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📍London, England 🇬🇧


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'don't snogging each other?'

TODAY WAS THEIR last day in England before they're heading off to Qatar for the World Cup. Xaila had genuinely enjoyed her time with Jude , noticing how comfortable and excited he was to show her around his home country.

Xaila put her phone down on the bed next to her with a satisfied smile. she just texted Mahary to ask how Elmie was doing, and she also called her mom to talk to her more.

Jude had come home from training a while ago and he was now in the shower. Xaila was already dressed in a summer dress , since it was surprisingly hot outside.

the bathroom door opened to show Jude , who was now dressed in some casual clothes. Xaila sat up once she saw him , her green eyes lit up and a huge smile formed on his lips.

"hey there" she said as he walked closer. a smirk played on his lips as he walked closer to her , widening her legs with his knee and standing between them.

Xaila's eyes fell on his half buttoned up shirt. "hey there, my pretty girl" he said , his hands cupping her cheeks. Xaila went red and she was pretty sure he could feel the hotness from her cheeks.

"I missed you" he pouted and she giggled. "you just saw me 15 minutes ago , Jude" she said and placed her hands ontop of his.

"exactly. 15 minutes too long" he whined. he leaned down and kissed her , making her instantly kiss back. both of them just took the time to savour each other.

he inhaled her sweet , fruity scent that made his heart flutter. he pushed her back on the bed and laid ontop of her , making Xaila's hands go around his neck.

"can't we just stay like this forever?" he asked as he pulled away and nuzzled his head in her neck. she smiled , getting butterflies from his hot breath against her neck.

she just sighed with a smile as she held him close to her. he lifted his head once again. "I love you" he said with a cheeky smile.

"I love you too" Xaila said , causing him to smile even wider. he bend down and kissed her once again. the kiss was sweet , but neither of them rushed it.

they were so lost in their kiss , that they didn't hear Jobe knock about 20 times and then opened the door. "oh for fucks sake"

the couple pulled away from their kiss and turned their heads to see Jobe standing there with a bored look , his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.

"done snogging each other?" he asked with a raised brow. Jude pouted and shook his head before nuzzling his face in Xaila's neck once again. "no" he had muttered.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 | J. Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now