Chapter Six

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A blinding light made my eyes water, and I squeezed them shut while trying to use my free hand to block out the white light. A few seconds passed, and with them the light disappeared.
I struggled to get my eyes open again, but they finally obeyed my coaxing, and I wiped away the tears that the offensive light had brought to the surface. Looking around, I spotted an island just a few hundred yards below us. It was bigger than I had imagined, and the foliage was thick and lush. The beach was clear of sticks and brush, and the sand was a beautiful, clean white. I spotted a lagoon with large boulders, and... Was that a tail that just disappeared behind the waterfall?
I looked up at the shadow and considered asking him if there were mermaids in the lagoon, but, the truth is, he gave me the creeps, so asking him unnecessary questions wasn't the most desirable thing I had in mind. Besides, I could ask Pan about that later.
We arrived at the island, and as we came to around ten feet above the sand, I readied myself, preparing my mind and body for  impact if the shadow were to drop me instead of setting me down gently. Sure enough, at about four feet from the ground, he released my wrist, and I fell. Landing on my feet first, I allowed myself the fall to my hands, and I eased into a roll so the fall wouldn't fracture or bruise any part of my body. Something about this island seemed a little off, and I didn't think being injured would be very nice around here.
I stood up and brushed the sand off of my clothes and out of my hair, coughing when I accidentally inhaled some of it. I looked around searching for signs of life, but nothing stirred. In fact, everything was completely silent. No birds, or insects chirping. Even the wind was still for the moment. The only sound my ears could pick up was that of the ocean waves beating against the shore.
After a minute of listening and scanning the area, I decided to make my way toward the jungle, away from the lagoon. I really didn't feel comfortable near the water after seeing what I believed to be a mermaid tail near the waterfall. I didn't know much about this place, but after watching Peter Pan from 1953, I had a severe mistrust for mermaids. After all, in the movie they had tried to drown Wendy just because they were jealous, fighting for Pan's attention.
I shivered.

No way. Until I learn differently, mermaids are my first enemy. Mental note to avoid the water as much as possible. And absolutely no going near the lagoon.

A twig snapped and I stopped dead in my tracks. I held my breath and listened. Another twig snapped, and the sound of rustling leaves followed. I located the area of jungle where I thought the noises had come from, and, running quietly through the sand, I hid behind a small bush with large leaves. One good thing about the jungle: there was no lack of good places to hide.
My heart beat became stronger and quickened a bit. My stomach knotted, nervousness biting at my mind. Two hooded figures broke through the forest line. One held a nasty looking club, and the other had a bow in his hand, and a sheath of arrows slung over his left shoulder. My breathing quickened as they made there way toward me, and I had to fight the urge to flee. They couldn't possibly know I was even on the island, and running would only give away my location. But if I didn't put some distance between us, they might very well walk right up on me.

Hold on, Aya. I told myself.
Just hold still and you'll likely stay hidden.

"If you stay there, you'll be spotted for sure."
I jumped up, scared out of my whits, and whirled around, only to find myself nose to nose with the owner of a pair of playful forest green eyes.

"I jumped up, scared out of my whits, and whirled around, only to find myself nose to nose with the owner of a pair of playful forest green eyes

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