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📍Dortmund , Germany 🇩🇪


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'oh for fuck's sake'

XAILA WALKED INTO her house , getting her keys out of her bag to unlock the door. her heart sped up and she frowned when she found the door already unlocked.

she opened the door slowly , walking inside , to be greeted with masculine voices. "god damn" she breathed out loud and put a hand over her chest.

Jude , who was laying on the couch , peeked up and smiled when he saw her. she had forgotten that he didn't have trainin and that he was at her place.

she walked closer , raising a brow when she heard Jobe's voice. he was laying on the other couch , while Elmie was sitting on the end.

Elmie was sitting there and watched him with big eyes as he sang Justin Bieber's Love Yourself to her.

"yeah no" Xaila said and shook her head and went towards her bedroom , not even wanting to know why Jobe is so weird.

Jude cackled at her reaction but Jobe didn't even bother stop singing to the cat who was entertained by his horrible voice.

Xaila got rid of her clothes and dressed in comfortable sweatpants and a cropped t shirt. she walked back downstairs and thankfully , Jobe had stopped singing to the cat now.

"hey pretty" Jude smiled and pulled the girl down on the couch , so she was laying ontop of him. "take my hairties out please" Xaila muffled into his neck.

Jude took her multiple hairties out , letting her curls fall free. Xaila felt immediate relief and she groaned when Jude's fingers massaged her scalp.

"you two are disgusting" Jobe gagged and put Elmie on his lap , stroking her head. Xaila shot him the middle finger and he threw his shoe at her

"ow , Jobe!" Xaila said as she held her arm and glared at him. "you began first" Jobe shrugged and looked down , smiling at Elmie.

"want some food?" Jude asked and Xaila looked up to face him. "that even a question?"

"go get Xaila her food" Jude told Jobe who rolled his eyes but obeyed his older brother anyway.

he came back with a McDonalds bag and put it on the coffee table , making Xaila smile widely at the food.

"you're giving me some of your fries , yeah?" Jobe asked with an innocent smile. Xaila gave him a look. "go away"

Jobe pouted and grabbed Elmie before walking out towards the patio. Xaila sat up and started eating her food. she was exhausted and laid back into the couch , while Jude's fingers played with the ends of her curls.

"you still on for going out tonight with Mahary and Gio?" Jude asked , tucking loose strands of her curls behind her ear. Xaila let out a breath. she had totally forgotten. she was so tired , these classes were kicking her ass the closer they got to the end.

Jude seemed to notice her tiring state. "do you want to stay in tonight? you don't look thrilled at the prospect of going out, and i only want to go if you want to"

Xaila's heart melted and she took a sip of her drink before putting the food on the table. "no , i'm good. i can hold out for tonight" she said and he smiled , before his hand softly grabbed her arm.

he pulled her up from her seat next to him and slowly pulled her into his lap. she smiled and let her head fall into his neck.

Xaila felt her tense muscles relax and goosebumps formed on her back when his right hand went over her curls and his left hand rubbed her back.

Jude felt content right there. he never wanted to move. he wanted to stay like this forever. with her.

"thank you for caring" she said softly into his neck and he smiled. "of course i'll care. you're important to me , stupid"

Xaila chuckled at his response and felt her cheeks heat up. she took in his expensive and delicious cologne.

Jobe walked back inside with Elmie in his arms , scrunching his face up at their interaction. "yeah ew" he said and walked back outside.

Jude laughed at his brother's reaction and Xaila lifted her head. her manicured fingers traced his cheeks as her green eyes looked into his brown ones. "you'd really stay in with me if i wanted to?" she questioned and Jude scoffed with a smile.

"anywhere with you , is everywhere i want to be , Xaila"

the girl processed those words. "will you give me a kiss? please?" she asked him and a soft smile took over his face.

"you know i'd never refuse anything you asked of me"

Jude leaned up and connected her lips with his. the kiss were soft , gentle and both were savoring the moment. this kiss was nothing like the first kiss they shared.

her hands were on his cheeks and his hand was stroking her arm soothingly. Xaila pulled away to catch her breath and laid her forehead against his.

Jude looked up at her. "your lips are so soft. do it again" he said , causing her to chuckle. she leaned down and kissed him once again. the sweet was shortened this time.

"we need to get ready otherwise Mahary is gonna have our heads" Xaila said and stood up from his lap, much to the boy's dismay.

"just one more kiss...please?" he pouted and she smiled and pulled him up by his firearms. she brought his head down and placed another kiss on his lips.

Jobe walked in once again. "oh for fucks sake" he said and huffed before walking in between them.

Xaila just laughed as Jude glared at his younger brother. she walked upstairs to her room while Jude was putting Jobe in a headlock.

she let out a sigh out of relief when the door was closed. her entire face was red and her lips were tingling.

Xaila leaned her head against the door , her smile fading away as she stared at the opposite wall.

yes , she was definitely inlove with Jude.




- that leo messi fic looking
real good in my drafts rn 😍

- jobe & elmie is real life inspired
by my brother & my cat 😭 lmfao
the cat got scared and ran away.

— gracie abrams is my new
obsession. love that girl.

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