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📍Dortmund , Germany 🇩🇪


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'sorry , love'

"I SWEAR IF you don't stop stealing my food" Xaila said as her green eyes narrowed at the boy who had an innocent look on his face. "i just wanted some" he said and she rolled her eyes but held the plate out to him.

"can you two shut up?" Mahary asked as she laid in Gio's arms. "okay , okay" Jude said as he turned his attention back to the big screen infront of him.

they were currently sitting in the theater, watching some random movie that Mahary and Gio picked out.

of course the first movie that Jude and Xaila picked out was a Marvel movie an it kept them on the edge of their seats , no matter how many times they watched it before.

they were kind of bored by the romance movie that was playing and very confused too. Jude leaned down to Xaila's ear. "what's happening? what is this about?" he whispered.

"i don't know. didn't pay attention" she said with a shrug and Jude smiled as she popped a piece of meat in her mouth.

Xaila was sitting next to Jude in a comfortable position as she ate her food while Mahary was obviously next to Gio.

Jude looked behind them and saw Mahary cuddled into Gio while they were smiling and watching the movie.

"you know how to play FIFA?" Jude whispered in Xaila's ear once again. the girl gave him a look. "that's a hard no"

Jude nodded his head. "i could teach you?" he suggested. Xaila stared at him , now fully aware of his face that was close to hers. "fine" she said and put the plate down.

"i'm going to the bathroom , be right back" Xaila told Mahary and Gio who nodded their heads. she slipped out of the theater and went to the bathroom to pee and wash her hands.

she then walked out to see Jude leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as he stared at her. "you scared me" she said and he pouted.

"sorry , love"

Xaila smiled at his words and followed Jude towards his room , making assumptions in her head of what it would look like.

Jude opened the door of a huge bedroom , welcoming Xaila into a room filled with blue and white.

"wow , pictured it would be black or grey" she said as she waked inside of his room and he gave her a look. "don't make assumptions next time" he said and she waved him off.

time passed and Xaila got the hang of the game , proud of herself that she learnt it so quickly.

"that's a penalty" Jude said in victory and Xaila gasped. "i didn't even do anything" the curly haired girl said and Jude smiled cheekily at her.

both of them was sitting on the floor on two pillows as they were focused on the game. they had completely forgotten about the other couple in the theater room.

"is it just me or am i shit at playing this?" Xaila asked as Jude scored once again against her , making the score 5-1.

Jude laughed at her. "yeah you're just shit" he answered and she threw a pillow against his face.

there was harsh knocks on Jude's bedroom. "it's open , come in" he said loudly and the door opened to reveal Mahary and Gio.

"really?" Gio asked as he looked at their state. "the movie done yet?" Jude asked and Gio huffed.

"oh come on , that movie was boring" Xaila said and Jude agreed.

Mahary sighed and went to sit on Jude's bed. "you two are such bad friends" she said with a glare and the two shrugged.

"he was challenging me and i couldn't say no" Xaila shrugged as they continued to play the game.

"whatever , i'll go sleep" Gio said and Xaila perked up. "you sleeping over?" she asked he nodded his head.

"then we better get going" Mahary spoke and Xaila nodded her head.

Jude panicked when Xaila stood up. "stay" he blurted out and Xaila turned to him with an confused face. "please?"

Xaila sighed and nodded her head. "show me where the guest room is then" she said and he smiled before his eyes darted on his bed.

"there isn't any more" he spoke quickly and Gio scrunched his face up in confusion. Jude gave him a look and he caught by.

"yeah , you have to sleep here" Gio backed his friend up. Xaila crossed her arms over her cahest as she narrowed her eyes at the boys.

before she could say anything , Gio and Mahary turned to walk out. "and no sex in my house Giovanni Reyna" Jude said and the boy waved him off before walking outside , closing the door behind him.

Xaila walked towards Jude's closet. "can i take some clothes?" she asked and took out a shirt and some very large sweatpants.

"why even ask?" Jude raised a brow and shook his head as the girl walked towards his en suite bathroom and got dressed , putting her clothes from earlier in the corner of the room.

she walked back inside while Jude went to change and put three pillows in the middle of them.

Jude raised a brow. "and what is the meaning of this?" he asked , pointing to the pillows on the bed. "you have your side and i have mine" she said .

Jude scanned her oufit , almost bursting into laughter. "that's not necessary.  i'll keep my distance" he said and threw the pillows off of the bed.

Xaila huffed but climbed into the bed and sent her mother a message before putting her phone on her nightstand.

she felt the bed dip and soon , Jude entered the cold bed. he turned his head towards her as his back faced hers.

"goodnight Pretty" he said and she softly smiled before glancing back at him.

"night Jude"


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