the Operative, his gaze unwavering from the path ahead.
         Despite walking quite the distance, his breathing continues at a steady and shallow pace.
         If you were him, you believe that you would have already dropped the person you're carrying long ago,  while heaving in breaths and sweating your top off... But then again, you're not an undead war machine.

"We have [ARRIVED]," he suddenly announces, and you flinch in his grasp.
         He looks down, specifically at your shoulder, which has just barely stained the surface of the wound dressing an oily color. It's apparent you've stopped bleeding, and just in time.
         Upon hearing his words you look over to the large grey building; just down the street is the gigantic blimp, along with some smaller flying aircrafts stationed nearby.
         Placid rings the doorbell as he carefully places you on your feet; you lean towards your left as to not further straining your injured right leg.
         "Thank you so much for carrying me all this way, if there's any way I'm able to repay you, just let me know!" You exclaim, your tone having a preppy hint to it.
         He looks to you with that familiar head tilt, before you hear the faintest of laughs flow from his mouth. "That won't be necessary, I don't believe we'll see much of each other again after [UNSTABLE] ships you to the [HOSPITAL]."
        "Oh, right..." You think to yourself, just now remembering that Benevolent was helping Dynamic take Radiant home... How could The Doctor possibly be back at the hospital by now?
        Unless he ran there... But what reason would make him run so far?

Placid rings the doorbell once more, a little impatiently this time while you stare dejectedly at your feet.
          What was your life about to become? All that complaining about your job just to end up becoming something worse.
          A series of thuds and clambering can be heard from inside the residence, before the heavy door finally opens. Unstable stands there, hat dispositioned on his head and mouth stuffed with bread, and with a long baguette in his left hand.
          You giggle at the sight, while Placid sighs. "Unstable, [Name] requires medical treatment, you have to airlift them to the [HOSPITAL]."
          Unstable's neck twitches as he swallows the big bite of bread, barely had he chewed it before doing so. "SURE SURE," he replies, stepping out of the door which pushes both of you to the side as he turns to lock his residence.
         Once the lock is clicked, Unstable turns to you. "LET'S GO, SHALL TELL ME OF IT ON WAY THERE," he says, pointing to your shoulder with his baguette. You nod, but shudder a little bit; you don't exactly want to relive the memories of being nearly mauled to death by Otherworldly.
         Unstable takes a bite of the long bread as he begins walking off; you try your best to follow after him, but the pain on the right side of your hip and femur prevents you from going far.
         You stop quickly as you wince at the sharp stab of pain.
         You feel Placid come up from behind to help you balance on your other leg, before he calls after Unstable. "You have to carry them, they can't walk."
         The Pilot turns around and comes marching back, all his jittery and quick movements making you feel anxious in regards to flying with him.
         Once reaching you, he grabs you around your waist and swings you over his shoulder. You let out a gasp of shock and discomfort when you watch your one useless arm flail over with you.
        "For pete's sake, be careful!" Placid groans in disbelief as he moves closer to tuck your bad arm underneath you.
        "OH! SORRY SORRY," Unstable exclaims loudly, turning around and swinging you with the movement. Your dangling legs nearly soaring into Placid until he swiftly steps back to avoid getting whacked.
        "WE GO NOW!" The Pilot says cheerfully as he turns abruptly again, swinging you the other way.
         You pucker your lips in a nauseated state as you watch Placid slowly get smaller and smaller the further you are carried away.
         Placid then turns and walks the other way, soon disappearing into the shadows.

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