chapter 6🔞

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This is so nasty don't read if you are not comfortable 🔞 .
English is not my first language so spare me.

Taehyung's friend showed him some horny stuff, so whenever he saw kookie, he wanted to try it with him .
The question is how? he will ask kook.

It is afternoon Tae resting his head on kookie's lap while watching television, kook was really concentrated on movie but Tae can he turns in lap facing kookie's tummy, kook was playing with his locks while watching television, Taehyung slight his hands under kookie's t shirt and started rubbing his Big hands over smooth skin, kook frown his eyebrows in concern, " hyungie what happened?" He asked in concern, Taehyung didn't say anything just press his face in his stomach and leave wet kisses over his belly button, which makes kookie breath hetch, he takes a long breath, kookie grab Taehyung's hair and pull him to make eye contact, " what happened hyungie I observed you you're being weird? What's wrong please talk with me? Hyungie,you know I don't like when you become all silent?" Kook asked with pout on his lips." Are you hungry want my milk?! " Kookie hurriedly started opening his shirt and his bra and take out his one glob and cup it in front of Taehyung mouth, who didn't move from his place, silently watching kookies with his puppy eyes, kook move forward placed his tip of nipple in his mouth but Tae did open his mouth to take his nipple, now kook was furious," what's happening hyungie Just talk with me " koo said with teary eyes, Taehyung got panicked when he saw tears in kookie's eyes," hey bun don't cry, I doesn't want to make you cry I'm sorry ", he said as he wipe his tears with his thumbs," then why are you behaving like this, why are you denying my milk, you don't like it, huh! " Kook said with pouty lips" no bun l love it so much, seriously" he said as he set up and pulled kook in hug, "so talk to me hyungie,",blush creeped on Taehyung's bread cheeks, "bun are you sure you can help me out", kook nod furiously, Taehyung bite his bottom lip while roaming his gaze on kookie's fragile body, his one boob hanging out of his bra his milky white petty small waist perfectly kissable, his milk thighs were any visible in his hot pant, he put his hand on his tigh and give it a little squeeze, rubbing his pam and leave red prints, " do you really help hyungie bun? Huh!" , Koo nod once again with pouty lips, Taehyung didn't waste time and attached there lips pushing kook on his back until it hit with couch, he kissed him with full of hunger, he widely opened kookie's legs and settle himself in between them and kissed him so badly, Taehyung sucked his upper lips and enter his tongue, and exploring every corner of his mouth, kook moaning inside his mouth, Taehyung hurriedly open his shirt, kook observed him with doe eyes, " let do something new, let's play with hyungie, hyungie will teach you something new kookie, are you ready" ,"yes hyungie I am" , Taehyung said as he started opening his pants and standing on his boxer, " we have to be naked for this are you ready! C'mon strip your self for hyungie", kooki gasp and started undoing his clothes he is only on boxer too " now hyungie makes kook feeling good" as he pushed kook on couch, he Hover over him and started kissing kookie's neck started giving wet kisses, while praising him, kook was feeling butterflies in his stomach, he arch his back in overwhelmingly , he opens his mouth for breathing as he can't do it since Taehyung kissing his body.

Taehyung licked strip over his chest and under his arms he pin kookie's hands over his head and started kissing his arms and his underarm, he gives cat licks on it, making kookie wiggling under his hold moaning, Taehyung smirk and hold kookie's boobs which are jingling due to kookie's moment, he grabs both nipples in his fingers and give it squeeze which spread some milk over kookie's chest and stomach, tae hold both globs and his it more squeeze and make them leak, he bend down and licks the spreaded milk on kookie's body, as kook, up his chin and arch his back, he just can't take it any more, kook can feel wet on his bottom part as Tae was kissing kookie's belly, Taehyung grab kookie's boxer in his mouth and look upward in kookie's eyes, which were red and fluffy due to over bearing pleasure, " bun you are so beautiful can hyungie see you", Koo whines as Taehyung kiss on his belly very near to his pussy, kook nod while closing his eyes, Taehyung pulled his boxer down and see hairy wet pussy, he Fully remove his underwear and throw it somewhere, kook was moaning when he feel Taehyung smells his underwear before throwing it, Taehyung bend and kissed kookie's inner thigh, pampering few smooch over there, making kookie breath less, tears are pouring on his beautiful cheeks, which were crismon red, nose were pink, kook was shaking and his slick was coming out whenever Tae kiss his thigh, he holds his both thighs and spread it wide and buried his nose in kookie's pussy inhaling untoxic aroma which was driving him mad, he can't help But pull his pubic hairs and slight his finger over kookie's pussy lips, he bend and give it a lick, as kook feels Taehyung tongue he started whining breathlessly shuttering tears , kook can't help but rub his clit with his fingers, Taehyung removed his hands and started licking it furiously, Kook's whole body jerking due to pleasure he grabs arnest tight in his fist, through his head in back, Taehyung's lips were coated with slick, he lick it and said "you are taste so good Koo, do you want hyungie to taste you, huh" kook was crying mess but still uttered " ye... Umm.. yesss.. hyungie... Went you so bad... Umm.." Taehyung didn't waste any time and drive in Koo, tasting his sweet slick, he slight his tongue inside his clit, roaming all over his pussy sucking on it, he put his tongue inside his pussy hole, but not so dip as he knows kookie is not ready yet, he gives few more licks and come upward toward kookie's boobs .
Tae Love kookie's boobs and his milk , he takes one nipple in his mouth and started sucking it and both was squeeze by him, kook was tried and resting while Tae was drinking his milk.

Everyone knows Koo is mommy milker here are pics which are not mine all credits go to their respected owners 😘

Everyone knows Koo is mommy milker here are pics which are not mine all credits go to their respected owners 😘

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