part 4

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Yn got ready and went to pickup lily....she called lily to come fast.....Lily came after sometime.....

Yn : how much fucking time will you take huh!! *Annoyed*
Lily : hehe sorry...
Yn : ok fine come let's go.....

In the way

Lily : did you eat dinner??
No response
Lily : I'm asking you something yn..*mad voice*
Yn : no lily
Lily : stop the car...
Yn : why??
Lily : I SAID STOP THE CAR!!!!! *Shout*

Yn stop the car and closed her ears to avoid lily shouting.....

Yn : lily! Shut up
Lily : get down
Yn : why??
Lily : I said get down!!!

Yn gor down and lily too.....Lily dragged yn to restaurant......and ordered many food items to eat.....later food arrived

Lily : eat all items....
Yn : what? Are you can I eat this all huh!!!
Lily : you have to eat thats it.....
Yn : omg!!! You are a fucking physco
Lily : I know that and start eating we have to go....

Yn ate all food items......meanwhile lily smiling in victory.....
Yn : I'm fucking full.....will I able to walk....
Lily : ofcourse yn fighting!!!
Yn : huh!!! *Frown*

Lily and yn went to car and drove away to their destination......After reaching they get down and went near door and knock it

After reaching they get down and went near door and knock it

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Ara opened the doorand invit them inside with big smile.....yn and lily confused at her behavior.....

After getting inside they froze at their place with shocked expression......

Yn & lily : WTF!!!

Lily and yn saw BTS are sitting in dinning table and chatting with eachother.....

They saw yn and lily and wave at them.....they got more shock....

Lily pinched yn hand making her hiss in pain.....

Lily : WTF!! IS THIS REAL?????
Ara : yeah it is!!!!
Yn : what is this Ara??
Ara : actually yn I'm in relationship with suga for 4years.....
Yn & lily : OMG! ARE YOU KIDDING US!!!
Ara : no guys come on introduce yourself......*smile*

Yn and lily still in shock because they met bts their favorite idols....they can't digest the fact....slowly they went near them and said

Yn : hey..hey guys I'm yn....nice to meet you all....*bow*
bts : hello!
Lily : hi bts..I'm lily..nice to meet you all....*bow*
Bts : hello!
Suga : you are famous cardiologist yn right???
Yn : *shocked* ye..yeah!!
Jin : yes I heard about her...*smile*
Jk : me too hyung....*smile*
Lily : by the way where is v...he is my bias
V : I'm here...Lily........*boxy smile*
Lily : oppa!!!

Lily ran to him and bow to him and took selfie with v.....

Meanwhile yn searching for someone.....jhope saw her and said..
Jhope : jimin is not here yn...he is not feeling well
Yn : omg!! what happened to him??? *Worried*
Rm : nothing to worry just work stress.....*smile*
Yn : *sigh* don't stress yourself guys....plz take care of your health...*worried*
Bts : sure! *Smile*

Ara : ok come on guys let's have dinner....

Yn glared at lily becoz she made her to eat a bunch of food before coming....

Jin : what happened yn??
Yn : actually I ate dinner....I'm full you guys carry on...*smile*
Rm : atleast sit with us....*smile*
Yn : sure..*smile*
Ara : I will bring cake for you yn...
Yn : tq Ara...

Lily is continuously flirting with v......v is just smiling at her clumsiness.....yn wad lost in her thoughts becoz is is worried about jimin....she wants to meet him....but she can't she lost her chance to see jimin.....

Ara and lily are sad too becoz they know how precious jimin is to you...yn just smiled at them and Said it's ok......

Yn and lily are ready to go to home.....

Yn : tq guys for inviting us and mostly trusting us.....*smile*
V : it's fine yn...we trust army...*smile*
Jhope :yeah!!
Rm : have a safe journey
Suga : yes! Drive safely
Jk : by the way you look beautiful yn.....
Yn : *blush* tq jungkook
Jin : our maknae is on fire 🔥
Jhope : *laugh* when did you learn flirting kook?
Jk  : from jimin hyung...*smirk*
V : ok *laugh*
Lily : I will miss you Tae oppa!!!
V : me too lily....
Lily : really!!!!
V : yes! I will miss an army right....
Lily : yeah!....*disappointed*

Yn and lily send off to them and went to home.....

While driving....
Lily : yn I'm so happy today....
Yn : me too lily
Lily : soon you will meet jimin too
Yn : hopefully
Lily : that idiot Ara didn't said to us about her relationship with suga oppa.....
Yn : she said now right!!!
Lily : yeah!!

Yn drop her at home and went to her home with worried 😟

She opened her wallpaper and saw jimin and kissed his forehead and said....

Yn : I hope you are fine jiminshii.....take care don't stress yourself....plz....good night.......

Continue in next part......

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