part 18

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Wedding day

Yn is nervous as hell......she is scared like what if army hate her?? She felt sorry for them but it's important to her to marry him.....

Now yn walking with her dad to aisle....jimin and yn wedding is private only few are allowed

She is nervous.....she saw jimin smiling at her......yn heart skipped and looked down

Her father gave her hand to jimin.....jimin hold her hand and bow to his gather with respect......yn father smiled at him

Yn standing straight to him while lowering her head.......all bts members are cheering for them

Sorry guys I don't know vows 🙂

You may kiss the bride.......

Jimin and yn heart betting very fast like express.....jimin slowly moved towards her and slowly held her waist and pulled closer.......he leaned forward and kissed her cheek

Yn felt relief and disappointed too and smiled at him with teary eyes.....jimin wiped her tears and held her hand and looked at his friends and relatives ect who are cheering for them...

They all stayed till evening.......bts went to their home....yn parents went near them bind goodbye and went to their home

Jimin took yn to his house because they are now officially married now so........while driving he saw yn is in deep thoughts

They reached their destination....he took yn to his new house which no one know except bts

They went inside.....yn was shocked because it's beautiful and neat

Yn : jimin why we are here?? *Confused*
Jimin : I don't want to stay in that place anymore yn so I buy it for us *smile*
Yn : for us?? *She thought*..... oh!

Jimin took yn upstairs and showed her room beside his bedroom....somewhat yn felt disappointed for not sharing room with him.....she hide her feelings and smiled

Jimin : yn get freshup and come downstairs....I need to tell u something
Yn : ok *smile*

Yn saw her luggage and placed aside and took a pair of pyjama and went to get freshup........After few min yn went downstairs and saw jimin is waiting for her in living room

Jimin saw her coming he smiled at her......yn smiled to her and sat infront of him

Yn : you told me to talk something??
Jimin : actually......*deep breath* stay with me for one year yn....After that you can divorce me......I don't want to force yourself to stay with me *looked away*

Yn : *shocked* what??
Jimin : yes!! It will harm your career and I don't want that *looked down*

Yn : what you mean jimin *shocked* how can I leave you huh?? What about your career huh??What if Jia try to harm you career again?? Is this marriage joke to you?? If you want divorce why did you marry me?? *shout*

Jimin shocked and looked down with guilty

Jimin : I didn't mean it yn *low voice*
Yn : if anything happens let's fight together ok *demand*

Jimin looked at her with pure shock and nod at her like obedient child

Yn : good!! Are you hungry??
Jimin : a little *looked down*
Yn : ok I will cook dinner give me few minutes *smile*

After few minutes yn brought Food to dinning table and called jimin.......she severed food and sat beside him

Jimin : don't you eat?? *Low voice*
Yn : I'm not hungry actually...... you eat *smile*

Yn saw jimin is sad and eating very pale face....she felt like to slap herself for shouting at him like that

Yn : jimin *whisper*

Jimin looked at her with those puppy eyes to melt people within a second making her gasp

Yn : I'm so sorry jimin.....I didn't mean to hurt you......I don't want you to struggle yourself let me be part of you please.....don't push me away.....if you want Divorce you can give me after one year *low voice*

Jimin looked at her with shocked and sad face

Jimin : No.......yn I'm trying to help you *low voice*
Yn : ok if I hurt you I'm sorry *low voice*
Jimin : No not at all *smile*
Yn : thank god you smiled *smile*
Jimin : haha by the way food is delicious thank you yn *smile*
Yn : welcome jimin *smile*

They both talked sometime and went to their rooms to sleep

Next day morning 🌄

Yn woke up and got freshup and went downstairs and cook breakfast for jimin.....After cooking she placed breakfast on table

She saw jimin coming downstairs with sleepy face rubbing his eyes with hand.......he saw yn and smiled

Yn : good morning jiminshii *smile*
Jimin : yah!! Yn don't call me jiminshii......jungkook also call me jiminshii to annoyme *whinning*
Yn : *smile* ok ok cool

Jimin came and sat on chair and started to eat breakfast.....suddenly someone knocked on the door.....yn opened and saw jimin manger waiting for jimin......yn smiled and bow to him

Yn : how are you? Come inside *smile* : hello Dr.yn I'm fine what about you?? came inside the house and saw jimin eating breakfast

Yn : I'm fine thank you *smile* : congrats Dr.yn *smile*
Yn : tq but call me yn please : *laugh* ok 👍
Yn : come and have breakfast *smile* : it's ok yn I'm fine *smile*
Yn : no no you have to eat

Yn pulled him to dinning area.....jimin saw yn dragging

Jimin : hello *smile*
Yn : jimin tell him to have breakfast *pout* : yn it's ok I will eat later.....jimin tell her

They looked at jimin

Jimin : eat with us *smile*
Yn : yeah *smile* : *sigh* ok as you wish *smile*

After eating jimin went to get ready......Still eating breakfast : wow! It's delicious yn thank you dear *smile*
Yn : I'm glad you like it *smile*

Jimin came downstairs after getting ready.......yn packed food for him and

Yn : take this lunch with you guys and eat it in time *smile*
Jimin : yn it's ok don't do this will get late to work *worried*

Yn felt disappointed and looked sad

Yn : jimin it's fine......not always restaurant food sometime you should taste home food too

Jimin looked at her with pure shock and looking at her and food.....Still jimin didn't respond to her....she looked at kim and said

Yn : fine you take this said you like my food right?? *Smile*

Jimin fisted his hand and looked at yn angrily and took his food from her hand

Jimin : I will eat happy...... now bye *annoyed*

Yn : have a nice day *smile*

They both went outside....yn took her coat,stethoscope and went to hospital.....

Continue in next part.....

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