Witches Duel! Pt.2!

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I panicked. Did i just challenge a top student, powerful, witch?! I ran looking towards eda. I saw her storming off. She came from the emperors coven tent, where gus and willow went.

I went over to eda but basically rapped my words as i said everything so fast. "Woah woah. Slow down kid. What?" eda said. I took a deep breathe. "I challenges amity to a Witches duel!.." I said a bit more worried.

There was someone behind me. I looked and there was a woman with dark blue hair and she was the leader of the emperors coven! She looked at me then back at eda.

"Mmm, it seems your student has met my strongest protégé." The woman said. She kneeled down to my level and looked at my ears. I covered them quickly as i took a step back. She laughed and turned back to eda.

"Eda where did you even find one of these?" she said with a grin on her face.
"Okay. Edalyn." the woman said tracing a circle in the air. Around the building all of edas wanted posters burned. "For one day you can roam free but only because i want to see if you really are a good teacher." She said still smiling.

"Come on, kid. Time to prepare for bloodshed." Eda said walking to a hallway. "But..Whos blood..?" I asked nervously. "Anyones!" she said laughing. I smiled nervously. I saw amity give me a look. It wasn't a bad one but i dont think it was good either.

I followed eda to the hallway. "All right, Y/n. Let's start your training. Now, I'm coming at you with a blast of fire. What do you do?" I pulled my hoodie up and i lie down on the floor. Eda looked a bit confused then it hit her. "I havent taught you any spells. Right?" she said.

I nodded and sat up on the ground.
"Boy, I hope you didn't make an everlasting oath to stop learning magic or anything. You'd be toast!" Eda said.

I layed back on the ground and groaned. I could hear amity doing a great job with her magic. Her abominations are strong and she herself is strong. Im gonna lose..

"Im gonna have to stop learning magic.." i said still on the ground. "Listen to me, Y/n. We are not gonna let those snobs win that easy! We are not gonna let them win at all. I've got an idea." Eda said smiling.

"Beloved citizens, the Emperor's Coven proudly presents a demonstration of the kind of witch we look for every year. Amity Blight!" The woman with blue hair. We were in the tent. I was beside the woman. She introduced me aftet Amity and everyone started gasping.

I was so nervous. This was not going to end well. I could feel it. Eda was behind me. "Eda! What am i going to do?!" i asked her. She told me her idea. "Wait no thats cheating!" i said.

"Nobody will know. To all eyes up there it'll look like you're performing magic. Just trust me." Eda said. I nodded. The battle started. Amity didnt hesitate at all. I took note to what eda said. I made it look like i was attacking amity as eda used her magic.

I got a small boost of confidence as i made fake attacks towards amity. Everyones eyes widened and they gasped. Amity and the blue haired woman were mad. The woman looked more mad though. I think shes onto me and eda.

Amity made a giant abomination. It was almost impossible to dodge its attacks. My confidence left me as i fumbled with my fake attacks. I was about to make another fake attack but then i was pushed out the way by the abomination and the attack came from the audience.

Everyone gasped and amity and the blue haired woman smiled as i fell backwards and scooted backwards trying not to get hurt. "Oh Edalyn. I had faith in you but in the end i knew you would cheat." The blue haired woman said.

Eda and the woman kept talking for a while then eda circled around her and amity. I got up from the ground and as soon as i did the abomination amity made shrunk and she gasped. "Aha! A Power Glyph from the constructing coven!" Eda said.

"Woah. You cheated too.." I said. As soon as i said that amity looked at everyone who was booing. She ran off looking like she was about to cry and i ran after her. She was pretty fast! She ran out of the tent and i followed.

She sat down on the ground hugging her knees in a hallway. I walked up to her and sat next to her. "Are you okay? It doesn't matter that you cheated! I mean i did too!" i said trying to make her feel better. I dont think it worked.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you." i said. She looked at me and she was very angry. "Thats all you ever do! First at school and now here!" She said. She got closer to me and we were face to face once again.

"You made me look like a fool in front of the Emperor's Coven. My future! You think it's so easy to be a witch but ive been working my whole life to be on top! You lost and cheated. Say it! Say you Aren't a witch!" i looked away and scooted a bit further from her.

"Im not a witch." I said. A couple days earlier i found out how to do a light spell. I took out a pencil and my notepad then i drew the glyph and tapped on it. I smiled as the small ball of light went up to my hands. Amity looked at me confused.

"But im training really hard to become one!" i said smiling at her. Amity looked at me then at the light. I could tell she was sorta impressed but i knew she wouldnt tell me that. She turned away after a few seconds. "Thats a simple light spell. A baby can do that." She said.

I frowned and made the light dissapear. I picked up my notepad and put it away. "But...Ive never seen it cast like that." Amity said. "It doesn't come to me like it does to you. Its not so simple." I said turning away. I heard amity sigh. She took my hand and i was a bit shocked at first but then i realised what she was doing.

"The oath is unbound." She said getting up and letting go of my hand. I got up as well. "It worked? Can i still learn magic?!" i said. "Humans have no magical ability. But I doubt that'll stop you." Amity said walking away. 

I stared at her aa she walked away then i looked at the ground and smiled. A little while later i found king and eda. Eda fought her sister! Turns out the blue haired woman was edas sister! I found that kinda surprising. Makes you wonder what other secrets she has!

Words: 1200.

Thank you so much for waiting and THANK YOU FOR OVER A THOUSAND READS! Ill try to post more often so we can get more amity action and ill also post another part in my HunterXReader story! I hope you enjoyed and thanks again! If you have any ideas let me know!

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