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📍Dortmund , Germany 🇩🇪


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XAILA WAS SLOWLY but surely going crazy. she had been missing Jude's entire presence. it has been an entire week since she had been over at their house to bid them goodbye.

the right side of her closet was now empty where his clothes used to be and overall , it was just quiet without him. she went from spending every single minute with him , to being alone in her house once again.

she knew she had nobody to blame but herself.

"honestly , Xaila. you're such a fucking dumb bitch"

Xaila sighed as she slumped back in her seat as her eyes were on her phone , which was propped up against her vanity. she was on a video call with her five cousins and Mahary, who all wanted to know the story.

they weren't happy with her. not in the slightest.

"yeah , that's what i said" Mahary piped up. Azalea shook her head in disappointment at her cousin. "so , what? you want your dad's death to hold you back forever?" Lilliah asked and Azaire hummed.

"he wouldn't want you to throw your entire life away because of him" Azzy spoke and Xaila rubbed her temples. they had been trying to talk sense into her brain all day.

"i mean , if Jude Bellingham asked me , begged me to come to Spain with him...i'm packing my shit and running away with him faster than my dad went to buy milk" Eilora spoke as she curled her hair , her eyes focused on the mirror.

"you're not funny" Xaila deadpanned and she shrugged in return.

"there's nothing i can do about the situation" she sighed and groaned , throwing her head back against her chair.

suddenly , her phone rang and her mom's contact popped up on the screen. she took the phone in her hands. "ma's calling. talk later" she hastily said and answered the phone , putting it to her ear.


"Xaila Sayori James"

she cringed at the use of her full name and scrunched her face up , knowing her mom had something to say about this whole situation.

"ma..." she trailed off , getting up from the chair. "don't ma me. Denise told me what happened between you and Jude" Calizza said on the other line.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 | J. Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now