Chapter Five

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Lying on my bed I stared out the window at the sinking Sun, listening to my brothers scream at each other in the other room. I flinched when I heard the door to my bedroom open, and I whipped my head to the side to see Terrance standing there. (Oh, please, for a lock.)
I sighed and rolled my eyes, directing my gaze toward the window again.
"What do you want?" I asked, trying to show my annoyance at him for barging into my room like this all the time. He just stood there for a moment as if he was trying to come up with some excuse for breaking in.
"What are you doing?" he asked gruffly.
"I'm sitting here,"I replied cooly.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I want to."
"That's not a real answer."
"Well, too bad. It's my answer."
I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my head, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of even a glance his way.
"Can you please just leave me alone?" I asked. It made me feel really uncomfortable to have him just standing there looking at me.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I asked you to." I looked over at him this time, my eyebrows raised in expectation.
He huffed a sigh, but turned around. "You have to come finish the dishes tonight. Mom said so."
"Fine," I replied shortly. "Can you shut the door on your way out?"
I heard him walk out, leaving the door open. I sighed and got up off the bed, walked over to the door, and closed it. I leaned against it and sighed again as if the entire world was on my shoulders. At least, that's what it felt like. Just a few more hours and this would all be over.
Pushing myself away from the door, I opened it and headed for the kitchen.

Just a few more hours.


Man, these windows are old. How much louder can you be?

I pushed the window up the rest of the way and took in a few long breaths of fresh air. These things were difficult to move. Opening it required both strength and determination. Who knew you needed those things for opening a window?
Sliding my fingers to the windowsill I gripped the bottom of the screen and pulled up on it. It took a few minutes, but I eventually wiggled the screen out of the window and placed it against the wall. I wasn't completely sure how this whole "taking me to Neverland" thing was supposed to work, but I wasn't taking any chances on something like a screen getting in the way.
It was just a few minutes from complete dark. Not that it ever really got too dark here. There always seem to be some light coming from somewhere. Funny, since we lived out in the country. No City lights. It just never seemed to be pitch black.
I sat on the end of my bed and crossed my legs Indian style. Pulling at the threads on the quilt, I stared out the window, losing my mind to the moon, wondering when the boy in green would make his promised appearance.
"Well, Peter Pan," I whispered. "I left my window open." I sighed. "Please come rescue me."


After about an hour of just sitting and waiting, I got fidgety and grabbed a book from my shelf. I took another wishful look out the window, then slid back onto my bed. Leaning against the wall, I opened the book, and began to read where I had last left off. I'm not sure how much time passed after that. Between trying to concentrate on the story and nervously awaiting Pan, I was so distracted that it could have been twenty minutes, or two hours. I had finally comprehended a sentence I had reread five times, when I caught a glimpse of something moving in the corner of my bedroom. Looking up from my book, I bored my eyes into the corner, trying to make out a figure of some sort. After a moment, I finally decided that it was nothing, and I continued to read, nervously glancing around the room every few seconds.
I felt something tap my shoulder, and I jumped off of the bed, terror striking my heart. But my gaze fell on something completely unexpected. An inky figure hovered over my bed. Yellow eyes peered at me, and a haunting voice spoke to me.
"Pan sent me to retrieve you. He's expecting your arrival anytime now."
My whole body shuddered, but I managed to keep my tone steady as I straightened up and asked, "And you are?"
"I am Peter Pan's shadow."
I laughed nervously. "Somehow you don't look like the shadow of a teenage boy," I said.
The shadow motioned toward the book I had abandoned on the bed. "Don't believe every story you read. I am not the shadow of Pan himself, but merely his companion and advisor."
I looked at the creature suspiciously, my eyes narrowed as I contemplated his words.
"Pan gets advice from a shadow?" I questioned. "Forgive me if I have a hard time believing that."
The Shadow moved closer, and I backed up. Tripping over a laundry basket, I fell against the wall. The shadow eyed me, then spoke again, backing up a few inches.
"I hope the boy's choice in a consultant doesn't affect your decision to join him in Neverland. He would be very disappointed to hear that his first Lost Girl is a coward."
Surprise filled me as I heard his words. "His first Lost Girl?" I asked. Could it be true? Was I really the first girl to come to Neverland? But what about Wendy? I inwardly laughed at myself. Wendy might not have ever existed. After all, the shadow had just told me not to believe every story I read.
Straightening, I looked at the shadow and nodded my head.
"All right, Shadow. Take me to Neverland."
The shadow wasted no time in grasping my wrist and pulling me toward the window. He somehow easily slipped me through the window, and I took in a sharp breath as he pulled me toward the sky. I wanted to close my eyes as we got higher, but I knew it would only give me the awful sensation of falling. Instead I took the advice of the Peter Pan of my childhood dreams.

Think happy thoughts.

Another chapter finished!
If any of you guys like The Maze Runner series, I am working on a fanfiction for that as well, if you guys want to go check that out.
Get ready for the next chapter.


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