Chapter Three

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I stared out the window and watched as the breeze lifted the smallest tree branches. I smiled a little when the breeze pushed through the screen on the window to give my hot skin a cool kiss, and shift my bangs to tickle my cheeks.
Sighing, I let the smile fall as I dropped another mason jar into the scorching dishwater. As I absently scrubbed the outside of the chipped jar I laughed a little, once again relishing in the fact that I was the only person in the family who could handle water at these burning temperatures. Everyone else jumped or flinched when they unsuspectingly stuck their hand in a sink of water I was using, yelling at me that I should have warned them. What kind of human being in there right mind would stick any section of skin into such scorching waters? Maybe that was the problem. I often didn't feel like a normal human being, and there was no denying that I was NOT in my right mind. Who would be, in the situation I was in? Especially after what Terrance had done to me. Honestly, I kind of enjoyed the pain.
"Ouch!"I whispered the word, more in annoyance than in pain, and dropped the jar I had been cleaning.
"Shuck it", I whispered, using the slang from my favorite book series.
"I knew I should have just thrown that jar away."
After examining the fresh blood drawn from the chipped dish, I dried my left hand on my skirt and grabbed a roll of paper towels. After unsuccessfully trying to rip an even piece from the roll, I did my best to fold the torn towel into a square and pressed it to the cut.
After a few minutes of trying to stem the flow of blood (checking it about every 30 seconds), I finally concluded that it would take a while to clot, and dishes were going to have to wait a few days, or be done by someone else.
I opened the door and slipped outside. Sinking on to the steps I huffed, frustration making it hard to breathe.
"Okay", I sighed. "Just calm down. You'll be fine."
I continued to hold pressure on my wound, trying not to check it until I could be certain it had been long enough for the blood to clot.
Hanging my head back, I closed my eyes and began to sing, hoping it would do the trick to help me relax and slow my pounding heart.

"When I was a babe I fell into the holler. When I was a girl I fell into your arms."

I continued singing, and slowly my heartbeat went back to its normal pace, making it easier to breathe. When I sang the last line, I looked back down at my hand, removing the paper towel as I did so. It was deep alright, but hopefully not long enough to need stitches. I shuddered as a look of disgust contorted my features.

No way I'm letting anyone stick a needle in me, I thought.
I'll just use butterfly bandages and keep it hidden until it has healed a little.

I huffed another frustrated sigh.
"You dumb Shank", I muttered. "You should have just thrown the stupid jar away."
"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Aya."
I jumped out of my skin and scanned the area for the source of the unfamiliar voice. My eyes locked on a boy (maybe sixteen or seventeen) who was leaning against a tree just five yards away.
"After all,"he continued, his voice thick with a British accent. "Everyone is entitled to a few mistakes."
I stood up, dropping my makeshift bandage and taking on my much practice confident stance that screamed preparation. I stared at him, looking him up and down with an air of authority, lifting my chin in a way that said "I dare you to come closer." My body language said it all. Which was good, because I couldn't speak. Outwardly I was confident and challenging. Inwardly I was frozen in terror.
"Did I scare you, ma'am", he asked, an apologetic smile curving his colored lips.
"My apologies, miss. Where I'm from, people are quite used to me appearing out of nowhere." As he spoke, he straightened up, no longer supporting his weight with the tree.
He seemed to be just a little over five and a half feet tall, a little shorter than me. His hair was light brown and thick. Even in my fear I couldn't help but notice how perfect his complexion seemed. Almost too perfect.
I finally found my voice, speaking with curiosity, yet lacing my voice with a tone that clearly set boundaries.
"Hello, there", I began. "Do you need something?"
"Well, yes", he replied, stepping closer, but halting when I tilted my chin to the side with a warning that surely sparked in my eyes. He smiled pleasantly, then continued.
"I came to speak with you, actually."
I kept my expression level, eyeing the strange boy carefully.
"You seem to know who I am, but I know I've never seen you. How do you know my name?"
He chuckled slightly, lowering his head for a moment to shake it in mock shame.
"You catch on quickly" he laughed.
"I try", I countered, still holding my stance of clear territorialism.
"But I still don't know your name."
"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" He face palmed and chuckled, acknowledging his "clumsy mistake."
Looking up at me he smiled pleasantly, his eyes sparkling in amusement.
"I'm - Peter... Peter Pan."


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