🥀 S2 CH. Two; Distrust

884 24 35

"I miss them..."
         The faces of the operatives circle your thoughts. Two in particular sticking out– Macabre and Dynamic.
         "It's all my fault," you choke on your tears, grabbing the sides of your head as you curl up into a ball.
         All you want is to go back in time, to the happiest year of your life... When you became the [CLEANER].
         As rough as a year it was, you found companionship amongst the operatives. When they entered your life you felt as if you could do anything.
         Until now.
         Loneliness creates a hole deep inside of you, while the grief leaves you feeling hollowed out and bitter.
         You woke up alone, again placed on the couch with the blanket over you... No sign of Benevolent whatsoever.
         The bunker is quiet, so he must be gone; and the silence becomes louder as the hours drag by.
         He ran off despite the fact he promised you answers to what is going on above ground; but instead he left you on your own– full of anger, and even more confused.

You lower your hands and lift your head to glance across the room.
        The heavy door looks back at you, and the more you stare at it the more it feels like it's beckoning for you to get up.
        Your gaze drifts downwards to the chair, and placed in the seat is a small note.
        With eyes widening, you spring up– which causes the blood to rush to your head, and you fumble off the side of the couch.
        Your body twists and crushes your foot, yet you ignore the sting in your ankle as you scramble up to grab the note.
        Written in Benevolent's fancy doctor penmanship is;
       "[Name], by the time you're reading this, I'll be gone. I don't know when I'll be back, and when I think about it, there's a high chance of me failing to return... I do know that you're confused, and I wish I could explain things to you, but the laws that govern our world does not allow me to.
        If there is a next time, I'll see you then.

Your teeth grind together as you stare at the words. Nothing was making sense to you, and you're starting to despise that feeling.
        You lift your head to look towards the door, soon walking over to it.
        The scanner is red, indicating it's locked– with the only way through it being a key-card.
        Stepping back, you crumble the note out of frustration and fear alike.
        If he doesn't come back, you're going to die down here.
        Something is very wrong above the ground... And you must learn what.
        No matter what distrust lies between you and The Doctor, you can't let that affect your other friendships...
       "I need to get back to the city."

You dig through the cabinets and drawers in search of the possible key-card Benevolent may have left behind for you, but there's absolutely nothing that'll help you.
       Something that only fuels your resentment towards the operative.
       A sudden squeaky noise is heard, and you turn around to find the source of it. You look up at the camera that hangs above the door, its red eye staring towards you as it shifts up and down, trying to get your attention.
       Walking up to it, you stand in front of it.
       It looks down, meeting your stern gaze.
       "I don't know who is behind this camera, but please, I need you to open the door!" You plead, feeling dumb you're begging a camera right now, but surely there's someone on the other side watching you.
        Obviously it isn't Bene– and you don't think it's one of the operatives to begin with... But you can't worry about that right now, you just need to escape.
       Whoever operates the thing is reluctant, and it even looks away from your gaze.
       Banging a fist on the door, you yell at it again, your voice hurting your own ears from the echo.
       "Come on! I need to get out of this place!"
       It ignores your pleas.
       The burn of tears is felt; fear and desperation now weighing heavy on your heart when the thought of dying down here rises within your mind.
       You lower your head, your balled fists relaxing as they fall to your sides.
       The camera shifts its eye downwards, watching your trembling figure with a wavering hesitation.
       "Please..." You begin, swallowing dryly as you press a hand against the cold metal, "I need to know what's going on up there..."
        The camera tilts its focus on you, and you look up to meet its glowing gaze.
        "I don't want to lose any more of them!"
        You don't hold back your tears now, and they stream down your cheeks before falling into the fabric of your shirt.
        A pause, before the red eye goes dark, and the camera whirrs as it shuts down.
        You freeze, your breath hitching as your nails drag across the rough texture of the door.
        Did it really just leave you?
         You kick the door hard, a sharp pain shoots up your leg, but you ignore it as you continue to kick and pound on the thing.
         Once you realize it's not going to open with you beating on it, you stop and back away from it.
         Your gaze drops in defeat, knowing that without the camera operator willing to help... You'll never have the chance to pursue your mission.

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