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XAILA WAS NOW sitting in the car , with Jude sitting next to her as they drove to their destination. she was nervous, but not nervous like last time , seeing as she knows some of the boys.

but their wives and girlfriend's were going to be there and that's why she's a bit nervous. Jude noticed and turned his attention to him , tapping on her thigh.

"you alright?" Xaila swooned at his accent and she smiled and nodded her head. "just a little nervous" she said with a slight laugh and he pecked her cheek.

"you were nervous last time too and it turned out great , didn't it?" he asked and she let out a sigh and nodded her head. his arms slid around her waist as he told the driver where to go.

Jude played with the necklace that was on her neck and smiled. he watched her side profile and slightly smiled when he saw her green eyes darting out of the windows , genuinely curious.

"did you see how strange Jobe was acting today?" he asked as she turned her attention to him. she hummed and sunk further into her body. "yeah he was being all secretive" she said.

"we should find out" Jude said with an excited look as he glanced up at his girlfriend. Xaila gave him a look and shook her head. "or we could stay out of his business" she said and he huffed. "hate that option"

the two just sat in the car , enjoying each other's presence before Jude have to go to his own hotel where he'll be staying with the rest of the team.

Xaila was enjoying the ride , only tensing up once she realised that the car had stopped. she glanced out of the window to see that the car was now infront of a restaurant , which was where Jude's friends were.

Jude intertwined their fingers , making Xaila's heartrate quicken. "come on" he said and opened the door , opening it for her and letting her get out safely.

Xaila straightened her white summer dress and ran her hands through her curls to make sure she was good and not looking crazy.

Jude wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled down ather. "let's go. they're already waiting" he said. he pecked her on the forehead and she nodded her head , walking beside him into the restaurant.

the restaurant was beautiful. there was classical music playing over the high speakers. rich people were inside , talking and eating and as soon as they walked in , Xaila immediately spotted the boys.

everyone yelled upon seeing the two , standing up and greeting the two. Xaila hugged them all with a huge smile, seeing as they never fail to make her feel comfortable.

Jude let her sit down before placing himself next to her. "how's it been , cousin?" Reece asked from the table as his sister , Lauren was sitting next to him.

he always joked about them being cousins , ever since he found out they had the same last name. it just kind of stuck.

"good , just happy to be here for him" Xaila said , looking over at Jude who just stared at her with a smile.

Trent fake gagged. "ew guys , they're making out" he joked causing everyone to laugh. they all ordered their drinks , making conversation with each other.

Xaila was enjoying herself. the boys were funny and never failed to make her laugh and their girlfriend's and wives were not so stuck up like she thought.

they accepted her with open arms and big smiles , including her in every conversation they were having. not once did she feel left out.

Jude ate some of Xaila's food. it was a normal thing for them at this point. she ate his and he ate hers.

Xaila was in a conversation with Trent's girlfriend — Hannah , when a red haired girl walked towards them.

Xaila looked up to analyze her since that was what she did with every other person.

the girl's straight red hair was up in a tight bun and she was wearing a red dress that fit with her pale skin tone. she looked beautiful.

"Jude?" she asked as she looked at the English boy. Jude looked at her strangely before his eyes lit up in realization. 

"Eliza?" he asked , a slow smile spreading on his lips as he stared at the girl. "the one and only" she said. Jude stood up from his seat and walked over to the girl , wrapping her up in a hug.

it was awkward around the table. for everyone. mostly Xaila.

the boys were staring at them with curious glances and raised brows — clearly confused while the girl's looked at Xaila who just shrugged at them and continued to drink her juice.

"I missed you! I haven't seen you in like...forever" the redhead — Eliza said , as a her lips spreaded into a smile.

"I missed you too , Ellie" Jude breathed out as he took a step back from her. Xaila raised a brow once she saw them communicating through their eyes.

Ben cleared his throat , causing Jude to snap back into reality. "oh uh , guys , this is my childhood best friend , Eliza. Ellie , these are my teammates" Jude said.

Xaila brushes the fact off that he hadn't introduced the girl to her or even acknowledged her as his girlfriend.

the boys awkwardly smiled and waved before turning back to their food. Xaila's appetite was completely gone now and just slowly sipped her juice from the straw.

Jude walked to his seat , with Eliza beside him. he looked down at the seat , which Jadon was in. "Jadon? care to move?"

Jadon gave him a glare before smacking his teeth and taking his plate and glass and moving to the seat next to Jordan.

Eliza sat down on the empty seat , giving everyone a smile. a smile which they did not return.

Xaila watched as Jude turned to Eliza , making conversation with her , completely disregarding his girlfriend.

the girls gave her a look , and she just shook her head.

she looked over at them. she didn't know what it was or if she was just going crazy. but if nobody knew that Jude was dating Xaila , they would definitely think that Jude and Eliza was.

she sighed and threw her straw on the table , before grabbing the glass and taking a huge gulp of it.

this was definitely going to be a long night.



– Jude....bro

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