chapter 18

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It was even Mrs Jeon who got home, she wanted to cook well for Koo, she really felt bad for her son and got neglected due to her duties, even Mr Jeon couldn't get time for him, today she got discharged earlier, she came home and unlocked the door with her spare key, he was searching her son, as he always watch his favourite TV show during this time, but today he was no were to been seen, she when to check on his room, when,  she opened the door, she got her eyes widened, kook was only on his garments Taehyung was hovering him, while his boob was out of his bra in Tae's mouth, Taehyung was fully dressed, deep in sleep on kookie's chest tangled there limbs with each other, it makes Mrs Jeon 's blood boils, she was shivering in rage, she didn't take a second and pulled Taehyung away from his son, Taehyung got panicked but sudden pull, Koo was flinched so badly, there eyes widened when they found Mrs Jeon standing there in rage, her eyes were red and tears were gathered in his eyes, Koo quickly do his bra and stand still, Taehyung didn't know what to do, when Mrs Jeon slapped him, " Tae what did you do to my son" she screamed, Taehyung didn't utter a word he was standing still holding his cheek which got slapped, " get out! Get out right now!" She is screaming and pushing Taehyung out.
Taehyung glanced once at Koo, and left.

After Tae was gone, Mrs Jeon came to her son and started checking him, " did he do something to you Koo" she asked to kook, on which she nodded in denial, " I told you before, don't let anyone touch you, didn't l Koo, then why, why you let him Koo" she roared and asked, Koo only crys " tell me did he do something more Koo, did he touch you kook" Koo denied it, " no mom", " from now on your are not going to see him, did you get it Koo", koo whines and cried more " no mom please I can't live without him", for which, Mr Jeon slapped kook, " are you crazy, you can be with him that's final, your dad will deal with this now, your getting out of my hands" she cried and left crying Koo behind.

Mr  and Mrs Jeon told the whole thing to Mr and Mrs Kim,  Mr Kim decided to shift Taehyung to the army training centre, for four years, koo was really crying mess after hearing their parents decision, Taehyung tried to see Koo before going training centre.

After two weeks.

It was the day before he have to be gone to training centre, he seeks through window finding, crying Koo laying on his bed, when he tapped his head, he got flinched, after seeing Taehyung Koo hugged him, Tae could see, his fluffy red eyes, Taehyung didn't waste time and kissed Koo like no tomorrow, Koo was crying even more, embracing Taehyung one last time, after 10 min they part away, Taehyung wipe his eyes " Koo baby don't cry, hyungie will be back, wait for me, will you" he asked Koo with lots of hope and love,koo could only sniff and nod " hyungie please come soon, Koo will waiting for you" with that he cried more, Taehyung couldn't hold but cried by seeing his baby crying. They spend their night in each other's embrace. After dawn Taehyung seeks out of his window to his home, promising younger, that he will be back, wait for him.

The next part will be the last of this series.

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