one shot 🔞

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Jungkook was 13 when he got pain in his chest he told his mom about but he shrugged it.
Pain increases whenever kook tries to jump or run.
It's getting hard for him to ignore it.
He noticed one more thing his chest getting bigger in size.
He told his mother once again, now his mother notice it, she took Jungkook to hospital, there she got to know about kook's hormonal changes.
She don't know how to tell kook about it, so she didn't tell him about it and give him bra's to wear and some medicines for his pain.
It was really uncomfortable for kook to wear a bra at first its was really suffocating  he asked his mom is it nessary to wear it " yes dear it is" she told him.
So he wears it.

Taehyung was really quireous to know why his best friend kook refused to play with him, he can see kook looks different from before he looks beautiful and got big chest.
He wants to ask kook about it but he didn't get chance to do that.

It was when kook and tae got the project to do, so tae was at kook's home they were in his room, kook's mom brought snacks for them and she went out for her job.

Kook was doing his work when tae ask " kook-ah why are you refused to play with me that day when I asked you to let's play hide and sike ?? " Kook look at his best friend and said" Tae I got pain in chest whenever I run " he pointed towards his chest, which captures tae's attention.
" Kook-ah why your chest getting bigger than before" he pointed towards kook's chest" I don't know tae mom says it natural! " Tae look at himself and said" then why mine is small " ,kook look at tae " amh I don't know", Tae can't take his eyes from kook's chest he is quireous guy, " kook can I look your chest once" pink hue spread over kookie's cheeks " tae I am shy I can't show you that"," but why?! We bathed together when we were in kindergarten then why not now and we are best friends so we can see each other right??", Kook was hesitate first but agree with his friend because they did bath together and they're bestfriends so kook can show Taehyung, so he nod in agreement " uhm.. don't laugh on me after I show you", "why would I?" Kook removed his t shirt and he was only on his bra kook was shy" is that ok", what are you wearing "," it's bra my mom brought me "," oh but you didn't show me you big chest yet ", Jungkook gulp" you mean I should remove my bra " he asked with wide eyes" oh come on kook why are you shy we are best friends,",  " umm.. okay then " he started removing his bra as well, he free his boobs which was small like cupcake,  tae was suprise by seeing his big boobs, his eyes were wide " woah kook look at them they are bigger than mine" kook nod shyly " can.. can I touch them", kook hesitate but nod, tae placed his pams on his boobs " look so round" he giggle and make kook giggle too " yes they are!" Taehyung hold kookie's nipples in his index and thumb " they are big too"," um yeh... " Kook let tae do whatever he wants to Tae pulled his nipples and release it which makes kookie's boobs bounce, kook placed his hands on his both boobs " tae what are you doing it hurts!" Kook says with glossy eyes" I'm sorry kook" tae start rubbing kook's chest " but look at them they are so bouncy, they are so soft too" he said while rubbing it, " umm do you like it tae " kook ask him, Tae look at him and said " are you mad look at him they are so fun man!!? "  ," Oh really " kook asked" Yes, they are so soft and bouncy, " Tae grabs Kookie's boob and gives little squeeze" aahm... Tae  it hurts", " but I want to do it more" showing his puppy eyes to kookie, " umaah.. do it but slowly" , "of course" kook was now on his bed comfortably while tae was playing with his boobs, it makes kookie giggle some Times " oh I remember that it similar to our moms right kookie " ," um.. yeah something like that " ," but you got small ",tae laugh at him," um yeh but why are you laughing I told you before to not laugh "," but they are so cute just like two eggs on your chest " kook was disappointed with tae so him didn't say anything and lips were pouty Stern look was visible to tae "look kook- ah I'm sorry" tae hug laying kook which was half naked, " aahmm tae my chest is pressing inbetween us stop!" He said with heavy breaths "oh" tae part away.
Like wise tae always plays with kookie's boobs but when he saw a lady breastfeeding her baby, Taehyung was querious about it so when he go to Jungkook's place for hungout as usual kookie's mom was out for job so they were in kookie's room, Tae squeeze kookie's boob " kook-ah do you know what I saw today" ,"what tae??" ," A baby and a lady she also has big chest like you and baby was sucking her chest", kook wide his eyes " really??!", " Yes I saw it in park when I was playing with others", " oh"," so I was querious to know how the baby was sucking",tae look at kook's boobs, " what you want to suck my chest like baby",he said with frown tae nod in agreement but kookie's was not buying to it know "you are not querious about it how it's feels?" Kook thinking for a while and then nod in agreement, Tae's face was shining " ok let's try it" kook said and started removing his t shirt and bra he was set on his bed and set beside him and attached his mouth on kookie's nipple make kook giggle " haha tae what are you doing it's tickling" tae placed his head on kookie's lap and comfortable lay down on bed " is it I didn't do anything yet kook" ,"ok.. ok do whatever you want.." Tae once again attached his mouth on kookie's nipple in his mouth and started sucking it slowly, " ah tae.. ah.. it's feels so good" kook said when tae continuously sucking on his boob, kook placed his hand under Taehyung's head to hold on him while he suckling him, kook close his eyes and moaning pulling tae's mouth more closer to his " aahh tae .. it feels so good suck me more".
Tae part away and look at kook" you are so cute kook I love your chest " he squeeze his boob and placed kiss on his boob and nuzzle in which makes kookie giggle more" stop Tae it's tickling " Taehyung attached his mouth on other boob and sucking it like a baby. " Aah.. tae.. ahmn.. do it fast and harder " tae did it as kook asked, he was sucking kook .
After 20 min tae and kookie decided to cuddle in bed as both of them are tired.
Kook was still half naked Taehyung hug him nuzzle himself in kookie's cest while
Kook patt his back and he was inhaling kookie's sweet smell.

That's it
I know it's nonsense but who cares
It's one shot

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