part 14

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Yn went to her house and sat on her bed and still thinking about that girl.....

Yn : who is she?? Is she his girlfriend?? *widen her eyes*

She is hurt.....she don't know who is her....but it hurts her more when she is with jimin calling him oppa....

Yn : let it be yn.....if he is happy then I'm also happy *sad smile*

She went to sleep still thinking about him........

Next day morning 🌄

Yn got up from sleep and got ready and went to hospital....

Meanwhile jimin getting birthday wishes from his family,armies and bts members.......he went on a live for armies.....but is mind thinking about someone

Yn was having her lunch......she got a call from jimin.....

She respond to it....

Yn : hello!! Jimin happy birthday.....
Jimin : tq yn *low voice*
Yn : so, how is your day??
Jimin : not bad....I spend some time with army......and members
Yn : ohh!!
Jimin : yn will you come to xxx place....I'm giving party to all members and it's private
Yn : me??
Jimin : yes!!

Yn think about it for sometime......

Yn : ok jimin I will come.....*low voice*
Jimin : ok I will send you location and yn sorry for today incident *low voice*
Yn : it's fine jimin I can understand......*low voice*
Jimin : tq....
Yn : jimin I have to go I have an operation......
Jimin : ok yn take care.....bye come soon...I will be waiting for you.....
Yn : ok....

Yn cut the call and put her head on the table without eating food........she closed her eyes only to see jimin smiling face.....she opened her eyes and went to do operation.........

Yn went to home at 7:30 and sleep on the bed.....she is thinking to attend the party or not......finally she went to get ready......

After getting ready she took her car keys and went outside and drove away......she stopped car at flower shop and went to but his favorite flowers....

She paid for flowers and went to that destination....

She park her car and went inside with flowers in her hand and beautiful smile in her face.....

She saw all are waiting for yn......she called them

Yn : guys I'm here.....sorry for being late *smile*
Bts : yn!!! *Smile*
Lily : idiot always late *annoyed*
Ara : shut up Lily......*angry*
Yn : sorry Lily *hugged Lily and ara*

Jimin : finally you came.....I thought you won't come *smile*
Yn : happy birthday can I refuse your request jimin *smile*

She gave his favorite flowers to him while smiling

Jimin : tq so much yn *smile*

She saw the same girl is glaring at yn......yn looked away and back off and went to lily and Ara.......

All members are talking to yn.....
Jimin came and try to sit beside yn but Jia pulled jimin to her side....

Jia : jimin sit beside me *smile*

Jimin looked at her with emotionless face meanwhile all bts members are glaring at Jia

Meanwhile ara cursing her while glaring

Yn didn't understand the situation and shrugged.....jimin cut the cake all members cheering for him and singing song......

It's dinner time.....yn went to restroom and came back saw all members sitting in chairs and talking......jimin called her to sit beside him yn smiled and went beside him try to sit but Jia pulled the chair and sat beside jimin while pushing yn aside

Yn fell down due to sudden act.....

All are shocked Lily and ara went to yn and helped her......jimin all bts members got angry

Jimin : What is your fucking problem Jia *shout*

Jia flinched at his outburst and stare him with teary eyes.....

Jia : you are my boyfriend I have right to sit beside you not her *shout*

Yn widen her eyes and looked at them being shocked

Jimin looked at yn and went to her being worried

Jimin : are you ok yn?? Did you get hurt anywhere?? *Worried*

Yn came to her sense and looked at jimin

Yn : I'm fine jimin *sad smile*

Lily and ara took yn to living room and placed her on couch and gave water to her.......

Yn : I will go home I'm not feeling good *low voice*

Lilly and Ara took yn to her home.....jimin is very sad about yn....he looked at Jia and went near her....


Jia ran from his place while crying......

What Jia did to jimin that he hate her that much????

Continue in next part......

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