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Dortmund , Germany 🇩🇪


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IT WAS OFFICIALLY the last day of the week , Friday , and a certain brunette couldn't be happier. Fridays were the days she always went to visit her father. lately , she had been busy with schoolwork , projects and tasks. she felt bad that she hadn't gone to see him.

right now , the bell rang , indicating the last of the school day. a certain curly head , immediately stood up and packed her books in her tote bag. she put her silver headphones on her head and plugged it into her phone.

she slung the bag over her shoulder and gave her teacher a kind smile and wave before exiting the classroom. she sighed as she looked at the children who stormed out of the college halls and atrempted to walk through them but it resulted in her getting pushed around.

she was used to it though since it happens every single day. she took a huge breath of relief once she was safely outside of the college doors.

she crossed her arms and started taking the route towards her apartment , which was a bit of a stretch from her college.

Xaila didn't mind though , she loved walking rather than driving. that's why she rejected the idea of a car when her mother suggested it.

she was walking through the streets when she smelt the aroma of fresh baked cakes , muffins , tea and coffee. she was instantly sold and looked to her right.

there was a cute , vintage bakery on the other side of the road , calling out her name. she slightly smiled and looked both ways before crossing the road.

she walked as fast as she could , not wanting to be ran over with a car.

Xaila was standing out in the front , just looking inside of the bakery through the big window. it looked cosy and it smelt amazing.

she opened the door of the bakery, the bell making a chime , indicating that someone entered.

she looked around , seeing that there were not a lot of people in there. just some people here and there at tables , enjoying the goodies or working on their laptops.

Xaila looked around , her green eyes finding a spot at an empty table at the back and she walked over to it , clutching her white tote bag in her hands.

she sat in the wooden chair and put her tote bag on the other chair , since there were four. the atmosphere in the place was warm and cosy , completely making up for the cloudy weather in Dortmund.

she was glad that she decided to bring her book today because she planned on reading it when she was with her father.

a light brown skinned woman with work attire walked towarss her wirh a bright smile and Xaila recognised her as the waitress. "hi , i'm Mahary and i'll be taking your order" the woman said and placed a menu infront of the girl.

"anything to drink?" Mahary asked and took out her notepad and pen. "uhm , a hot chocolate would be nice" Xaila said and the waitress smiled before nodding her head and walking away.

Xaila opened the menu , scanning her eyes over the delicious food that they have and instantly decided on the peppermint and chocolate muffins.

she opened her book and opened it where she last read it. her eyes scanned over the words and she almost didn't notice Mahary coming back with the hot chocolate.

"have you decided on anything to eat?" she asked and Xaila nodded her head. "I'll have three peppermint and chocolate muffins , please" she said nicely and handed the menu back to the girl.

"is that all?" Mahary asked as she took the menu and the curly headed girl nodded her head. Mahary was about to walk away when she turned around to face the girl once again.

"i can give you the wifi password if you'd like...something to keep yourself busy with" she suggested and Xaila shook her head with a smile. "i'm okay with this" she said and pointed to her book.

Mahary smiled and nodded her head in understanding before walking away. Xaila took a sip of her hot chocolate that immediately made her smile at the taste.

it didn't take long for Mahary to come back with the three muffins that had some fruit on the side. "enjoy" Maharay said with a smile and Xaila thanked her before she walked away.

the muffins instantly melted inside of her mouth and it made her sigh in relief of the taste. she looked at it in amazememt before she started drinking the hot chocolate aswell , the combination bringing her a lot of serotonin.

Xaila continued to eat her muffins , drink her hot chocolate and read her book until the food was done. the bakery was warm , which made her kind of sad that she'll have to go back in the cold.

Xaila put her bookmark in the page where she last read it and closed it before putting it back in her tote bag.

she then took out her wallet and put some money on the table before slinging the tote bag on her shoulder.

she then stood up and walked towards the door , waving at Mahary who returned the kind gesture.

Xaila exited her new favourite bakery and sighed once she was outside again but took a deep breath and walked her way to where her father was.


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