Chapter five

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Tris POV

"Did I hear you correctly. You just said that Peter's my brother." I said.

"Get Caleb and we talk about it." she said.

I ran to the trains quickly. I got there in just enough time. I hoped onto a train and rode to Erudite.

How is this possible. Peter can't be my brother. If he was, my mom would tell. And if he is, then why did he come from Candor?

The train got near Erudite, that's when I jumped off. I then walked into Erudite head quarters. I saw Caleb sitting at a table. I walked over to him.

"Caleb." I said.

He looked up at me.

"Beatrice, why are you here?" he asked.

"It's Tris now, and Mom told me to come get you. We have an emergency." I said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"She'll tell you once we get there." I said.

Caleb set his book down and went up to the front desk.

"I'll be gone for a few days." he said.

"Where?" the woman asked.

"Dauntless." he said.

"Why?" she asked.

"An emergency." he said.

'Okay, you have to be back in about a week." she said.

We then left for the trains. One came in just enough time. We jumped onto it and headed to Dauntless.

It was a long ride back to Dauntless. When we got there, we jumped off. Then we went to find mom.

"So, where is she?" he asked.

"I don't know." I said.

I saw Four walking toward us.

"Four, where's my mom?" I asked.

"At out apartment. She's holding a meeting in the guest room." he said.

"Okay, thanks." I said.

I then gave him a quick kiss. Then I left to our apartment. I'm surprised that Caleb didn't ask who that was. When I got to the apartment, I went inside. I headed to the guest room. I saw my mom, dad, and sadly Peter.

"Good, you got Caleb." she said.

"How is he my brother?" I asked.

"You guys were twins. But I kept a promise to an old friend. That old friend was Mrs. Hayes. I told her that if she wanted a child, I would give one to her. So, when you two were born, I took Peter to Mrs. Hayes. she was happy." she said.

"Wait, but my told me that I wasn't adopted." Peter said.

"Not all Candor are honest." I said.

"Well, I told her not to tell you.' she said.

"Then why is in Candor, if she has to lie to her own kid." Peter said.

"Maybe we should go get Mrs. and Mr. Hayes. Andrew, will you go get them?" My mom asked.

My dad nodded his head and left the room. I never thought I would be in this position.

"So your telling me that the boy who hung me over the chasm, who painted Stiff on my sheets, who I lost a fight to, is my brother?" I asked.

"He did all of that?" she asked.

"Yeah. I doesn't really matter anymore. It happened during initiation." I said.

After an hour of waiting my dad came back with Peter's parents, or should I say foster parents.

"Hello Peter." Mrs. Hayes said.

"hi." he said.

"So, Mrs. Hayes, did I give Peter to you?" she asked.

"Yes you did. You promised me a child, and I was happy when you gave him to me." Mrs. Hayes said.

"See Tris, I'm not lying." she said.

"So, these are your other children?" Mrs. Hayes asked.

"Yes, this is Caleb, and this is Beatrice." she said.

"It's just Tris now." I said.

"Sorry." she said.

"We can do a blood test to see if we really are related." Caleb said.

"Okay, Mom, dad, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes can stay here while me, Caleb, and Peter go to the hospital." I said.

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