🌾S1 CH. Three; The Theatre

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"Bye! Thanks for *yawn*... sleeping over," you say as you wipe the sleep out of your eyes, seeing off Sorrowful and Unstable.
           "No problem! That was probably one of the best sleeps I've ever had," the Priest replies, stretching his arms over his head. Despite his name and mask, Sorrowful actually sounds somewhat energized for once.
           "YES, GOOD SLEEP GOOD!" Unstable adds, still bouncing on his heels which hasn't stopped since he woke up. You can't imagine what he's like with coffee in his system, just thinking about it sounds like a nightmare.
          Nodding along with their words like you agree, while inside you can only wish the same applied to you over the night.
        "Well, we best get to work," Sorrowful says, and with a few last exchanged goodbyes, you are left alone in the doorway.
        You turn around and use your leg to kick the door shut; mumbling and grumbling as you make your way upstairs to best prepare you for another day of walking and hunting.   

Drying your face off with a soft towel, you lift your head to stare at yourself in the mirror. Dark bags hang under your eyes, your skin looks clammy while your eyes are red with fatigue.
       "I suddenly want to be gutted alive," you mutter as you turn away from your counter, just in time to hear the doorbell ring.
       "Oh, goodie goodie, more people," you say to yourself in mock excitement, quickly stumbling down the stairs and to the door again. You peek out the small window on it, surprised to see who's on the other side, but at least this person is more tolerable.
        You swing the door open, revealing the crazy tall [OPERATIVE], Radiant_Day. Despite being a rather lean fellow, to you he resembles a chipmunk. You just wanna pinch his little round cheeks and feed him peanuts.
        "Hey, [Name]! How are-" he stops his sentence as he stares at your face. "Oh geez, have you seen yourself?" he exclaims instead.
        You roll your eyes. "Yes, I have indeed. It was a reaaally long night," you inform him as your hands pull down at your face, groaning slightly as your eyelids return to drooping.
        The operative falters a bit before he begins talking again. "Oh, I'm sorry about that! Are you able to do your job today?"
        Right... Your job. Just remembering it again causes you even more fatigue.
        "I'll probably manage... I just need to start walking it off," you tell him, not at all wanting to "walk" anything off. The only walking you wished to do was straight to the bed.
         You lift your head to meet his hazel eyed gaze when you hear him snap his fingers quickly. "Well, I actually bring good news!" He begins, clapping his hands together with a grin on his face, and you give him a small smile, "have I been fired?" You ask, in which he lets out a fast sigh.
        "Uh, no- There's going to be a show tonight! At my theatre," Radiant relays, his bright smile practically giving you vitamin D as you stare at him, trying to wrap your tired brain around what he means.

You quickly recall the previous theatre experience that happened a couple months ago.
         During a play the audience and operatives alike were unaware of two [NIGHTS] who tried breaking into the theatre through the vents, but lucky, or unluckily, Scary_Day and Unstable caught on to this and climbed into the vents to hunt the Nights down.
         It was a whole ordeal filled with confusion and panic, especially after the four "vent runners" fell through part of the ceiling, and into the guests.
        You shudder at the memory, knowing since then there hasn't been another theatre activity in the past couple months. More so in terms of property damage caused and the fact both [NIGHTS] escaped.
        Radiant picks up on your uneasiness, and raises a hand to pat your shoulder. "Don't worry, this time we've made sure to take EXTRA safety precautions!" He says reassuringly, his warm eyes smiling into yours.
         In all honesty, there's no harm in really going. Even if something were to happen, you're positive most of those attending will make it out alive. And it'd be a nice change of pace after months of feeling like you're reliving the same day.
       "Sure, I would love to drop by!" You tell him with the best smile you can muster, and the operative does a little happy dance. "Awesome! I can't wait to see you there!"
        As those words leave his mouth he pulls out a little slip from his pocket, "Here's the time so you don't forget, also at the bottom in small print says to bring some body armor, just in case," he points out, his tone still cheery as he reads the part that basically reads, "better bring protection wear in case this all goes horribly wrong!"
       You take the slip from him, a concerned smile on your face, while Radiant simply draws his hand away to let it fall at his side.
      "I'll see you later then, [Name]!"
      "C'ya, Radiant, thanks for inviting me," you wave, and he gives you a quick salute before jogging off.
       Your eyes fall back down to the slip as you step outside from your house and close the door behind you. The event time reading 5:30PM. Two hours before your shift actually ends, but hopefully this won't affect this week's paycheck...

Hour, after hour, after HOUR you walk from one part of the city to the next.
          Your feet are killing you, and your back isn't far from getting thrown out.
          You couldn't figure out why your body still feels unused to this strenuous job even after the two years you've been at it. Maybe it's the continuous polluted air that you breathe in on a daily basis?
          Whatever the reason– you're seriously considering quitting this job. But what would you do after it? Work for Benevolent?

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