part 7

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Yn was eating breakfast she got a call from Ara....

Yn : yes Ara......
Ara : are you free today.....
Yn : yeah! At afternoon why??
Ara : jimin has checkup can you take care of it....

Yn stop munching her food and worried about him....
Yn : what happened to him???
Ara : nothing serious just checkup......
Yn : sure!!
Ara : he will be there at 2:00 is it ok.....
Yn : hmm!!

Yn cut the call and again lost in deep thoughts.......she don't know what happened to him....what is bothering he happy???

Yn went to hospital still thinking about jimin....

At afternoon.....

Jimin came to hospital with his bodyguards.......yn assistant take jimin to her cabin......yn saw him and bow to him.....inly yn and jimin was their in cabin......

Yn : take a seat Mr.park.....*smile*
Jimin took a seat and stare her.....
Yn : so, tell me what's your problem???
Jimin : sometimes I feel my heart Raising up......I don't know why???
Yn : ok....*concentrated*
Jimin : I can't able to sleep and I'm having a sleep paralysis......*low voice*

Yn : I will check your heartbeat......

Yn took her stethoscope and tell him to breath in and out.......she can sense his heartbeat Raising......

Yn : at which time you will go to bed??
Jimin : hmm! At 3:00 or 4:00
Yn : WHAT!!!!
Jimin : yes!!
Yn : then when you will wake up at morning???
Jimin : 7:00
Yn : by lacking sleep how could your health be in good condition Mr.park......*mad voice* you are skipping meals,sleeps and what else.......
Jimin : Dr.yn you are crossing your limits......
Yn : a doctor I'm caring about my patient.......*angry* you should have 7 to 8 hours sleep in a day.....should have proper meals.....fuck about dieting......just be healthy that what army wants from you......
Jimin : DR.YN....
yn : yes! It's true.....hurting yourself doesn't make you happy Mr.park......I know you love your fans but think about yourself too.....*angry*


Yn flinched at his outburst......she looked at him with sad expression.....

Yn : I can understand Mr.park but...think about yourself too...*calm voice*
Jimin : Don't interfere in my personal life.....I will work hard to make army happy.....
Yn : army won't be happy while working hard without food and sleep.....

Jimin glare her......yn looked at him and said.....

Yn : I'm so sorry to interfere in your personal life....and I will prescribe some medicines plz have twice in a day....and rest sometime it will reduce to get sleep paralysis.....if any problem comes plz visit that I get to know......

Yn gave slip to him and jimin took it and went out while slamming the door......that's it yn broke down into tears......she felt bad by crossing her limits......

Ara came inside to her cabin and asked....

Ara : yn what happened??? Jimin went being angry??
Yn : ara..Ara...*sob*
Ara went near her and hugged her tightly....

Ara : what happened??
Yn : I crossed my limits.....*sob*
Ara : what!!!

Yn told everything what happened before.....
Yn : I didn't do intentionally......I'm sorry...
Ara : no....don't feel sorry care for him that's why you said.....don't cry
Yn :'s not correct way Ara...*sob*

Ara making yn to calmdown.....yn didn't do it intentionally....she just worried about him and his health....

Lily came to know that and came to yn and comfort her......Lily felt bad about yn because she try to take care of him....but things got wrong.....

Meanwhile jimin went to his car with his bodyguard being angry......
His bodyguard saw jimin how furious he is....

Gaurd : jimin don't mind me wrong, she said is can you be happy while hurting yourself......
Jimin : it's not like that.....
Gaurd : you should have not shout at her....she is a doctor she has a responsibility to take care of her patient.....I saw her she felt hurt when you outburst.....

Jimin didn't answer him and thinking about yn....

Jimin : I should have not shout at her....damn it.... *he mumbled*

Meanwhile yn went to home being hurt......she got freshup and went to bed.....and opened her mobile saw his pic, tears rolled from her cheek...

Yn : I'm so so sorry jimin.....I'm just worried about you... plz don't mind me in a wrong way....*sob* I should have not cross my limits...I'm sorry......but sleep well and take proper meals....

Continue in next part......

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