part 21

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Meanwhile yn done with her operation she is returning to hotel...she came and got freshup and layed down on bed and closed her eyes

Jimin came to hotel where yn is staying.....he ran like a manic and asked Receptionist about her room.....Receptionist shocked to see jimin in this hotel and gave him the room number......because she know yn is his wife

Jimin ran to elevator but their are people....he ran through stairs like a mad man....he don't know what he is doing?? and why he is doing??

Yn started to drift in to sleep but suddenly......because of calling bell she groaned and got up and went to see who is it???

She opened and saw jimin with full of emotions staring her......but within a fraction sec he pinned her to the wall and kissed her lips passionately......yn widen her eyes in shock......she came to her sense when he Suck her lower lip

She just stayed like that don't know what to do.....but he just got mad because she didn't kiss him back.....he pulled back and look at her being mad

Jimin : kiss me yn....damn it *mad voice*

She Try to reply but he again attached his lips on her this time little rough......she also started to kiss him slowly....jimin gripped her waist tightly and pulled her more to the wall while pressing his body on her

Yn gasped.....jimin took chance and enter into her mouth and explore her mouth......while sucking her soul out....she can sense his membrane poking her thighs and gasped

Jimin kissing her continuously.....she is out of breath.....jimin sensed and pulled out and attached his forehead while breathing heavily

Jimin : I fucking missed you *breathing heavily*

Yn looked at him in shock and stayed silent......jimin looked at her and came in to his sense and back away from her by widen his eyes

Yn : jimin....
Jimin : I'm sorry....I'm so sorry yn...

With that he ran outside the room and went away being embarrass.....yn try to go behind him but he is no were to find

She immediately called jimin....but he is not lifting her call....she got worried.....she gain called him and after few rings he lifted

Yn : jimin where are you?? *Worried*
No response

Yn : jimin I'm asking you where the hell are you???
Jimin : I'm going to Seoul yn *calm voice*
Yn : what?? Jimin come back *worried*
Jimin : No I'm leaving *sad voice*
Yn : jimin I said come back or I will come by myself

Yn cut the call immediately and sat on the table and pulled her hair being worried for him and waiting him to come back soon

After a whole she a calling bell....she ran and opened the door and saw jimin with head low

Yn pulled him inside and hugged him tightly......her heart beating very fast after sometime she relaxed and pulled out from hugg

Yn : jimin what happened why did you leave?? *Whisper*
Jimin : I'm sorry *low voice*
Yn : it's fine now you are hear....did you eat anything?? *Worried*

He looked at yn with surprise....yes this care he is craving from her from two days.....he smiled at her

Jimin : No let's eat together *smile*
Yn : ok I will order food *smile*

The food arrived and they both ate food silently.......she saw jimin staring at her continuously.....she smiled internally

After eating they both went to sleep.....

Jimin : yn i will sleep on couch...

He try to go but yn stopped him

Yn : jimin it's ok we can share a bed *smile*
Jimin : it's fine
Yn : jimin come and sleep *ordered*

Jimin silently went beside and and slept while facing her.....she smiled at him and patted his head

Yn : good boy *smile*

Yn took slept beside him and looked at ceiling.....but jimin broke the silence

Jimin : yn can you caress my hair like you did two days back??

Yn looked at him with surprise and shock and immediately nod to him and turned to his side and slowly started to strock his scalp......jimin felt his nevers relaxed felt sleepy

Jimin slowly went near and hugged her waist while snuggling into her neck and sniff her scent making her to get goosebumps.......Still yn stoking his hair softly until he drifted into sleep

She saw jimin slept immediately........she slowly kissed his forehead and closed her eyes and slept

Next day morning 🌄

Jimin woke from sleep and look at yn who is sleeping peacefully.......jimin smiled at her and kissed her forehead

Jimin heart beating fast thinking about last night how he kissed her and demand her to kiss him back and he went away being embressed

He chuckled and looked at her who is now awake and looking into him being confused

Yn : why are you smiling *confused*
Jimin : nothing go and get freshup let's go to Seoul *smile*
Yn : sure *sleepy voice*

After getting freshup they both went to Seoul

Continue in next part......

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