First Adventure Pt.2!

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"Its warden wrath! Hide!"

I looked around while panicking and i saw an empty cell that was open. I ran towards it and closed it quickly. As soon as i did that the door flung open and we all gasped.

"I can hear you." Said Wrath. He looked like one of those old creepy doctors i once read about in school. It was really weird.. "Now what are you fools chatting about?" He said walking infront of my cell. His arm turned into a hammer and he smashed the cell me and king were in.

We flinched as he did that and we both looked away. He looked at us then the little tiny monster started rambling which made him turn his attention to her. "Fight against the oppwessor! We will wesist! We will conquer! We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep!"

Wrath opened her cell. "Hooway im fwee!-" As soon as she said that he sqeezed her and picked her up then left and slammed the door he came in from. I checked twice before opening up the cell and going over to the cat girl. "Ill get you free!" i said then started struggling to lift up the lever.

"Ugh! My weak nerd arms!-" i said frowning. "Get out of here while you can kid. Enjoy freedom for us." the cat girl said facing away from me and king. My frown stayed and i looked down then walked into the hallway that eda pointed to earlier. "Why are you so upset?" king asked me.

"We couldn't help them. Thats why. They don't deserve to be locked up.." i said. A couple seconds later eda flies up next to us. "Alright the warden is busy torturing some little creature so we have just enough time to go-...You okay?" eda said. "Yeah. Lets go get kings crown!" i said smiling and eda nodded while smiling as well.

Kind gets off my shoulders and jumps down onto the ground then goes us the the door and tries to open it. "My crown is close! I can sense its power!" he said as his little tail swayed left to right. "Are you sure your okay y/n?" eda said. "I just wanted to help the people back there. Its not fair their locked up." i said looking back.

Eda put her arm on my shoulder and smiled. "If we can, we'll go back for them." Eda said. "Now come on before king hurts himself!-" King fiddles with the doorknob and it zaps him once he opens it. "Ow!-" He says then runs into the room. Me and eda run in after king and i see a giant light in the room. Its a giant pillar.

King goes headfirst into the pillar but it just pushes him back. "We have a human remember?" eda says while smiling. "Oh yeah!" king stands up. I hesitate then take a deep breath and walk through the pillar. It was very bright at first but then i saw a huge pile of stuff. I saw the crown at the top but then i looked harder.

"Is that a-.." I got out of the pillar with the crown in hand and king took it. It was a burger queen crown not an actual crow! "That crown doesn't give him any powers does it?" i looked at king and eda sighed. "Ah look at us Y/n. Me and king don't have much in this world but we have eachother. So if that dumb crown is important to him, its inportant to me." She smiled while looking at king then i smiled and looked at her.

"Yes! Yes! I can feel my power returning! You there!" king points at a bunny plushy. "I shall name you Francois and you are the general of my army!" i kept my smile and laughed a bit. "Lets get out of here before the warden finds us and loses his head." eda said.

"Too late." The warden was behind her and he cut off her head and i catched it while screaming. "Ugh! Ow! I hate it when that happens!" I screamed again.
"Oh calm down its just happens when your older." eda said and i looked at her concerned. "D-does it?-.." i said while looking at her and then at the warden.

"Ah Eda The Owl Lady. I Finally have you cornered." he said. He took kings crown. "Weh?!" He crushed the crown in his hand and we all gasped. "No! My power!" king said while falling on his knees. "What do you want with me? I've never actually broken any of your stupid laws... in front of you." eda said.

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