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📍Dortmund , Germany 🇩🇪


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IT'S BEEN THREE days. three whole days since Jude and Xaila broke up. it was safe to say they had a hard time dealing with it. Xaila didn't want to , but they had to. she knew it was the right thing to do.

this was the last day that Jude was going to be in Germany , then he'll fly to Spain to talk with the managers of Real Madrid. Xaila was so happy for him. she's happy that he'll be following his dreams.

she was now sitting in the Uber, with Jude's Hellraiser hoodie covering her. the weather was gloomy and judging by the clouds , it's no secret that it'll be raining soon.

her right leg bounced up and down from nervousness. she glanced out of the windows , watching as the Uber drove towards the house of the Bellinghams.

she had been overthinking the whole day. she didn't know if she should go , considering that she and Jude broke up and it'll be awkward , but Mark and Denise begged her to come , telling her they'd hate to go away without seeing her.

soon enough, the silver car stopped infront of the house. she handed the man the money and gave him a smile. "thank you" she voiced and exited the car, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

Xaila entered the lawn , watching as the car drove off into the street. she could hear the music as she walked nearer. there were a lot of voices as well.

she rang the doorbell twice, figuring they won't hear it the first time over the loud music. the door opened , revealing Denise.

the woman smiled widely , opening the door further. "you made it" they hugged each other. Denise stepped aside , letting Xaila walk into the warm house.

"everyone is at the back. i can take you" she offered and Xaila waved her off. "i'll be fine" Denise rubbed Xaila's arm before nodding and disappearing into the kitchen.

Xaila felt nervous all of a sudden. her heartbeat went haywire. she walked closer to the back , opening the doors and was welcomed with a handful of people.

they were all over the place — talking , eating , laughing and just chilling. Jamal was the first person who noticed her.

"hey" he said as he neared her , opening his arms. she smiled and hugged him back. "you're still as short as i remembered" he joked and she nudges him in the ribs.

"yeah , you're one to talk. you're not the tallest person either , Bambi" she teased , watching as he scowled at her.

"is that Xaila?" she heard Alphonso's familiar voice. she turned around. "the one and only" she said and he side hugged her.

"hi Phonzie" she spoke and he pulled away from the hug. "hey. looking for Jude?" he asked her. she assumed that they didn't know that they were broken up. she nodded her head.

"yeah" she actually wanted to see him today
she knew they had to face each other some time or another.

"this way" he said , leading her to the back. "not so fast" they heard a voice and before Xaila knew it , she was tackled into a hug. she looked up to see a familiar dreadhead.

"Trent" she said and he smiled. "happy to see you , as always" he spoke and pulled away from their hug. "you can hug her to death another time , she came here for Jude" Phonzie said and Trent nodded his head.

"i'll be over there. want me to make you a plate?" the scouser asked her , pointing towards the buffet. Xaila nodded. "yeah , i'll be back in a few" she said with a smile.

Alphonso lead Xaila over to where Jude was standing. he had on some jeans and a buttoned down t shirt with a drink in his hands. his free hand was stuffed into the pockets of his jeans as he smiled at whatever the people said

"Jude! i brought your girl"

Jude looked over at the sound of Phonzie's voice and his smile slightly fell when he saw Xaila. he said something to his teammates before putting his drink on the nearby stand.

he walked over to them , watching as Xaila avoided his eyes. "thanks" he said and Alphonso nodded his head and turned away to go and bother Jamal.

"hey" he looked down at her , forcing her to look up at him. "hi" she said in return. Jude led her over to a space where it was a little quiet and there was a bit of privacy.

"are you good?" he asked , letting her sit down on the couch. she nodded her head , putting her shoulder bag on her lap. "i'm good. you?" she asked.

"i can say i'm good but then i'd be lying" he said with a slight chuckle. a slight frown was sketched between Xaila's eyebrows but she didn't say anything.

Jude's hands found herself and butterflies erupted in her stomach. "are you sure about your decision?" he asked her once again. her green eyes looked up into his brown ones.

"is there someway i can convince you to come with me?" he asked. she glanced down at her lap , causing Jude to sigh. he ran a hand over his face.

"come on, Xaila. the past three days were absolutely hell.  i want you with me there. i don't want to go over there without you. please , can't you atleast reconsider?" he asked her.

"i can't" she spoke up. Jude let his back find the comfortable couch. he would beg her on his knees to come with him. to live with him in Spain.

but he knew that if she decided against it , there was no way of convincing her otherwise.

he sighed once again and dipped his head , placing a kiss on her cheek. she slightly smiled up at him. he stood up and held his hand out.

"let's go over and eat?" he suggested. she looked at him and smiled , placing her hand in his. she usually loves food , but now she doesn't have an appetite.

he walked with her over to where the other boys were. "here, like i promised" Trent said , handing Xaila a plate. the girl smiled at him. "you're so sweet"

Trent waved her off and Hannah walked closer to them , pulling Xaila aside so they could do their girl talk.

Jude put his hands in his pockets as he stared at the back of Xaila's head. Trent raised an eyebrow.

"everything alright between you two?" he asked as he leaned back against the chair. "no , we broke up"

Trent's eyebrows raised to the roof. "didn't expect that" he muttered and took a sip of his drink. Jude sat down on the chair with a sigh. "i wanted her to come with me to Spain but...she wasn't up for it"

"maybe it's a big step for her. she lived here for a while , you know?" Trent said with furrowed brows as he looked down at his English friend. Jude slowly nodded his head.

Jude looked at Xaila over the rim of his glass. he genuinely wanted Xaila to come with him , but he knew Trent was right. maybe this was a big step for her. for them.

maybe this decision was for the better.



(also , yes I know Trent
doesn't have dreads anymore but
i loved them😭)

— I'm sorry i know you guys
hate me and want to kill me-

— but sad , sad news , there's only
3 or more chapters left of this book 😥
i don't want to let it go.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 | J. Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now