🌾S1 CH. Six; The Trauma Tour

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"This sucks more than I imagined."

After Benevolent tended to your wounds, he took a sample of the tissue in your shoulder. He then put you in a random room and left. How kind of him...
       With nothing else to do, you get to observing every inch of the room.
       The walls are coated in rust, and there's no furniture besides the bed you lay on and a bedside table. A huge framed painting of the asylum Benevolent owns hangs on the wall across from you.
       This hospital is the void of anything positive, so you no way doubt the asylum is a hundred times worse. The strand of hope of never going there is all you have to cling to in this new chapter of life.

       You nearly jump from your bed when an inhuman groan sounds from the room on your right. Whatever made the noise starts moving around, knocking stuff over and walking into the walls by the sounds of it.
       You roll your eyes.
       "SHUT UP IN THERE!" You bellow, your shout echoing off the walls and making your head hurt even more.
       The noises from inside only grow more loud, and you throw yourself under the grey covers and hide your head under the pillow. You clench your eyes shut and try your best thinking of random memories to help rid your ears of the horrendous noises of your neighbor, but to no avail.
       A sudden series of stomping down the hall outside your room makes you raise your head curiously. The only person that should be wandering around is Benevolent... You hope.
       The door to your rowdy neighbor's room is practically thrown open by the sounds of it, and the strange critter cackles in fear of whoever just walked in on it.
       "Blasted [SPECIMEN!] You should know what happens if you don't heed my warnings!"
       You sit up upon hearing Benevolent's voice. Soon a series of snaps and hard thuds sound from within the room next doors. The noises this time are even worse than when the creature was doing who knows what in there.
       Whimpers and muffled sobs fill the silence after the presumed beating, and you hear its door get slammed shut. The heavy steps of The Doctor soon walk up the hall a bit before stopping outside your room.
       You gulp.

"May I come in?"
       Bene's voice returns to the familiar soft tone as he gives a light knock on the door.
      "Uhh, sure..."
      You instantly cringe at how uneasy sounding your words come out, but it's difficult to sound confident about your doctor visiting after you heard him beat your neighbor up.
      The door creaks open, and Bene steps in and shuts the door behind him before striding over to your bedside.
       He asks you something, but your mind didn't catch what he asked. Instead you stare at his attire- his face is covered up in a dark mask with three red lights mimicking the look of "eyes", while the rest of his outfit is completely black. Making it hard to decipher any details in it.
      They tap your leg, and you jolt out of your thoughts as you force yourself to make eye-contact... If you can even call it that-.
      "How are you feeling?"
      "Oh, uh, I guess all right..."
      As you reply your gaze glances towards the right wall, where the sobs have quieted, although haven't fully ceased.
      The Doctor notices this, and makes his way around the bed, trailing a hand down your leg as he goes- which makes your blood run cold as you bring your gaze back to him.
       "I don't believe [IT] should be a bother to you any longer, with all that thumping and carrying on," Bene informs you, and despite being unable to see his face, you can see the smirk in his words.
      His head turns from the wall to meet your worried face. "Don't feel too angry at [IT] for disturbing your rest though," he begins, turning his body to face you. He leans over the foot of the bed, the mattress squeaking under his weight from the pressure he creates in his hands that grab onto it.
      "Anyone would thump around and groan when their eyes barely work to see where they're going."
      The crying suddenly stops, and a loud silence takes over after the words leave his mouth.
      Goosebumps make way all over your body as you process what he told you. When what you thought was your neighbor throwing a fit in there, was really just them trying to navigate the room.
      The Doctor picks up on your unease, and leans back. They look terrifying just standing in the darkness with only red dots telling you of their presence.
      "Rest easy now, I do believe [IT] took my warning well this time. Most would obviously, after their ability to walk is taken away."
      The dread you feel just keeps piling up. If you wanted to feel constant discomfort and misery, you would've begged Dreadful to take you in!
      Benevolent makes his way over to the heavy door and opens it up, yet before leaving he gives you one last eerie stare-down. Then he laughs, making you flinch back.
      "Lighten up! I'll see you again in the morning, g'night!"
       Without waiting for your reply, he leaves, closing and locking the door behind him. You hear his steps echo off the walls, and soon they fade away. Once you knew The Doctor was gone, you let out a deep exhale of breath.
       "Lighten up, my ass!" You grumble indignantly under your breath as you throw and kick the blankets off your body. You grab the one crutch that was given to you earlier, and shakily hobble your way across the room to the wall.
        Sitting down without straining your sore hip and right femur too much, you begin softly tapping the rusted wall.
        At first, nothing happens, and you ponder to yourself if you should even be attempting to check on your neighbor... But when you were about to abandon your mission, a shuffling noise could be heard. The shuffling turns into a scraping that must be your neighbor dragging themself across the floor, all before a slight thump of them leaning against the opposite of the wall.
       They then tap back.
       "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier," you began, trying to keep your voice down, not knowing whether or not the malevolent doctor is eavesdropping or not.
       "Dd-Oo notT tt-tRust iiT."
       Their voice is raspy, dry, and broken, much like a busted record player- and quiet whimpers follow their words, as if painful to string the sentences together. You shift in your seat to press your ear against the wall when they speak again.
       "Fi-GhTt, dOo notT leT [HiMm] turNn yoUu iiNto sOometHIng liKKe meE," they sputter, the sounds of bones crackling soon following as they shift in their place.
      "Fight?" You think, assuming they must mean The Doctor. But there's no way you can take on an operative... Plus, a small lingering part of you still considers Benevolent a friend, you can't just retaliate against a "friend" without knowing all the details yet.
      "What are you?" Once you ask them, you hope they don't just say "specimen"; as that part is clear.
     "What's that supposed to mean? Is that their name or something? Or the thing they embody?   Probably their name... I s'pose I should introduce myself."
       "Oh, uh, I'm [Name]."
       "YOou shhoulD noT hAave cOme hereE," Trauma replies, despite it being very hard to tell their emotions by words, their answer sounds full of disbelief.
        You scoff as you begin picking at your cuticles. "Yeah? I didn't know that until I was brought here," you reply, and rather sourly.
        "It-iT's toO laate FoR meE, bbUt nnOt FoR yoU."
         Could that even be true? What hope do you have of somehow escaping this place? You can't just run away. And you can't ask for walks around the city square, by now your name is in the database as a specimen- if you are ever spotted then you're dead.
       You hear Trauma creak from inside their room. "GgEt toO beEHd, hEaL fAsTt."
       Grabbing your crutch, you manage to pull yourself up onto shaky legs.
       "Right... Good night, Trauma."
       "GooD nIgHT, [NaMe]."
       Maybe you'll have a friend here in this deathtrap hospital after all? You smile a little bit at the thought as you wobble over to your bed and climb onto it. Soon covering up and closing your eyes. Hopefully, your dreams will be just the escape from reality that you desperately need...

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