Chapter One

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(Trigger Warning!)

I jumped as Terrance spun and slammed Ackston into the wall.
"Guys, stop it!" I didn't want to sound too worried or bossy. For some reason that always made it worse - as if they had something to prove.
"You're an idiot, Ackston" Terrance screamed.
"The day you learn to keep your mouth shut is the day I might have some respect for you!"
Ackston tried to get away, tried loosening the grip that his older brother had on his arm, pushing against the arm that was forcing him back. Terrance had only to use a little more force in order to keep his brother pinned to the wall.
"I don't want your respect" Ackston spat. "And you don't deserve mine."
The fire that burned in Terrance's eyes made it clear that Ackston should have used a better choice of words.
"Terrance, don-"
"Shut up, Aya!" I flinched, but refrained from speaking. After all, he would only shut me up again, weather verbally, or by using physical force.
Terrance pulled on Ackston's collar, holding his left arm down and ignoring the repeated blows that Ackston delivered with his right hand. If only the older boy wasn't so strong and stubborn, it might have had an effect. But it only made him angrier, and he threw Ackston into the fridge, full force. Ackston yelled out in pain, holding his right shoulder. I was sure I heard something crack.
Pushing off the fridge, Ackston charged Terrance, and began body punching him. Terrence only laughed and, grabbing Ackston's right shoulder he delivered a full force punch to the gut.
I just sat there, helpless, knowing that if I intervened he would not only hurt me, but he would take it out on Ackston later. I couldn't take it: hearing my brother's cries of pain - knowing that I was the one who had caused it, yet knowing there was nothing I could do about it. I watched my oldest brother, just standing there, looking down on the boy he had caused to fall to the ground in pain. He stood there, proud of himself, as if he had just won some kind of victory. But he hadn't. He had beat his little brother because neither one wanted to take out the trash. And I hated him for it. I hated him with every fiber of my being.
Terrance turned and walked toward the door. He opened it, and just before he stepped outside I stopped him.
"You know what" I asked him.
"You're a jerk, and I really, really hate you."
He just laughed, saying, "Okay then." Then he walked out the door, slamming it as he went.

Hey guys!
I'm super excited to be writing this story! I have always loved Peter Pan and the thought of Neverland.
I'm kind of nervous to write the story, for a lot of reasons. But I really hope you enjoy it, and that it brings you a little bit of hope like the story of Peter Pan has always done for me.
If you are in OUAT fan, I think you'll enjoy the story more than others may.
But that also adds the pressure of people who love the evil side of Peter Pan, and want it to be similar to the Once upon A Time character.
But I think you'll really love it, and I know I'll enjoy writing it.
Love you guys!
Thanks for reading!
(Don't worry. Peter Pan is definitely going to be showing up soon. I just want you to get a good feel for the backstory of this character before she goes to Neverland.)
Have fun!

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