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Dortmund , Germany 🇩🇪


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' mmmm , i don't know Rosa...'

XAILA OPENED THE door to her house and as soon as she walked in, she was greeted by her white and ginger cat , Elmie. she immediately smiled and bend down to pick her cat up.

"hi , i missed you" Xaila said and kissed her cats head before putting her tote bag in the couch and her house keys on the counter. she put Elmie down and went to pour herself a glass of water.

Xaila took some of the fish food and went to the fish bowl that had a lot of colourful fish in it. she fed the fish and smiled before walking away.

Xaila always loved animals , no matter what kind it was. her parents always took her on nature adventures and took her to the zoo ever so often. she also owned a white horse named Diamond at their farm house in the US.

Xaila just came back from visiting her dad and all she wanted to do now was eat and sleep. she was currently making herself ramen since she was too lazy to make something else for her to eat.

she was eating and scrolling through her phone when she saw that her friend , Rosabel , was calling her. raising a brow , Xaila accepted the call and put the phone to her ear.

"hello Rosa" Xaila said through the phone. "oh hi Xaila , i'm so glad you answered" Rosabel said in her overly excited tone. "may i ask why?" Xaila asked as she continued to eat her ramen.

"well , as you know , it's my sister in-law's 23rd birthday and i want you to be my plus one" Rosabel said and Xaila could almost hear the smile in her voice.

"me? why me?" Xaila asked. sure , her and Rosabel were friends , but they weren't super close. "because , i know you won't come out of your house. plus , we haven't hung out in so long , we can catch up" Rosabel said.

"mmm , I don't know Rosa..." Xaila trailed off. she really wasn't one for going out with a lot of people and Rosa knew that. "please? come on, just this once" Rosa begged and Xaila sighed before rubbing her temples.

"fine , i'll come" she agreed. "really? okay then be ready by 8 and wear anything you feel comfortable in" Rosa said once again before hanging up.

Xaila just sat on her chair , staring at her phone in confusion and disappointment. Rosa was somewhat right. Xaila was always in her house and in college — it's like she doesn't have a life outside of it.

she sighed and continued to eat her ramen , not really caring about what time Rosa will be here , she will take her sweet time getting ready.

Xaila put her dirty dishes into the sink , letting it soak in the hot water before walking upstairs to her room.

she instantly smiled at the view that her window gave off. she opened the double doors that led her to the balcony and just scanned her forest green eyes over the view.

it was beautiful.

Xaila was always one for the finer and smallest things in life. like views , art , animals , great wine , cosy winters , and spending time with herself.

she had learned from a young age on how to read people. they don't have to say or do anything to let Xaila know what type of person they are because she just knew.

whether if it's from their body language , their eyes or their foot and hand movements...Xaila always knew.

she took herself back into her room and closed the double doors behind her before moving towards her closet.

she picked out some regular jeans and a black cropped tshirt and a jean jacket. she laid it out on the bed before walking out of her shower that was just across from her room.

she stripped the days clothes off of her body and stood under the shower. she washed herself with the tropical scented body scrub and washed her curls with the same scented shampoo.

If there's one thing  , she always takes care of her hair.

growing up , she got made fun of it but everyday she starts to embrace it and her culture and really didn't give a shit whether someone actually likes it or not.

Xaila put a cream coloured towel over her body and one over her face before moving to her sink. she started putting healthy serums and creams onto her face before moving towards her body.

she walked out of the bathroom and into her room and sighed in relief when she felt the warm air hit her body.

she dried and got dressed in the outfit that she put out for herself and slid some sneakers on her feet.

she let her curls out and just put a hairtie on her wrist incase she needed it later on.

Xaila heard four hard knocks on her front door and thought that it must be Rosabel since she did say she was going to pick her up.

Xaila walked down the stairs and put her phone and walked into the pockets of her jean jacket.

she opened the wooden door and Rosa's blonde hair and excited smile came into view. "Xaila! I haven't seen you in so long" she said and pulled the girl into a hug.

"yes , i know'' Xaila said and awkwardly smile. Rosa was definitely the more outgoing person of the two while Xaila prefer to be in the comfort of her home.

"are you ready?" Rosa asked as she smiled while looking down at Xaila's outfit. "yes i am. wait...i need to give Elmie food first" she said and went back into the house.

Rosa followed Xaila into her house , scanning her brown eyes over the place. "woah , this is beautiful. I forgot i haven't been here in so long" Rosa said and Xaila washed her hands and dried it since she just gave Elmie her food.

"yeah , i took my sweet time decorating it" she said and walked out of the house , Rosabel also going out. Xaila locked the door and followed Rosabel to the car.

Rosabel just climbed in the drivers seat while Xaila climbed in the passenger seat , strapping herself in. another reason why Xaila didn't own a car , was because of car accidents.

they scared the living shit out of her. ever since she saw a car accident happen right infront of her when she was 9 , she was sceptical of every one she ever got into and this one is no exception.

Rosa just started the engine and looked over at the curly haired girl with a big smile.

"you ready to meet some people?" Rosa asked and Xaila gave her a nervous smile and curtly nodded her head before looking out of the window. "sure"


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